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Eclipse JDT
Release 3.0
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _



SALOAD - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.util.IOpcodeMnemonics
SASTORE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.util.IOpcodeMnemonics
SEARCH_DECLARATIONS_IN_HIERARCHY - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the search -> declarations in hierarchy action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.search.declarations.in.hierarchy").
SEARCH_DECLARATIONS_IN_PROJECTS - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the search -> declarations in project action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.search.declarations.in.project").
SEARCH_DECLARATIONS_IN_WORKING_SET - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the search -> declarations in working set action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.search.declarations.in.working.set").
SEARCH_DECLARATIONS_IN_WORKSPACE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the search -> declarations in workspace action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.search.declarations.in.workspace").
SEARCH_IMPLEMENTORS_IN_PROJECT - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the search -> implementors in project action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.search.implementors.in.project").
SEARCH_IMPLEMENTORS_IN_WORKING_SET - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the search -> implementors in working set action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.search.implementors.in.working.set").
SEARCH_IMPLEMENTORS_IN_WORKSPACE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the search -> implementors in workspace action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.search.implementors.in.workspace").
SEARCH_READ_ACCESS_IN_HIERARCHY - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the search -> read access in hierarchy action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.search.read.access.in.hierarchy").
SEARCH_READ_ACCESS_IN_PROJECT - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the search -> read access in project action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.search.read.access.in.project").
SEARCH_READ_ACCESS_IN_WORKING_SET - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the search -> read access in working set action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.search.read.access.in.working.set").
SEARCH_READ_ACCESS_IN_WORKSPACE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the search -> read access in workspace action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.search.read.access.in.workspace").
SEARCH_REFERENCES_IN_HIERARCHY - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the search -> references in hierarchy action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.search.references.in.hierarchy").
SEARCH_REFERENCES_IN_PROJECT - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the search -> references in project action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.search.references.in.project").
SEARCH_REFERENCES_IN_WORKING_SET - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the search -> references in working set action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.search.references.in.working.set").
SEARCH_REFERENCES_IN_WORKSPACE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the search -> references in workspace action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.search.references.in.workspace").
SEARCH_USE_REDUCED_MENU - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.PreferenceConstants
A named preference that controls a reduced search menu is used in the Java editors.
SEARCH_WRITE_ACCESS_IN_HIERARCHY - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the search -> write access in hierarchy action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.search.write.access.in.hierarchy").
SEARCH_WRITE_ACCESS_IN_PROJECT - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the search -> write access in project action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.search.write.access.in.project").
SEARCH_WRITE_ACCESS_IN_WORKING_SET - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the search -> write access in working set action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.search.write.access.in.working.set").
SEARCH_WRITE_ACCESS_IN_WORKSPACE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the search -> write access in workspace action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.search.write.access.in.workspace").
SELECT_ENCLOSING - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the edit -> select enclosing action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.select.enclosing").
SELECT_LAST - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the edit -> select restore last action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.select.last").
SELECT_NEXT - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the edit -> select next action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.select.next").
SELECT_PREVIOUS - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the edit -> select previous action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.select.previous").
SELF_ENCAPSULATE_FIELD - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the refactor -> self encapsulate field action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.self.encapsulate.field").
SELF_ENCAPSULATE_FIELD - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.JdtActionConstants
Refactor menu: name of standard Self Encapsulate Field global action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.SelfEncapsulateField").
SHIFT_LEFT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.JdtActionConstants
Source menu: name of standard Shift Left global action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ShiftLeft").
SHIFT_RIGHT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.JdtActionConstants
Source menu: name of standard Shift Right action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ShiftRight").
SHORT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.PrimitiveType
Type code for the primitive type "short".
SHOW_BASICS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaElementLabelProvider
Constant (value 0) indicating that the label should show the basic images only.
SHOW_CONTAINER - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaElementLabelProvider
Deprecated. Use SHOW_QUALIFIED or SHOW_ROOT instead
SHOW_CONTAINER_QUALIFICATION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaElementLabelProvider
Deprecated. Use SHOW_QUALIFIED instead
SHOW_CU_CHILDREN - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.PreferenceConstants
A named preference that specifies whether children of a compilation unit are shown in the package explorer.
SHOW_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaElementLabelProvider
Constant indicating the default label rendering.
SHOW_IN_NAVIGATOR_VIEW - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the navigate -> show in navigator action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.show.in.navigator.view").
SHOW_IN_NAVIGATOR_VIEW - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.JdtActionConstants
Navigate menu: name of standard Show in Navigator View global action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ShowInNaviagtorView").
SHOW_IN_PACKAGE_VIEW - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the navigate -> show in package explorer action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.show.in.package.view").
SHOW_IN_PACKAGE_VIEW - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.JdtActionConstants
Navigate menu: name of standard Show in Packages View global action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ShowInPackagesView").
SHOW_JAVADOC - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the edit -> show Javadoc action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.show.javadoc").
SHOW_JAVA_DOC - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.JdtActionConstants
Edit menu: name of standard Show Javadoc global action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ShowJavaDoc").
SHOW_NEXT_PROBLEM - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Deprecated. as of 3.0 replaced by ITextEditorActionDefinitionIds.GOTO_NEXT_ANNOTATION
SHOW_OUTLINE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the navigate -> Show Outline action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.show.outline").
SHOW_OVERLAY_ICONS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaElementLabelProvider
Flag (bit mask) indicating that the label should include overlay icons for element type and modifiers.
SHOW_PARAMETERS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaElementLabelProvider
Flag (bit mask) indicating that method label include parameter types.
SHOW_POSTIFIX_QUALIFICATION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaElementLabelProvider
Deprecated. SHOW_POST_QUALIFIED instead
SHOW_POST_QUALIFIED - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaElementLabelProvider
Flag (bit mask) indicating that compilation units, class files, types, declarations and members should be rendered qualified.The qualification is appended.
SHOW_PREVIOUS_PROBLEM - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Deprecated. as of 3.0 replaced by ITextEditorActionDefinitionIds.GOTO_PREVIOUS_ANNOTATION
SHOW_QUALIFIED - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaElementLabelProvider
Flag (bit mask) indicating that compilation units, class files, types, declarations and members should be rendered qualified.
SHOW_RETURN_TYPE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaElementLabelProvider
Flag (bit mask) indicating that methods labels include the method return type (appended).
SHOW_ROOT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaElementLabelProvider
Flag (bit mask) indicating that the label should include the name of the package fragment root (appended).
SHOW_SMALL_ICONS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaElementLabelProvider
Flag (bit mask) indicating that the label should show the icons with no space reserved for overlays.
SHOW_TYPE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaElementLabelProvider
Flag (bit mask) indicating that a field label should include the declared type.
SHOW_VARIABLE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaElementLabelProvider
Flag (bit mask) indicating that the package fragment roots from class path variables should be rendered with the variable in the name
SIGNATURE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.util.IAttributeNamesConstants
"Signature" attribute (added in J2SE 1.5).
SIG_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.Signature
String constant for the signature of the primitive type boolean.
SIG_BYTE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.Signature
String constant for the signature of the primitive type byte.
SIG_CHAR - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.Signature
String constant for the signature of the primitive type char.
SIG_DOUBLE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.Signature
String constant for the signature of the primitive type double.
SIG_FLOAT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.Signature
String constant for the signature of the primitive type float.
SIG_INT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.Signature
String constant for the signature of the primitive type int.
SIG_LONG - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.Signature
String constant for the signature of the primitive type long.
SIG_SHORT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.Signature
String constant for the signature of the primitive type short.
SIG_VOID - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.Signature
String constant for the signature of result type void.
SIMPLE_NAME - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode
Node type constant indicating a node of type SimpleName.
SIMPLE_TYPE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode
Node type constant indicating a node of type SimpleType.
SINGLE_MEMBER_ANNOTATION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode
Node type constant indicating a node of type SingleMemberAnnotation.
SINGLE_VARIABLE_DECLARATION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode
Node type constant indicating a node of type SingleVariableDeclaration.
SIPUSH - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.util.IOpcodeMnemonics
SORT_MEMBERS - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the source -> sort order action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.sort.members").
SORT_MEMBERS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.JdtActionConstants
Source menu: name of standard Sort Members global action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.SortMembers").
SOURCE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.util.IAttributeNamesConstants
"SourceFile" attribute.
SOURCES - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.IJavaSearchScope
Include type constant (bit mask) indicating that source folders should be considered in the search scope.
SPACE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore
Possible configurable option value.
SPACES_FOR_TABS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.text.JavaSourceViewerConfiguration
Preference key for inserting spaces rather than tabs.
SPELLING_CHECK_SPELLING - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.PreferenceConstants
A named preference that controls whether Java comments should be spell-checked.
SPELLING_ENABLE_CONTENTASSIST - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.PreferenceConstants
A named preference that specifies whether spelling dictionaries are available to content assist.
SPELLING_IGNORE_DIGITS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.PreferenceConstants
A named preference that controls whether words containing digits should be skipped during spell-checking.
SPELLING_IGNORE_MIXED - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.PreferenceConstants
A named preference that controls whether mixed case words should be skipped during spell-checking.
