Class JavaTextTools
- public class JavaTextTools
- extends Object
Tools required to configure a Java text viewer.
The color manager and all scanner exist only one time, i.e.
the same instances are returned to all clients. Thus, clients
share those tools.
This class may be instantiated; it is not intended to be subclassed.
Method Summary
protected void
| adaptToPreferenceChange(PropertyChangeEvent event)
Deprecated. As of 3.0, no replacement
| affectsBehavior(PropertyChangeEvent event)
Deprecated. As of 3.0, replaced by JavaSourceViewerConfiguration.affectsTextPresentation(PropertyChangeEvent)
| createDocumentPartitioner()
Factory method for creating a Java-specific document partitioner
using this object's partitions scanner.
| dispose()
Disposes all the individual tools of this tools collection.
| getCodeScanner()
Deprecated. As of 3.0, replaced by JavaSourceViewerConfiguration.getCodeScanner()
| getColorManager()
Returns the color manager which is used to manage
any Java-specific colors needed for such things like syntax highlighting.
protected Preferences
| getCorePreferenceStore()
Returns this text tool's core preference store.
| getJavaDocScanner()
Deprecated. As of 3.0, replaced by JavaSourceViewerConfiguration.getJavaDocScanner()
| getMultilineCommentScanner()
Deprecated. As of 3.0, replaced by JavaSourceViewerConfiguration.getMultilineCommentScanner()
| getPartitionManagingPositionCategories()
Deprecated. As of 3.0, replaced by TextUtilities.computePartitionManagingCategories(IDocument)
| getPartitionScanner()
Returns a scanner which is configured to scan
Java-specific partitions, which are multi-line comments,
Javadoc comments, and regular Java source code.
protected IPreferenceStore
| getPreferenceStore()
Returns this text tool's preference store.
| getSinglelineCommentScanner()
Deprecated. As of 3.0, replaced by JavaSourceViewerConfiguration.getSinglelineCommentScanner()
| getStringScanner()
Deprecated. As of 3.0, replaced by JavaSourceViewerConfiguration.getStringScanner()
| setupJavaDocumentPartitioner(IDocument document)
Sets up the Java document partitioner for the given document for the default partitioning.
| setupJavaDocumentPartitioner(IDocument document,
String partitioning)
Sets up the Java document partitioner for the given document for the given partitioning.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public JavaTextTools(IPreferenceStore store)
- Creates a new Java text tools collection.
- Parameters:
- store - the preference store to initialize the text tools. The text tool
instance installs a listener on the passed preference store to adapt itself to
changes in the preference store. In general PreferenceConstants.
getPreferenceStore() should be used to initialize the text tools.
- Since:
- 2.0
- See Also:
- PreferenceConstants.getPreferenceStore()
public JavaTextTools(IPreferenceStore store,
boolean autoDisposeOnDisplayDispose)
- Creates a new Java text tools collection.
- Parameters:
- store - the preference store to initialize the text tools. The text tool
instance installs a listener on the passed preference store to adapt itself to
changes in the preference store. In general PreferenceConstants.
getPreferenceStore() should be used to initialize the text tools.
- autoDisposeOnDisplayDispose - if true the color manager
automatically disposes all managed colors when the current display gets disposed
and all calls to ISharedTextColors.dispose() are ignored.
- Since:
- 2.1
- See Also:
- PreferenceConstants.getPreferenceStore()
public JavaTextTools(IPreferenceStore store,
Preferences coreStore)
- Creates a new Java text tools collection.
- Parameters:
- store - the preference store to initialize the text tools. The text tool
instance installs a listener on the passed preference store to adapt itself to
changes in the preference store. In general PreferenceConstants.
getPreferenceStore() should be used to initialize the text tools.
- coreStore - optional preference store to initialize the text tools. The text tool
instance installs a listener on the passed preference store to adapt itself to
changes in the preference store.
- Since:
- 2.1
- See Also:
- PreferenceConstants.getPreferenceStore()
public JavaTextTools(IPreferenceStore store,
Preferences coreStore,
boolean autoDisposeOnDisplayDispose)
- Creates a new Java text tools collection.
- Parameters:
- store - the preference store to initialize the text tools. The text tool
instance installs a listener on the passed preference store to adapt itself to
changes in the preference store. In general PreferenceConstants.
getPreferenceStore() should be used to initialize the text tools.