SPELLING_IGNORE_SENTENCE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.PreferenceConstants
A named preference that controls whether sentence capitalization should be ignored during spell-checking.
SPELLING_IGNORE_UPPER - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.PreferenceConstants
A named preference that controls whether upper case words should be skipped during spell-checking.
SPELLING_IGNORE_URLS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.PreferenceConstants
A named preference that controls whether URLs should be ignored during spell-checking.
SPELLING_LOCALE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.PreferenceConstants
A named preference that controls the locale used for spell-checking.
SPELLING_PROPOSAL_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.PreferenceConstants
A named preference that controls the number of proposals offered during spell-checking.
SPELLING_USER_DICTIONARY - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.PreferenceConstants
A named preference that specifies the workspace user dictionary.
SRCBIN_BINNAME - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.PreferenceConstants
A named preference that specifies the output folder name used when creating a new Java project.
SRCBIN_FOLDERS_IN_NEWPROJ - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.PreferenceConstants
A named preference that controls whether new projects are generated using source and output folder.
SRCBIN_SRCNAME - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.PreferenceConstants
A named preference that specifies the source folder name used when creating a new Java project.
STANDARD_CLASSES - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.launching.IRuntimeClasspathEntry
Classpath property identifier for entries that appear on the bootstrap path by default.
STATEMENTS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Block
The "statements" structural property of this node type.
STATEMENTS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SwitchStatement
The "statements" structural property of this node type.
STATIC - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Modifier
"static" modifier constant (bit mask).
STATIC - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaElementImageDescriptor
Flag to render the static adornment.
STATIC_KEYWORD - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Modifier.ModifierKeyword
"static" modifier with flag value Modifier.STATIC.
STATIC_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ImportDeclaration
The "static" structural property of this node type (added in JLS3 API).
STATUS_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.junit.ITestRunListener
Status constant indicating that a test had an error an unanticipated exception (constant value 1).
STATUS_FAILURE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.junit.ITestRunListener
Status constant indicating that a test failed an assertion (constant value 2).
STATUS_OK - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.junit.ITestRunListener
Status constant indicating that a test passed (constant value 0).
STRICTFP - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Modifier
"strictfp" modifier constant (bit mask).
STRICTFP_KEYWORD - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Modifier.ModifierKeyword
"strictfp" modifier with flag value Modifier.STRICTFP.
STRING_LITERAL - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode
Node type constant indicating a node of type StringLiteral.
SUPER - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.NewTypeWizardPage
Field ID of the super type input field.
SUPERCLASS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TypeDeclaration
The "superclass" structural property of this node type (JLS2 API only).
SUPERCLASS_TYPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TypeDeclaration
The "superclassType" structural property of this node type (added in JLS3 API).
SUPER_CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode
Node type constant indicating a node of type SuperConstructorInvocation.
SUPER_FIELD_ACCESS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode
Node type constant indicating a node of type SuperFieldAccess.
SUPER_INTERFACES - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.util.IClassFileReader
This value should be used to read the constant pool entries and the super interface names of a .class file.
SUPER_INTERFACES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TypeDeclaration
The "superInterfaces" structural property of this node type (JLS2 API only).
SUPER_INTERFACE_TYPES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.EnumDeclaration
The "superInterfaceTypes" structural property of this node type.
SUPER_INTERFACE_TYPES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TypeDeclaration
The "superInterfaceTypes" structural property of this node type (added in JLS3 API).
SUPER_METHOD_INVOCATION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode
Node type constant indicating a node of type SuperMethodInvocation.
SURROUND_WITH_TRY_CATCH - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IJavaEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition ID of the source -> surround with try/catch action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.edit.text.java.surround.with.try.catch").
SURROUND_WITH_TRY_CATCH - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.JdtActionConstants
Source menu: name of standard Surround with try/catch block global action (value "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.SurroundWithTryCatch").
SUSPEND - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaBreakpointListener
Return code in response to a "breakpoint hit" notification, indicating a vote to suspend the associated thread.
SUSPEND_THREAD - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaBreakpoint
Default suspend policy constant indicating a breakpoint will suspend only the thread in which it occurred.
SUSPEND_VM - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaBreakpoint
Suspend policy constant indicating a breakpoint will suspend the target VM when hit.
SWAP - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.util.IOpcodeMnemonics
SWITCH_CASE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode
Node type constant indicating a node of type SwitchCase.
SWITCH_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode
Node type constant indicating a node of type SwitchStatement.
SYNCHRONIZED - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Modifier
"synchronized" modifier constant (bit mask).
SYNCHRONIZED - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaElementImageDescriptor
Flag to render the synchronized adornment.
SYNCHRONIZED_KEYWORD - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Modifier.ModifierKeyword
"synchronized" modifier with flag value Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED.
SYNCHRONIZED_STATEMENT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode
Node type constant indicating a node of type SynchronizedStatement.
SYNTHETIC - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.util.IAttributeNamesConstants
"Synthetic" attribute.
SYSTEM_LIBRARIES - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.IJavaSearchScope
Include type constant (bit mask) indicating that system libraries should be considered in the search scope.
SearchDocument - class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchDocument.
A search document encapsulates a content to be either indexed or searched in.
SearchDocument(String, SearchParticipant) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchDocument
Creates a new search document.
SearchEngine - class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchEngine.
A SearchEngine searches for Java elements following a search pattern.
SearchEngine() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchEngine
Creates a new search engine.
SearchEngine(ICompilationUnit[]) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchEngine
Creates a new search engine with a list of working copies that will take precedence over their original compilation units in the subsequent search operations.
SearchEngine(IWorkingCopy[]) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchEngine
Deprecated. Use SearchEngine.SearchEngine(ICompilationUnit[]) instead.
SearchEngine(WorkingCopyOwner) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchEngine
Creates a new search engine with the given working copy owner.
SearchMatch - class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchMatch.
A search match represents the result of a search query.
SearchMatch(IJavaElement, int, int, int, SearchParticipant, IResource) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchMatch
Creates a new search match.
SearchParticipant - class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchParticipant.
A search participant describes a particular extension to a generic search mechanism, permitting combined search actions which will involve all required participants.
SearchParticipant() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchParticipant
Creates a new search participant.
SearchPattern - class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchPattern.
A search pattern defines how search results are found.
SearchPattern(int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchPattern
Creates a search pattern with the rule to apply for matching index keys.
SearchRequestor - class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchRequestor.
Collects the results from a search engine query.
SearchRequestor() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchRequestor
SelectionDispatchAction - class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.SelectionDispatchAction.
Action that dispatches the IAction#run() and the ISelectionChangedListener#selectionChanged according to the type of the selection.
SelectionDispatchAction(IWorkbenchSite) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.SelectionDispatchAction
Creates a new action with no text and no image.
SelfEncapsulateFieldAction - class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.SelfEncapsulateFieldAction.
Action to run the self encapsulate field refactoring.
SelfEncapsulateFieldAction(IWorkbenchSite) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.SelfEncapsulateFieldAction
Creates a new SelfEncapsulateFieldAction.
SelfEncapsulateFieldAction(CompilationUnitEditor) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.SelfEncapsulateFieldAction
Note: This constructor is for internal use only.
SharableParticipants - class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.SharableParticipants.
An opaque list to manage sharable participants.
SharableParticipants() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.SharableParticipants
ShouldReturnValue - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.IProblem
ShowActionGroup - class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ShowActionGroup.
Action group that adds the show actions to a context menu and the action bar's navigate menu.
ShowActionGroup(Page) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ShowActionGroup
Creates a new ShowActionGroup.
ShowActionGroup(IViewPart) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ShowActionGroup
Creates a new ShowActionGroup.
ShowActionGroup(JavaEditor) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ShowActionGroup
Note: This constructor is for internal use only.
ShowInNavigatorViewAction - class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ShowInNavigatorViewAction.
Reveals the selected element in the resource navigator view.
ShowInNavigatorViewAction(IWorkbenchSite) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ShowInNavigatorViewAction
Creates a new ShowInNavigatorViewAction.
ShowInNavigatorViewAction(JavaEditor) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ShowInNavigatorViewAction
Note: This constructor is for internal use only.
ShowInPackageViewAction - class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ShowInPackageViewAction.
This action reveals the currently selected Java element in the package explorer.
ShowInPackageViewAction(IWorkbenchSite) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ShowInPackageViewAction
Creates a new ShowInPackageViewAction.
ShowInPackageViewAction(JavaEditor) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ShowInPackageViewAction
Note: This constructor is for internal use only.
Signature - class org.eclipse.jdt.core.Signature.
Provides methods for encoding and decoding type and method signature strings.
SimpleName - class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SimpleName.
AST node for a simple name.
SimplePropertyDescriptor - class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SimplePropertyDescriptor.
Descriptor for a simple property of an AST node.
SimpleType - class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SimpleType.
Type node for a named class type, a named interface type, or a type variable.
SingleMemberAnnotation - class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SingleMemberAnnotation.
Single member annotation node (added in JLS3 API).
SingleVariableDeclaration - class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SingleVariableDeclaration.
Single variable declaration AST node type.
SocketUtil - class org.eclipse.jdt.launching.SocketUtil.
Utility class to find a port to debug on.
SocketUtil() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jdt.launching.SocketUtil
SortMembersAction - class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.SortMembersAction.
Sorts the members of a compilation unit with the sort order as specified in the Sort Order preference page.
SortMembersAction(IWorkbenchSite) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.SortMembersAction
Creates a new SortMembersAction.
SortMembersAction(CompilationUnitEditor) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.SortMembersAction
Note: This constructor is for internal use only.
StandardClasspathProvider - class org.eclipse.jdt.launching.StandardClasspathProvider.
Default implementation for classpath provider.
StandardClasspathProvider() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jdt.launching.StandardClasspathProvider
StandardJavaElementContentProvider - class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.StandardJavaElementContentProvider.
A base content provider for Java elements.
StandardJavaElementContentProvider() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.StandardJavaElementContentProvider
Creates a new content provider.
StandardJavaElementContentProvider(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.StandardJavaElementContentProvider
Deprecated. Use StandardJavaElementContentProvider.StandardJavaElementContentProvider(boolean) instead. Since 3.0 compilation unit children are always provided as working copies. The Java Model does not support the 'original' mode anymore.
StandardJavaElementContentProvider(boolean) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.StandardJavaElementContentProvider
Creates a new StandardJavaElementContentProvider.
StandardSourcePathProvider - class org.eclipse.jdt.launching.StandardSourcePathProvider.
Default implementation of source lookup path computation and resolution.
StandardSourcePathProvider() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jdt.launching.StandardSourcePathProvider
Statement - class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Statement.
Abstract base class of AST nodes that represent statements.
StaticInheritedMethodConflicts - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.IProblem
StaticMethodRequested - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.IProblem
StringConstantIsExceedingUtf8Limit - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.IProblem
StringLiteral - class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.StringLiteral.
String literal nodes.
StructuralPropertyDescriptor - class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.StructuralPropertyDescriptor.
Abstract base class for property descriptors of AST nodes.
SuperConstructorInvocation - class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SuperConstructorInvocation.
Super constructor invocation statement AST node type.
SuperFieldAccess - class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SuperFieldAccess.
Simple or qualified "super" field access expression AST node type.
SuperInterfaceMustBeAnInterface - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.IProblem
SuperMethodInvocation - class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SuperMethodInvocation.
Simple or qualified "super" method invocation expression AST node type.
SuperclassAmbiguous - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.IProblem
SuperclassInheritedNameHidesEnclosingName - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.IProblem
SuperclassInternalNameProvided - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.IProblem
SuperclassMustBeAClass - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.IProblem
SuperclassNotFound - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.IProblem
SuperclassNotVisible - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.IProblem
SuperfluousSemicolon - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.IProblem
SurroundWithTryCatchAction - class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.SurroundWithTryCatchAction.
Action to surround a set of statements with a try/catch block.
SurroundWithTryCatchAction(CompilationUnitEditor) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.SurroundWithTryCatchAction
Note: This constructor is for internal use only.
SwitchCase - class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SwitchCase.
Switch case AST node type.
SwitchStatement - class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SwitchStatement.
Switch statement AST node type.
SynchronizedStatement - class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SynchronizedStatement.
Synchronized statement AST node type.
Syntax - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.IProblem
safeEquals(Object, Object) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTMatcher
Returns whether the given objects are equal according to equals.
safeSubtreeListMatch(List, List) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTMatcher
Returns whether the given lists of AST nodes match pair wise according to ASTNode.subtreeMatch.
safeSubtreeMatch(Object, Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTMatcher
Returns whether the given nodes match according to AST.subtreeMatch.
save(IProgressMonitor, boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.IBuffer
Saves the contents of this buffer to its underlying resource.
save(IProgressMonitor, boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.IOpenable
Saves any changes in this element's buffer to its underlying resource via a workspace resource operation.
savePreferences() - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.JDIDebugModel
Saves the preference store for this plug-in.
savePreferences() - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JavaRuntime
Saves the preferences for the launching plug-in.
saveState(IMemento) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.CustomFiltersActionGroup
Saves the state of the custom filters in a memento.
saveState(IMemento) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.MemberFilterActionGroup
Saves the state of the filter actions in a memento.
saveVMConfiguration() - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JavaRuntime
Saves the VM configuration information to the preferences.
scheduleDocumentIndexing(SearchDocument, IPath) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchParticipant
Schedules the indexing of the given document.
search(IWorkspace, String, int, int, IJavaSearchScope, IJavaSearchResultCollector) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchEngine
Deprecated. Use SearchEngine.search(SearchPattern, SearchParticipant[], IJavaSearchScope, SearchRequestor, IProgressMonitor) instead.
search(IWorkspace, IJavaElement, int, IJavaSearchScope, IJavaSearchResultCollector) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchEngine
Deprecated. Use SearchEngine.search(SearchPattern, SearchParticipant[], IJavaSearchScope, SearchRequestor, IProgressMonitor) instead.
search(IWorkspace, ISearchPattern, IJavaSearchScope, IJavaSearchResultCollector) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchEngine
Deprecated. Use SearchEngine.search(SearchPattern, SearchParticipant[], IJavaSearchScope, SearchRequestor, IProgressMonitor) instead.
search(SearchPattern, SearchParticipant[], IJavaSearchScope, SearchRequestor, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchEngine
Searches for matches of a given search pattern.
searchAllTypeNames(char[], char[], int, int, IJavaSearchScope, ITypeNameRequestor, int, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchEngine
Searches for all top-level types and member types in the given scope.
searchAllTypeNames(IWorkspace, char[], char[], int, boolean, int, IJavaSearchScope, ITypeNameRequestor, int, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchEngine
Deprecated. Use SearchEngine.searchAllTypeNames(char[], char[], int, int, IJavaSearchScope, ITypeNameRequestor, int, IProgressMonitor) instead
searchDeclarationsOfAccessedFields(IJavaElement, SearchRequestor, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchEngine
Searches for all declarations of the fields accessed in the given element.
searchDeclarationsOfAccessedFields(IWorkspace, IJavaElement, IJavaSearchResultCollector) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchEngine
Deprecated. Use SearchEngine.searchDeclarationsOfAccessedFields(IJavaElement, SearchRequestor, IProgressMonitor) instead.
searchDeclarationsOfReferencedTypes(IJavaElement, SearchRequestor, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchEngine
Searches for all declarations of the types referenced in the given element.
searchDeclarationsOfReferencedTypes(IWorkspace, IJavaElement, IJavaSearchResultCollector) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchEngine
Deprecated. Use SearchEngine.searchDeclarationsOfReferencedTypes(IJavaElement, SearchRequestor, IProgressMonitor) instead.
searchDeclarationsOfSentMessages(IJavaElement, SearchRequestor, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchEngine
Searches for all declarations of the methods invoked in the given element.
searchDeclarationsOfSentMessages(IWorkspace, IJavaElement, IJavaSearchResultCollector) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchEngine
Deprecated. Use SearchEngine.searchDeclarationsOfSentMessages(IJavaElement, SearchRequestor, IProgressMonitor) instead.
selectAndReveal(Object) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.IPackagesViewPart
Selects and reveals the given element in this packages view.
selectIndexes(SearchPattern, IJavaSearchScope) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchParticipant
Returns the collection of index locations to consider when performing the given search query in the given scope.
selectJRE(String, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui.launchConfigurations.JavaJRETab
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.AddDelegateMethodsAction
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.AddDelegateMethodsAction
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.AddGetterSetterAction
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.AddGetterSetterAction
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.AddJavaDocStubAction
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.AddJavaDocStubAction
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.AddToClasspathAction
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.AddUnimplementedConstructorsAction
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.AddUnimplementedConstructorsAction
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ChangeTypeAction
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ChangeTypeAction
selectionChanged(JavaTextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ChangeTypeAction
Note: This method is for internal use only.
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ConvertAnonymousToNestedAction
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ConvertAnonymousToNestedAction
selectionChanged(JavaTextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ConvertAnonymousToNestedAction
Note: This method is for internal use only.
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ConvertLocalToFieldAction
selectionChanged(JavaTextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ConvertLocalToFieldAction
Note: This method is for internal use only.
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ConvertNestedToTopAction
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ConvertNestedToTopAction
selectionChanged(JavaTextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ConvertNestedToTopAction
Note: This method is for internal use only.
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ExternalizeStringsAction
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ExternalizeStringsAction
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ExtractConstantAction
selectionChanged(JavaTextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ExtractConstantAction
Note: This method is for internal use only.
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ExtractInterfaceAction
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ExtractInterfaceAction
selectionChanged(JavaTextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ExtractInterfaceAction
Note: This method is for internal use only.
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ExtractMethodAction
selectionChanged(JavaTextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ExtractMethodAction
Note: This method is for internal use only.
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ExtractTempAction
selectionChanged(JavaTextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ExtractTempAction
Note: This method is for internal use only.