- coreStore - optional preference store to initialize the text tools. The text tool
instance installs a listener on the passed preference store to adapt itself to
changes in the preference store.
- autoDisposeOnDisplayDispose - if true the color manager
automatically disposes all managed colors when the current display gets disposed
and all calls to ISharedTextColors.dispose() are ignored.
- Since:
- 2.1
- See Also:
- PreferenceConstants.getPreferenceStore()
public void dispose()
- Disposes all the individual tools of this tools collection.
public IColorManager getColorManager()
- Returns the color manager which is used to manage
any Java-specific colors needed for such things like syntax highlighting.
- Returns:
- the color manager to be used for Java text viewers
public RuleBasedScanner getCodeScanner()
- Deprecated. As of 3.0, replaced by JavaSourceViewerConfiguration.getCodeScanner()
- Returns a scanner which is configured to scan Java source code.
- Returns:
- a Java source code scanner
public RuleBasedScanner getMultilineCommentScanner()
- Deprecated. As of 3.0, replaced by JavaSourceViewerConfiguration.getMultilineCommentScanner()
- Returns a scanner which is configured to scan Java multi-line comments.
- Returns:
- a Java multi-line comment scanner
- Since:
- 2.0
public RuleBasedScanner getSinglelineCommentScanner()
- Deprecated. As of 3.0, replaced by JavaSourceViewerConfiguration.getSinglelineCommentScanner()
- Returns a scanner which is configured to scan Java single-line comments.
- Returns:
- a Java single-line comment scanner
- Since:
- 2.0
public RuleBasedScanner getStringScanner()
- Deprecated. As of 3.0, replaced by JavaSourceViewerConfiguration.getStringScanner()
- Returns a scanner which is configured to scan Java strings.
- Returns:
- a Java string scanner
- Since:
- 2.0
public RuleBasedScanner getJavaDocScanner()
- Deprecated. As of 3.0, replaced by JavaSourceViewerConfiguration.getJavaDocScanner()
- Returns a scanner which is configured to scan JavaDoc compliant comments.
Note that the start sequence "/**" and the corresponding end sequence
are part of the Javadoc comment.
- Returns:
- a Javadoc scanner
public IPartitionTokenScanner getPartitionScanner()
- Returns a scanner which is configured to scan
Java-specific partitions, which are multi-line comments,
Javadoc comments, and regular Java source code.
- Returns:
- a Java partition scanner
public IDocumentPartitioner createDocumentPartitioner()
- Factory method for creating a Java-specific document partitioner
using this object's partitions scanner. This method is a
convenience method.
- Returns:
- a newly created Java document partitioner
public String[] getPartitionManagingPositionCategories()
- Deprecated. As of 3.0, replaced by TextUtilities.computePartitionManagingCategories(IDocument)
- Returns the names of the document position categories used by the document
partitioners created by this object to manage their partition information.
If the partitioners don't use document position categories, the returned
result is null.
- Returns:
- the partition managing position categories or null if there is none
public boolean affectsBehavior(PropertyChangeEvent event)
- Deprecated. As of 3.0, replaced by JavaSourceViewerConfiguration.affectsTextPresentation(PropertyChangeEvent)
- Determines whether the preference change encoded by the given event
changes the behavior of one its contained components.
- Parameters:
- event - the event to be investigated
- Returns:
- true if event causes a behavioral change
- Since:
- 2.0
protected void adaptToPreferenceChange(PropertyChangeEvent event)
- Deprecated. As of 3.0, no replacement
- Adapts the behavior of the contained components to the change
encoded in the given event.
- Parameters:
- event - the event to which to adapt
- Since:
- 2.0
public void setupJavaDocumentPartitioner(IDocument document)
- Sets up the Java document partitioner for the given document for the default partitioning.
- Parameters:
- document - the document to be set up
- Since:
- 3.0
public void setupJavaDocumentPartitioner(IDocument document,
String partitioning)
- Sets up the Java document partitioner for the given document for the given partitioning.
- Parameters:
- document - the document to be set up
- partitioning - the document partitioning
- Since:
- 3.0
protected IPreferenceStore getPreferenceStore()
- Returns this text tool's preference store.
- Returns:
- the preference store
- Since:
- 3.0
protected Preferences getCorePreferenceStore()
- Returns this text tool's core preference store.
- Returns:
- the core preference store
- Since:
- 3.0
Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2004. All Rights Reserved.