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.FindAction
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.FindAction
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.FindOccurrencesInFileAction
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.FindOccurrencesInFileAction
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.FindStringsToExternalizeAction
selectionChanged(IAction, ISelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.FormatAllAction.ObjectDelegate
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.FormatAllAction
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.FormatAllAction
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.GenerateNewConstructorUsingFieldsAction
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.GenerateNewConstructorUsingFieldsAction
selectionChanged(ISelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.InlineAction
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.InlineTempAction
selectionChanged(JavaTextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.InlineTempAction
Note: This method is for internal use only.
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.InlineTempAction
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IntroduceFactoryAction
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IntroduceFactoryAction
selectionChanged(JavaTextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IntroduceFactoryAction
Note: This method is for internal use only.
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IntroduceParameterAction
selectionChanged(JavaTextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.IntroduceParameterAction
Note: This method is for internal use only.
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ModifyParametersAction
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ModifyParametersAction
selectionChanged(JavaTextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ModifyParametersAction
Note: This method is for internal use only.
selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.MoveAction
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.OpenAction
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.OpenAction
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.OpenExternalJavadocAction
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.OpenExternalJavadocAction
selectionChanged(ISelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.OpenProjectAction
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.OpenProjectAction
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.OpenSuperImplementationAction
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.OpenSuperImplementationAction
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.OpenTypeHierarchyAction
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.OpenTypeHierarchyAction
selectionChanged(IAction, ISelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.OrganizeImportsAction.ObjectDelegate
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.OrganizeImportsAction
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.OrganizeImportsAction
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.OverrideMethodsAction
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.OverrideMethodsAction
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.PullUpAction
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.PullUpAction
selectionChanged(JavaTextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.PullUpAction
Note: This method is for internal use only.
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.PushDownAction
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.PushDownAction
selectionChanged(JavaTextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.PushDownAction
Note: This method is for internal use only.
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.RefreshAction
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.RemoveFromClasspathAction
selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.RenameAction
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.SelectionDispatchAction
Notifies this action that the given structured selection has changed.
selectionChanged(JavaTextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.SelectionDispatchAction
Note: This method is for internal use only.
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.SelectionDispatchAction
Notifies this action that the given text selection has changed.
selectionChanged(ISelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.SelectionDispatchAction
Notifies this action that the given selection has changed.
selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.SelectionDispatchAction
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.SelfEncapsulateFieldAction
selectionChanged(JavaTextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.SelfEncapsulateFieldAction
Note: This method is for internal use only.
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.SelfEncapsulateFieldAction
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ShowInNavigatorViewAction
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ShowInNavigatorViewAction
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ShowInPackageViewAction
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.ShowInPackageViewAction
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.SortMembersAction
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.SortMembersAction
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.SurroundWithTryCatchAction
selectionChanged(IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.UseSupertypeAction
selectionChanged(ITextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.UseSupertypeAction
selectionChanged(JavaTextSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.UseSupertypeAction
Note: This method is for internal use only.
selectionChanged(IAction, ISelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.RedoRefactoringAction
selectionChanged(IAction, ISelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.UndoRefactoringAction
sendMessage(String, String, IJavaValue[], IJavaThread) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaClassType
Returns the result of sending the specified message to this class with the given arguments in the specified thread (invokes a static method on this type).
sendMessage(String, String, IJavaValue[], IJavaThread, boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaObject
Returns the result of sending the specified message to this object with the given arguments in the specified thread.
sendMessage(String, String, IJavaValue[], IJavaThread, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaObject
Returns the result of sending the specified message on the specified declaring type to this object with the given arguments in the specified thread.
set(ASTNode, StructuralPropertyDescriptor, Object, TextEditGroup) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.rewrite.ASTRewrite
Sets the given property of the given node.
setAccess(boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaWatchpoint
Sets whether this breakpoint will suspend execution when its associated field is accessed.
setAccuracy(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchMatch
Sets the accuracy of this match.
setActivePart(IAction, IWorkbenchPart) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.FormatAllAction.ObjectDelegate
setActivePart(IAction, IWorkbenchPart) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.OrganizeImportsAction.ObjectDelegate
setAdornments(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaElementImageDescriptor
Sets the descriptors adornments.
setAlternateRoot(ASTNode) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Comment
Returns the root AST node that this comment occurs within, or null if none (or not recorded).
setAnnotation(boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMType
Deprecated. Sets whether this type represents an annotation type ("@interface" instead of "interface").
setAnonymousClassDeclaration(AnonymousClassDeclaration) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ClassInstanceCreation
Sets whether this class instance creation expression declares an anonymous class (that is, has class body declarations).
setAppletViewerTextEnabledState() - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui.launchConfigurations.AppletMainTab
Set the appropriate enabled state for the appletviewqer text widget.
setArray(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ArrayAccess
Sets the array expression of this array access expression.
setBody(Block) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.CatchClause
Sets the body of this catch clause.
setBody(Statement) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.DoStatement
Sets the body of this do statement.
setBody(Statement) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.EnhancedForStatement
Sets the body of this enhanced for statement.
setBody(Statement) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ForStatement
Sets the body of this for statement.
setBody(Block) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Initializer
Sets the body of this initializer declaration.
setBody(Statement) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.LabeledStatement
Sets the body of this labeled statement.
setBody(Block) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodDeclaration
Sets or clears the body of this method declaration.
setBody(Block) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SynchronizedStatement
Sets the body of this synchronized statement.
setBody(Block) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TryStatement
Sets the body of this try statement.
setBody(Statement) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.WhileStatement
Sets the body of this while statement.
setBody(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMInitializer
Deprecated. Sets the body of this initializer.
setBody(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMMethod
Deprecated. Sets the body of this method.
setBooleanValue(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.BooleanLiteral
Sets the boolean value of this boolean literal node.
setBootClassPath(String[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.launching.VMRunnerConfiguration
Sets the boot classpath.
setBound(Type, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.WildcardType
Sets the bound of this wildcard type to the given type and marks it as an upper or a lower bound.
setBound(Type) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.WildcardType
Sets the bound of this wildcard type to the given type.
setBuildIfNeeded(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.jarpackager.JarPackageData
Sets if a build should be performed before exporting files.
setCaught(boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaExceptionBreakpoint
Sets whether this breakpoint suspends execution when the associated exception is thrown in a caught location (in a try/catch statement).
setChangeCreationCancelable(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.RefactoringWizard
If set to true the change creation is cancelable by the user.
setCharValue(char) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.CharacterLiteral
Sets the value of this character literal node to the given character.
setClass(boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMType
Deprecated. Sets whether this type is a class or an interface.
setClasspathContainer(IPath, IJavaProject[], IClasspathContainer[], IProgressMonitor) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore
Bind a container reference path to some actual containers (IClasspathContainer).
setClasspathProperty(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.launching.IRuntimeClasspathEntry
Sets whether this entry should appear on the bootstrap classpath, the user classpath, or whether this entry is a standard bootstrap entry that does not need to appear on the classpath.
setClasspathVariable(String, IPath) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore
Deprecated. - use API with IProgressMonitor
setClasspathVariable(String, IPath, IProgressMonitor) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore
Sets the value of the given classpath variable.
setClasspathVariables(String[], IPath[], IProgressMonitor) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore
Sets the values of all the given classpath variables at once.
setComment(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Javadoc
Deprecated. The comment string was replaced in the 3.0 release by a representation of the structure of the doc comment. See tags.
setComment(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMMember
Deprecated. Sets the comment associated with this member.
setComment(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.jarpackager.JarPackageData
Sets the JAR's comment.
setCompilerOptions(Map) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTParser
Sets the compiler options to be used when parsing.
setCompletion(char[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.CompletionProposal
Sets the proposed sequence of characters to insert into the source file buffer, replacing the characters at the specified source range.
setComponentType(Type) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ArrayType
Sets the component type of this array type.
setCompress(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.jarpackager.JarPackageData
Set whether the JAR is compressed or not.
setCondition(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaLineBreakpoint
Sets the condition associated with this breakpoint.
setConditionEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaLineBreakpoint
Sets the enabled state of this breakpoint's condition to the given state.
setConditionSuspendOnTrue(boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaLineBreakpoint
Set the suspend state of this breakpoint's condition.
setConstructor(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodDeclaration
Sets whether this declaration declares a constructor or a method.
setConstructor(boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMMethod
Deprecated. Sets whether this method represents a constructor.
setContents(char[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.IBuffer
Sets the contents of this buffer to the given character array.
setContents(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.IBuffer
Sets the contents of this buffer to the given String.
setContext(ActionContext) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.JavaSearchActionGroup
setContext(ActionContext) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.NavigateActionGroup
setDeclaration(AbstractTypeDeclaration) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TypeDeclarationStatement
Sets the abstract type declaration of this local type declaration statement (JLS2 API only).
setDeclarationSignature(char[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.CompletionProposal
Sets the type or package signature of the relevant declaration in the context, or null if none.
setDefault(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration
Sets or clears the default value of this annotation type member.
setDefault(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMMethod
Deprecated. Sets the default value expression for an annotation type member.
setDefaultClassPath(IClasspathEntry[], boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.NewJavaProjectWizardPage
Sets the default classpath to be used for the new Java project.
setDefaultOutputFolder(IPath) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.NewJavaProjectWizardPage
Sets the default output location to be used for the new Java project.
setDefaultPageTitle(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.RefactoringWizard
Sets the default page title to the given value.
setDefaultSourceLocator(ILaunch, ILaunchConfiguration) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.launching.AbstractJavaLaunchConfigurationDelegate
Assigns a default source locator to the given launch if a source locator has not yet been assigned to it, and the associated launch configuration does not specify a source locator.
setDefaultStratum(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaDebugTarget
Set the default stratum used in this debug target.
setDefaultVMConnector(IVMConnector, IProgressMonitor) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JavaRuntime
Sets a VM connector as the system-wide default VM.
setDefaultVMInstall(IVMInstall, IProgressMonitor) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JavaRuntime
Sets a VM as the system-wide default VM, and notifies registered VM install change listeners of the change.
setDefaultVMInstall(IVMInstall, IProgressMonitor, boolean) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JavaRuntime
Sets a VM as the system-wide default VM, and notifies registered VM install change listeners of the change.
setDefaults(ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui.launchConfigurations.AppletMainTab
setDefaults(ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui.launchConfigurations.AppletParametersTab
setDefaults(ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui.launchConfigurations.JavaArgumentsTab
Defaults are empty.
setDefaults(ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui.launchConfigurations.JavaClasspathTab
setDefaults(ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui.launchConfigurations.JavaConnectTab
setDefaults(ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui.launchConfigurations.JavaJRETab
setDefaults(ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui.launchConfigurations.JavaMainTab
setDefaults(ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui.launchConfigurations.JavaSourceLookupTab
setDescriptionLocation(IPath) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.jarpackager.JarPackageData
Set the location of the JAR description file.
setDynamicTab(ILaunchConfigurationTab) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui.launchConfigurations.JavaJRETab
setDynamicTabHolder(Composite) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui.launchConfigurations.JavaJRETab
setEdit(TextEdit) - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.TextChange
Sets the root text edit that should be applied to the document represented by this text change.
setEditor(IEditorPart) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.text.java.hover.IJavaEditorTextHover
Sets the editor on which the hover is shown.
setElement(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchMatch
Sets the element of this search match.
setElements(Object[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.jarpackager.JarPackageData
Set the elements which will be exported.
setElseExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ConditionalExpression
Sets the "else" part of this conditional expression.
setElseStatement(Statement) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IfStatement
Sets or clears the "else" part of this if statement.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change
Sets whether this change is enabled or not.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.CompositeChange
Sets whether this change is enabled or not. The composite change sends setEnabled to all its children.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.TextChange
Sets whether this change is enabled or not.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.TextEditChangeGroup
Marks the group as enabled or disabled.
setEnclosingType(IType, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.NewTypeWizardPage
Sets the enclosing type.
setEnclosingTypeSelection(boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.NewTypeWizardPage
Sets the enclosing type checkbox's selection state.
setEntry(boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaMethodBreakpoint
Sets whether this breakpoint causes execution to suspend on entry to methods.
setEnum(boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMType
Deprecated. Sets whether this type represents an enumeration class.
setEnvironment(String[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.launching.VMRunnerConfiguration
Sets the environment for the Java program.
setEscapedValue(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.CharacterLiteral
Sets the string value of this literal node.
setEscapedValue(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.StringLiteral
Sets the string value of this literal node to the given string literal token.
setException(SingleVariableDeclaration) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.CatchClause
Sets the variable declaration of this catch clause.
setExceptions(String[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMMethod
Deprecated. Sets the names of the exception types this method throws, in the order in which they are declared in the source.
setExclusionFilters(String[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaExceptionBreakpoint
Sets the exclusion filters that will define the scope for the associated exception.
setExit(boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaMethodBreakpoint
Sets whether this breakpoint causes execution to suspend on exit of methods.
setExportClassFiles(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.jarpackager.JarPackageData
Sets option to export class files and resources.
setExportErrors(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.jarpackager.JarPackageData
Sets if compilation units with errors are exported.
setExportJavaFiles(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.jarpackager.JarPackageData
Sets the option to export Java source and resources.
setExportOutputFolders(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.jarpackager.JarPackageData
Sets option to export all output folders for the enclosing projects of the exported elements.
setExportWarnings(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.jarpackager.JarPackageData
Sets if compilation units with warnings are exported.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.AssertStatement
Sets the first expression of this assert statement.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.CastExpression
Sets the expression of this cast expression.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ClassInstanceCreation
Sets or clears the expression of this class instance creation expression.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ConditionalExpression
Sets the condition of this conditional expression.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.DoStatement
Sets the expression of this do statement.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.EnhancedForStatement
Sets the expression of this enhanced for statement.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ExpressionStatement
Sets the expression of this expression statement.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.FieldAccess
Sets the expression of this field access expression.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ForStatement
Sets or clears the condition expression of this return statement.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IfStatement
Sets the condition of this if statement.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodInvocation
Sets or clears the expression of this method invocation expression.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ParenthesizedExpression
Sets the expression of this parenthesized expression.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ReturnStatement
Sets or clears the expression of this return statement.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SuperConstructorInvocation
Sets or clears the expression of this super constructor invocation statement.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SwitchCase
Sets the expression of this switch case, or clears it (turns it into the "default:" case).
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SwitchStatement
Sets the expression of this switch statement.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SynchronizedStatement
Sets the expression of this synchronized statement.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ThrowStatement
Sets the expression of this throw statement.
setExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.WhileStatement
Sets the expression of this while statement.
setExtraDimensions(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodDeclaration
Sets the number of extra array dimensions over and above the explicitly-specified return type.
setExtraDimensions(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SingleVariableDeclaration
setExtraDimensions(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.VariableDeclaration
Sets the number of extra array dimensions over and above the explicitly-specified type.
setExtraDimensions(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.VariableDeclarationFragment
Sets the number of extra array dimensions this variable has over and above the type specified in the enclosing declaration.
setFile(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.CheckDebugAttributes
setFilterConstructors(boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaDebugTarget
Sets whether to filter constructors when stepping.
setFilterStaticInitializers(boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaDebugTarget
Sets whether to filter static initializers when stepping.
setFilterSynthetics(boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaDebugTarget
Sets whether synthetic methods are filtered when stepping.
setFilters(String[], boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaExceptionBreakpoint
Deprecated. Exception breakpoints can have a mixed set of filters. Use setInclusiveFilters(String[] filters) or setExclusiveFilters(String[] filters)
setFilters(String[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.CustomFiltersActionGroup
setFinally(Block) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TryStatement
Sets or clears the finally block of this try statement.
setFindAllSourceElement(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui.JavaUISourceLocator
Deprecated. Sets whether this source locator is configured to search for all source elements that correspond to a stack frame, or the first match.
setFlags(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.CompletionProposal
Sets the modifier flags relevant in the context.
setFlags(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode
Sets the flags associated with this node to the given value.
setFlags(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMImport
Deprecated. Sets the modifier flags for this import.
setFlags(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMMember
Deprecated. Sets the flags for this member.
setFocalPosition(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTParser
Requests an abridged abstract syntax tree.
setFocus() - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.NewPackageWizardPage
Sets the focus to the package name input field.
setFocus() - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.NewTypeWizardPage
Sets the focus on the type name input field.
setFocusOnContainer() - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.NewContainerWizardPage
Sets the focus to the source folder's text field.
setForcePreviewReview(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.RefactoringWizard
If set to true the Finish or OK button, respectively will be disabled until the user has visited the preview page.
setForceWrapping(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants
Set the force value of the given alignment value and return the new value.
setGenerateManifest(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.jarpackager.JarPackageData
Set whether a manifest must be generated or not.
setHeader(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMCompilationUnit
Deprecated. Sets the header comment for this compilation unit.
setHelpContextId() - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui.launchConfigurations.AppletArgumentsTab
setHelpContextId() - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui.launchConfigurations.JavaArgumentsTab
Set the help context id for this launch config tab.
setHitCount(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaBreakpoint
Sets the hit count attribute of this breakpoint.
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SimpleName
Sets the identifier of this node to the given value.
setIgnored(int, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.CompletionRequestor
Sets whether the given kind of completion proposal is ignored.
setImageSize(Point) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaElementImageDescriptor
Sets the size of the image created by calling createImage().
setImports(String[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.eval.IEvaluationContext
Sets the import declarations for this evaluation context.
setImports(String[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.eval.IClassFileEvaluationEngine
Sets the import declarations for this evaluation context.
setIncludesBinaries(boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.IJavaSearchScope
Deprecated. Use SearchEngine.createJavaSearchScope(IJavaElement[]) with the package fragment roots that correspond to the binaries instead.
setIncludesClasspaths(boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.IJavaSearchScope
Deprecated. Use SearchEngine.createJavaSearchScope(IJavaElement[]) with a Java project instead.
setInclusionFilters(String[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaExceptionBreakpoint
Sets the inclusion filters that will define the scope for the associated exception.
setIndentStyle(String, int) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants
Set the indentation style of the given alignment value and return the new value.
setIndex(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ArrayAccess
Sets the index expression of this array access expression.
setInitialConditionCheckingStatus(RefactoringStatus) - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.RefactoringWizard
Sets the initial condition checking status computed by the refactoring.
setInitializationData(IConfigurationElement, String, Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.launching.AbstractVMInstallType
Initializes the id parameter from the "id" attribute in the configuration markup.
setInitializer(ArrayInitializer) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ArrayCreation
Sets or clears the array initializer of this array creation expression.
setInitializer(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SingleVariableDeclaration
setInitializer(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.VariableDeclaration
Sets or clears the initializer of this variable declaration.
setInitializer(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.VariableDeclarationFragment
setInitializer(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMField
Deprecated. Sets the initializer expression for this field.
setInput(IType) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.ITypeHierarchyViewPart
Deprecated. use setInputElement instead
setInput(ChangePreviewViewerInput) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.IChangePreviewViewer
Sets the preview viewer's input element.
setInput(RefactoringStatusContext) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.IStatusContextViewer
Sets the status context viewer's input element.
setInput(IDocument, IRegion) - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.TextStatusContextViewer
Sets the input of the source viewer to the given document and reveals the region determined by the given parameter region.
setInputElement(IJavaElement) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.ITypeHierarchyViewPart
Sets the input element of this type hierarchy view.
setInsideDocComment(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchMatch
Sets whether this search match is inside a doc comment of a Java source file.
setInstallLocation(File) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.launching.AbstractVMInstall
setInstallLocation(File) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.launching.IVMInstall
Sets the root directory of the install location of this VM.
setInterface(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TypeDeclaration
Sets whether this type declaration declares a class or an interface.
setJarLocation(IPath) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.jarpackager.JarPackageData
Sets the JAR file location.
setJavadoc(Javadoc) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.BodyDeclaration
Sets or clears the doc comment node.
setJavadoc(Javadoc) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.PackageDeclaration
Sets or clears the doc comment node.
setJavadocLocation(URL) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.launching.AbstractVMInstall
setJavadocLocation(URL) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.launching.IVMInstall
Sets the Javadoc location associated with this VM install.
setKeepPreviewEdits(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.TextChange
Controls whether the text change should keep executed edits during preview generation.
setKeyword(Modifier.ModifierKeyword) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Modifier
Sets the modifier keyword of this modifier node.
setKind(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTParser
Sets the kind of constructs to be parsed from the source.
setLabel(SimpleName) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.BreakStatement
Sets or clears the label of this break statement.
setLabel(SimpleName) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ContinueStatement
Sets or clears the label of this continue statement.
setLabel(SimpleName) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.LabeledStatement
Sets the label of this labeled statement.
setLaunchConfiguration(ILaunchConfiguration) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui.launchConfigurations.JavaJRETab
setLaunchConfigurationDialog(ILaunchConfigurationDialog) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui.launchConfigurations.JavaArgumentsTab
setLaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy(ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui.launchConfigurations.JavaJRETab
setLeadingComment(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Statement
Deprecated. This feature was removed in the 2.1 release because it was only a partial, and inadequate, solution to the issue of associating comments with statements.
setLeftHandSide(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Assignment
Sets the left hand side of this assignment expression.
setLeftOperand(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.InfixExpression
Sets the left operand of this infix expression.
setLeftOperand(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.InstanceofExpression
Sets the left operand of this instanceof expression.
setLength(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchMatch
Sets the length of this search match.
setLibraryJavadocLocation(IPath, URL) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaUI
Sets the Javadoc location for an archive with the given path.
setLibraryJavadocLocations(IPath[], URL[]) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaUI
Sets the Javadoc locations for archives with the given paths.
setLibraryLocations(LibraryLocation[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.launching.AbstractVMInstall
setLibraryLocations(LibraryLocation[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.launching.IVMInstall
Sets the library locations of this IVMInstall.
setLiteralValue(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.StringLiteral
Sets the value of this literal node.
setLogErrors(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.jarpackager.JarPackageData
Deprecated. will be removed in final 2.0
setLogWarnings(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.jarpackager.JarPackageData
Deprecated. will be removed in final 2.0
setManifestLocation(IPath) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.jarpackager.JarPackageData
Sets the location of a user-defined manifest file.
setManifestMainClass(IType) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.jarpackager.JarPackageData
Set the manifest's main class.
setManifestProvider(IManifestProvider) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.jarpackager.JarPackageData
Sets the manifest provider.
setManifestVersion(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.jarpackager.JarPackageData
Sets the manifest version.
setMemberFilter(int, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.MemberFilterActionGroup
Sets the member filters.
setMessage(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.AssertStatement
Sets or clears the message expression of this assert statement.
setMethodStubSelection(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.NewClassWizardPage
Sets the selection state of the method stub checkboxes.
setModification(boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaWatchpoint
Sets whether this breakpoint will suspend execution when its associated field is modified.
setModifiers(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.BodyDeclaration
Sets the modifiers explicitly specified on this declaration (JLS2 API only).
setModifiers(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SingleVariableDeclaration
Sets the modifiers explicitly specified on this declaration (JLS2 API only).
setModifiers(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.VariableDeclarationExpression
Sets the modifiers explicitly specified on this declaration (JLS2 API only).
setModifiers(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.VariableDeclarationStatement
Sets the modifiers explicitly specified on this declaration (JLS2 API only).
setModifiers(int, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.NewTypeWizardPage
Sets the modifiers.
setName(char[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.CompletionProposal
Sets the simple name of the method, field, member, or variable relevant in the context, or null if none.
setName(SimpleName) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.AbstractTypeDeclaration
Sets the name of the type declared in this type declaration to the given name.
setName(SimpleName) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration
Sets the name of the annotation type member declared in this declaration to the given name.
setName(Name) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ClassInstanceCreation
Sets the name of the type instantiated in this class instance creation expression (JLS2 API only).
setName(SimpleName) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.EnumConstantDeclaration
Sets the name of the constant declared in this enum declaration to the given name.
setName(SimpleName) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.FieldAccess
Sets the name of the field accessed in this field access expression.
setName(Name) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ImportDeclaration
Sets the name of this import declaration to the given name.
setName(SimpleName) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MemberRef
Sets the name of the referenced member to the given name.
setName(SimpleName) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MemberValuePair
Sets the member name.
setName(SimpleName) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodDeclaration
Sets the name of the method declared in this method declaration to the given name.
setName(SimpleName) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodInvocation
Sets the name of the method invoked in this expression to the given name.
setName(SimpleName) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodRef
Sets the name of the referenced method or constructor to the given name.
setName(SimpleName) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodRefParameter
Sets or clears the parameter name.
setName(Name) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.PackageDeclaration
Sets the package name of this package declaration to the given name.
setName(SimpleName) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.QualifiedName
Sets the name part of this qualified name to the given simple name.
setName(SimpleName) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.QualifiedType
Sets the name part of this qualified type to the given simple name.
setName(Name) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SimpleType
Sets the name of this simple type to the given name.
setName(SimpleName) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SingleVariableDeclaration
setName(SimpleName) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SuperFieldAccess
Sets the name of the field accessed in this "super" field access expression.
setName(SimpleName) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SuperMethodInvocation
Sets the name of the method invoked in this expression to the given name.
setName(SimpleName) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TypeParameter
Sets the name of the type variable of this type parameter to the given name.
setName(SimpleName) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.VariableDeclaration
Sets the name of the variable declared in this variable declaration to the given name.
setName(SimpleName) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.VariableDeclarationFragment
setName(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMCompilationUnit
Deprecated. The IDOMCompilationNode refinement of this IDOMNode method has no effect (the name is computed from the types declared within it).
setName(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMField
Deprecated. The IDOMField refinement of this IDOMNode method sets the name of this field.
setName(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMImport
Deprecated. The IDOMImport refinement of this IDOMNode method sets the name of this import.
setName(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMInitializer
Deprecated. The IDOMInitializer refinement of this IDOMNode method does nothing.
setName(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMMethod
Deprecated. The IDOMMethod refinement of this IDOMNode method sets the name of this method.
setName(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMNode
Deprecated. Sets the name of this node.
setName(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMPackage
Deprecated. The IDOMPackage refinement of this IDOMNode method sets the name of this package declaration.
setName(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMType
Deprecated. The IDOMType refinement of this IDOMNode method sets the name of this type.
setName(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.launching.AbstractVMInstall
setName(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.launching.IVMInstall
Sets the display name of this VM.
setNativeOnly(boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaMethodBreakpoint
Sets whether this breakpoint causes execution to suspend only on entry/exit of native methods.
setNotify(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.launching.AbstractVMInstall
Whether this VM should fire property change notifications.
setOffset(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchMatch
Sets the offset of this search match.
setOnDemand(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ImportDeclaration
Sets whether this import declaration is an on-demand or a single-type import.
setOperand(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.PostfixExpression
Sets the operand of this postfix expression.
setOperand(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.PrefixExpression
Sets the operand of this prefix expression.
setOperator(Assignment.Operator) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Assignment
Sets the operator of this assignment expression.
setOperator(InfixExpression.Operator) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.InfixExpression
Sets the operator of this infix expression.
setOperator(PostfixExpression.Operator) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.PostfixExpression
Sets the operator of this postfix expression.
setOperator(PrefixExpression.Operator) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.PrefixExpression
Sets the operator of this prefix expression.
setOption(String, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject
Helper method for setting one option value only.
setOptions(Map) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject
Sets the project custom options.
setOptions(Hashtable) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore
Sets the current table of options.
setOutputLocation(IPath, IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject
Sets the default output location of this project to the location described by the given workspace-relative absolute path.
setOverwrite(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.jarpackager.JarPackageData
Sets whether files can be overwritten without warning.
setPackage(PackageDeclaration) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.CompilationUnit
Sets or clears the package declaration of this compilation unit node to the given package declaration node.
setPackageFragment(IPackageFragment, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.NewTypeWizardPage
Sets the package fragment to the given value.
setPackageFragmentRoot(IPackageFragmentRoot, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.NewContainerWizardPage
Sets the current source folder (model and text field) to the given package fragment root.
setPackageName(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.eval.IEvaluationContext
Sets the dot-separated name of the package in which code snippets are to be compiled and run.
setPackageText(String, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.NewPackageWizardPage
Sets the content of the package input field to the given value.
setPackagesToSeal(IPackageFragment[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.jarpackager.JarPackageData
Sets the packages which should be sealed.
setPackagesToUnseal(IPackageFragment[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.jarpackager.JarPackageData
Set the packages which should explicitly be unsealed.
setPageComplete(RefactoringStatus) - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.UserInputWizardPage
Sets the page's complete status depending on the given ReactoringStatus.
setParameter(SingleVariableDeclaration) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.EnhancedForStatement
Sets the formal parameter in this enhanced for statement.
setParameterNames(char[][]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.CompletionProposal
Sets the method parameter names.
setParameters(String[], String[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMMethod
Deprecated. Sets the types and names of parameters in this method in the order they are to be declared.
setParticipant(SearchParticipant) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchMatch
Sets the participant of this match.
setPattern(IJavaDebugTarget, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaTargetPatternBreakpoint
Sets the type name pattern this breakpoint uses to identify types in which to install itself in the given target
setPrimaryBufferProvider(WorkingCopyOwner) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.WorkingCopyOwner
Sets the buffer provider of the primary working copy owner.
setPrimitiveTypeCode(PrimitiveType.Code) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.PrimitiveType
Sets the primitive type code.
setProgramArguments(String[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.launching.VMRunnerConfiguration
Sets the custom program arguments.
setProject(IJavaProject) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTParser
Sets the Java project used when resolving bindings.
setProjectJavadocLocation(IJavaProject, URL) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaUI
Sets the Javadoc location for a Java project.
setProjectModified() - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.NewJavaProjectWizardPage
Sets the project state to modified.
setProperty(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.CheckDebugAttributes
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode
Sets the named property of this node to the given value, or to null to clear it.
setProvideMembers(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.StandardJavaElementContentProvider
Sets whether the content provider is supposed to return members when asking a compilation unit or class file for its children.
setProvideWorkingCopy(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.StandardJavaElementContentProvider
Deprecated. Since 3.0 compilation unit children are always provided from the working copy. The Java model offers a unified world and does not support the 'original' mode anymore.
setQualifier(Name) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MemberRef
Sets or clears the qualifier of this member reference.
setQualifier(Name) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodRef
Sets or clears the qualifier of this method reference.
setQualifier(Name) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.QualifiedName
Sets the qualifier of this qualified name to the given name.
setQualifier(Type) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.QualifiedType
Sets the qualifier of this qualified type to the given type.
setQualifier(Name) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SuperFieldAccess
Sets or clears the qualifier of this "super" field access expression.
setQualifier(Name) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SuperMethodInvocation
Sets or clears the qualifier of this "super" method invocation expression.
setQualifier(Name) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ThisExpression
Sets or clears the qualifier of this "this" expression.
setRawClasspath(IClasspathEntry[], IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject
Sets the classpath of this project using a list of classpath entries.
setRawClasspath(IClasspathEntry[], IPath, IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject
Sets the both the classpath of this project and its default output location at once.
setRelevance(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.CompletionProposal
Sets the relative relevance rating of this proposal.
setReplaceRange(int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.CompletionProposal
Sets the character indices of the subrange in the source file buffer to be replaced by the completion string.
setRequestTimeout(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaDebugTarget
Sets the timeout value for JDI requests in milliseconds.
setResolveBindings(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTParser
Requests that the compiler should provide binding information for the AST nodes it creates.
setResource(IResource) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.search.SearchMatch
Sets the resource of this match.
setResumeOnStartup(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.launching.VMRunnerConfiguration
Sets whether the VM is resumed on startup when launched in debug mode.
setReturnType(Type) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodDeclaration
Sets the return type of the method declared in this method declaration to the given type, exclusive of any extra array dimensions (JLS2 API only).
setReturnType(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMMethod
Deprecated. Sets the return type name.
setReturnType2(Type) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodDeclaration
Sets the return type of the method declared in this method declaration to the given type, exclusive of any extra array dimensions (added in JLS3 API).
setReuseManifest(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.jarpackager.JarPackageData
Sets whether a previously generated manifest should be reused.
setRightHandSide(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Assignment
Sets the right hand side of this assignment expression.
setRightOperand(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.InfixExpression
Sets the right operand of this infix expression.
setRightOperand(Type) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.InstanceofExpression
Sets the right operand of this instanceof expression.
setSaveDescription(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.jarpackager.JarPackageData
Set whether a description of this JAR package must be saved to a file by a JAR description writer during the export operation.
setSaveManifest(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.jarpackager.JarPackageData
Sets whether the manifest file must be saved during export operation or not.
setSaveMode(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.TextFileChange
Sets the save state.
setSealJar(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.jarpackager.JarPackageData
Sets whether the JAR itself is sealed.
setSelection(IClasspathEntry) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.IClasspathContainerPage
Sets the classpath container entry to be edited or null if a new entry should be created.
setSignature(char[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.CompletionProposal
Sets the signature of the method, field type, member type, relevant in the context, or null if none.
setSource(char[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.IScanner
Set the scanner source to process.
setSource(char[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTParser
Sets the source code to be parsed.
setSource(ICompilationUnit) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTParser
Sets the source code to be parsed.
setSource(IClassFile) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTParser
Sets the source code to be parsed.
setSourceAttachmentPath(IPath) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.launching.IRuntimeClasspathEntry
Sets the path to the source archive associated with this entry, or null if this classpath entry has no source attachment.
setSourceAttachmentRootPath(IPath) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.launching.IRuntimeClasspathEntry
Sets the path within the source archive where package fragments are located.
setSourceEnd(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.IProblem
Set the end position of the problem (inclusive), or -1 if unknown.
setSourceLineNumber(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.IProblem
Set the line number in source where the problem begins.
setSourceLocations(IJavaSourceLocation[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui.JavaUISourceLocator
setSourceLocations(IJavaSourceLocation[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.launching.sourcelookup.JavaSourceLocator
Deprecated. Sets the locations that will be searched, in the order to be searched.
setSourceRange(int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode
Sets the source range of the original source file where the source fragment corresponding to this node was found.
setSourceRange(int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTParser
Sets the subrange of the source code to be parsed.
setSourceStart(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.IProblem
Set the start position of the problem (inclusive), or -1 if unknown.
setStatic(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ImportDeclaration
Sets whether this import declaration is a static import (added in JLS3 API).
setStepFilters(String[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaDebugTarget
Sets the list of active step filters in this target.
setStructuralProperty(StructuralPropertyDescriptor, Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode
Sets the value of the given structural property for this node.
setSuperClass(String, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.NewTypeWizardPage
Sets the super class name.
setSuperInterfaces(String[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMType
Deprecated. Sets the names of interfaces that this type implements or extends, in the order in which they are to be listed in the source.
setSuperInterfaces(List, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.NewTypeWizardPage
Sets the super interfaces.
setSuperclass(Name) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TypeDeclaration
Sets or clears the name of the superclass declared in this type declaration (JLS2 API only).
setSuperclass(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMType
Deprecated. Sets the name of this type's superclass.
setSuperclassType(Type) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TypeDeclaration
Sets or clears the superclass declared in this type declaration (added in JLS3 API).
setSuspendPolicy(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaBreakpoint
Sets whether all threads in the target VM will be suspended when this breakpoint is hit.
setTagName(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TagElement
Sets the tag name of this node to the given value.
setText(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TextElement
Sets the text of this node to the given value.
setTextType(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.TextChange
Sets the text type.
setThenExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ConditionalExpression
Sets the "then" part of this conditional expression.
setThenStatement(Statement) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IfStatement
Sets the "then" part of this if statement.
setThreadFilter(IJavaThread) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaBreakpoint
Restricts this breakpoint to suspend only in the given thread when encounterd in the given thread's target.
setToken(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.NumberLiteral
Sets the token of this number literal node.
setTokenRange(int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.CompletionProposal
Sets the character indices of the subrange in the source file buffer containing the relevant token being completed.
setType(Type) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration
Sets the type of the annotation type member declared in this declaration to the given type.
setType(ArrayType) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ArrayCreation
Sets the array type in this array creation expression.
setType(Type) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.CastExpression
Sets the type in this cast expression to the given type.
setType(Type) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ClassInstanceCreation
Sets the type instantiated in this class instance creation expression (added in JLS3 API).
setType(Type) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.FieldDeclaration
Sets the base type declared in this field declaration to the given type.
setType(Type) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodRefParameter
Sets the paramter type to the given type.
setType(Type) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ParameterizedType
Sets the type of this parameterized type.
setType(Type) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SingleVariableDeclaration
Sets the type of the variable declared in this variable declaration to the given type, exclusive of any extra array dimensions.
setType(Type) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TypeLiteral
Sets the type in this type literal expression to the given type.
setType(Type) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.VariableDeclarationExpression
Sets the base type declared in this variable declaration to the given type.
setType(Type) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.VariableDeclarationStatement
Sets the base type declared in this variable declaration statement to the given type.
setType(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMField
Deprecated. Sets the type name of this field.
setTypeDeclaration(TypeDeclaration) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TypeDeclarationStatement
Sets the type declaration of this local type declaration statement (added in JLS3 API).
setTypeName(Name) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Annotation
Sets the annotation type name of this annotation.
setTypeName(String, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.NewTypeWizardPage
Sets the type name input field's text to the given value.
setTypeParameters(String[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMMethod
Deprecated. Sets the formal type parameters for this method.
setTypeParameters(String[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMType
Deprecated. Sets the formal type parameters for this type.
setUncaught(boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaExceptionBreakpoint
Sets whether this breakpoint suspends execution when the associated exception is thrown in an uncaught location.
setUndoManager(IUndoManager, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.PerformChangeOperation
Sets the undo manager.
setUnitName(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTParser
Sets the name of the compilation unit that would hypothetically contains the source string.
setUpperBound(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.WildcardType
Sets whether this wildcard type is an upper bound ("extends") as opposed to a lower bound ("super").
setUseSourceFolderHierarchy(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.jarpackager.JarPackageData
Set the option to export the source folder hierarchy.
setUsesManifest(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.jarpackager.JarPackageData
Sets whether a manifest must be included in the JAR.
setVMArguments(String[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.launching.AbstractVMInstall
setVMArguments(String[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.launching.IVMInstall
Sets VM arguments to be used with this vm install whenever this VM is launched, possibly null.
setVMArguments(String[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.launching.VMRunnerConfiguration
Sets the custom VM arguments.
setVMSpecificArgumentsVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui.launchConfigurations.JavaJRETab
Sets whether this tab will display the VM specific arguments area if a JRE supports VM specific arguments.
setVMSpecificAttributesMap(Map) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.launching.VMRunnerConfiguration
Sets the Map that contains String name/value pairs that represent VM-specific attributes.
setValidationContext(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Refactoring
Sets the validation context used when calling IWorkspace.validateEdit(org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile[], java.lang.Object).
setValue(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MemberValuePair
Sets the value of this pair.
setValue(Expression) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SingleMemberAnnotation
Sets the value of this annotation.
setValue(int, IJavaValue) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaArray
Sets the value at the given index to the specified value.
setVarargs(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SingleVariableDeclaration
Sets whether this declaration declares the last parameter of a variable arity method (added in JLS3 API).
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.NewClassWizardPage
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.NewElementWizardPage
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.NewInterfaceWizardPage
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.NewJavaProjectWizardPage
Extend this method to set a user defined default classpath or output location.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.NewPackageWizardPage
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.UserInputWizardPage
setWizard(IWizard) - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.RefactoringWizardPage
This method asserts that the wizard passed as a parameter is of type RefactoringWizard.
setWorkingCopy(IEditorInput, ICompilationUnit) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.IWorkingCopyManagerExtension
Sets the given working copy for the given editor input.
setWorkingCopyOwner(WorkingCopyOwner) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTParser
Sets the working copy owner using when resolving bindings, where null means the primary owner.
setWorkingDirectory(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.launching.VMRunnerConfiguration
Sets the working directory for a launched VM.
setWrappingStyle(String, int) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants
Set the wrapping style of the given alignment value and return the new value.
setupJavaDocumentPartitioner(IDocument) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.text.JavaTextTools
Sets up the Java document partitioner for the given document for the default partitioning.
setupJavaDocumentPartitioner(IDocument, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.text.JavaTextTools
Sets up the Java document partitioner for the given document for the given partitioning.
setupJavacCommand() - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.JDTCompilerAdapter
shutdown() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.ui.IWorkingCopyManager
Shuts down this working copy manager.
shutdown() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.IUndoManager
Shut down the undo manager.
skipProjectPackageFragmentRoot(IPackageFragmentRoot) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.StandardJavaElementContentProvider
Note: This method is for internal use only.
sort(ICompilationUnit, int[], Comparator, int, IProgressMonitor) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.util.CompilationUnitSorter
Reorders the declarations in the given compilation unit.
sourceContainersChanged(ISourceLookupDirector) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.launching.sourcelookup.containers.JavaSourceLookupParticipant
splitAndTrimOn(char, char[]) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation
Return a new array which is the split of the given array using the given divider and triming each subarray to remove whitespaces equals to ' '.
splitOn(char, char[]) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation
Return a new array which is the split of the given array using the given divider.
splitOn(char, char[], int, int) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation
Return a new array which is the split of the given array using the given divider.
start(BundleContext) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore
statements() - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Block
Returns the live list of statements in this block.
statements() - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SwitchStatement
Returns the live ordered list of statements for this switch statement.
stop(BundleContext) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore
stop(IJavaObject) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaThread
Request to stops this thread with the given exception.
stopped(RefactoringStatus) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.IValidationCheckResultQuery
Called when the validation check returned a fatal error.
store(OutputStream, IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.core.ITypeHierarchy
Stores the type hierarchy in an output stream.
structuralPropertiesForType() - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode
Returns a list of structural property descriptors for nodes of the same type as this node.
subarray(char[][], int, int) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation
Answers a new array which is a copy of the given array starting at the given start and ending at the given end.
subarray(char[], int, int) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation
Answers a new array which is a copy of the given array starting at the given start and ending at the given end.
subtreeBytes() - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode
Returns an estimate of the memory footprint in bytes of the entire subtree rooted at this node.
subtreeMatch(ASTMatcher, Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode
Returns whether the subtree rooted at the given node matches the given other object as decided by the given matcher.
suggestArgumentNames(IJavaProject, char[], char[], int, char[][]) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.NamingConventions
Suggest names for an argument.
suggestArgumentNames(IJavaProject, String, String, int, String[]) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.NamingConventions
Suggest names for an argument.
suggestFieldNames(IJavaProject, char[], char[], int, int, char[][]) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.NamingConventions
Suggest names for a field.
suggestFieldNames(IJavaProject, String, String, int, int, String[]) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.NamingConventions
Suggest names for a field.
suggestGetterName(IJavaProject, char[], int, boolean, char[][]) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.NamingConventions
Suggest name for a getter method.
suggestGetterName(IJavaProject, String, int, boolean, String[]) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.NamingConventions
Suggest name for a getter method.
suggestLocalVariableNames(IJavaProject, char[], char[], int, char[][]) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.NamingConventions
Suggest names for a local variable.
suggestLocalVariableNames(IJavaProject, String, String, int, String[]) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.NamingConventions
Suggest names for a local variable.
suggestSetterName(IJavaProject, char[], int, boolean, char[][]) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.NamingConventions
Suggest name for a setter method.
suggestSetterName(IJavaProject, String, int, boolean, String[]) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.NamingConventions
Suggest name for a setter method.
superClassChanged() - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.NewTypeWizardPage
Hook method that gets called when the superclass name has changed.
superInterfaceTypes() - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.EnumDeclaration
Returns the live ordered list of superinterfaces of this enum declaration.
superInterfaceTypes() - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TypeDeclaration
Returns the live ordered list of superinterfaces of this type declaration (added in JLS3 API).
superInterfaces() - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TypeDeclaration
Returns the live ordered list of names of superinterfaces of this type declaration (JLS2 API only).
superInterfacesChanged() - Method in class org.eclipse.jdt.ui.wizards.NewTypeWizardPage
Hook method that gets called when the list of super interface has changed.
supportsAccessWatchpoints() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaDebugTarget
Returns whether this target supports access watchpoints.
supportsCondition() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaLineBreakpoint
Returns whether this breakpoint supports a conditional expression.
supportsDropToFrame() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaStackFrame
Returns whether this stack frame currently supports the drop to frame operation.
supportsHotCodeReplace() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaDebugTarget
Returns whether this target supports hot code replace.
supportsInstanceBreakpoints() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaDebugTarget
Returns whether this target supports instance breakpoints.
supportsInstanceFilters() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaBreakpoint
Returns whether this breakpoints supports instance filters.
supportsModificationWatchpoints() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaDebugTarget
Returns whether this target supports modification watchpoints.
supportsMonitorInformation() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaDebugTarget
Returns whether this target supports providing monitor information.
supportsRequestTimeout() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaDebugTarget
Returns whether this debug target supports a request timeout - a maximum time for a JDI request to receive a response.
supportsThreadFilters() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaBreakpoint
Returns whether this breakpoints supports thread filters.



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Release 3.0
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