What's new in V5R4


This topic describes what information is new or significantly changed in this release.


What's new as of 29 August 2006

Performance data files: QAPMHDWR

Changes to this topic include updates to add the file format.

The following information applies if you have installed the latest PTFs. For more information see, Support: PTF cover letters (www.ibm.com/eserver/iseries/support/a_dir/as4ptf.nsf/as4ptfhome).

Performance data files: QAPYDWSTAT

This is a new topic that provides summarized statistics for disk units.

Performance data files: QAPYDWTRC

This is a new topic that provides trace information for each input/output (I/O) operation that occurred for the specified ASP.

Performance data files: QAPYDWTDER

This is a new topic that provides task dispatching element (TDE) resolution information.

Performance data files: QAPYDWOBJR

This is a new topic that provides object resolution information.

Performance data files: QAPYDWPGMR

This is a new topic that provides program or procedure resolution information.

Performance data files: QAPYDWRUNI

This is a new topic that provides information about the Disk Watcher session.

Performance data files: QAPYDWINTI

This is a new topic that provides information about each sample taken in a Disk Watcher session.

The following information applies if you have installed the latest PTFs. For more information see, Support: PTF cover letters (www.ibm.com/eserver/iseries/support/a_dir/as4ptf.nsf/as4ptfhome).

WebSphere performance

Changes to this topic include updates to add links to the performance data files generated by Collection Services.

Performance data files: QAPMWASAPP

This is a new topic that provides information about applications running on the IBM® WebSphere Application Server.

Performance data files: QAPMWASCFG

This is a new topic that provides information about the different server jobs running on the IBM WebSphere Application Server.

Performance data files: QAPMWASEJB

This is a new topic that provides information about applications with enterprise Java™ beans (EJBs) running on the IBM WebSphere Application Server.

Performance data files: QAPMWASRSC

This is a new topic that provides information about pooled resources associated with an IBM WebSphere Application Server.

Performance data files: QAPMWASSVR

This is a new topic that provides information about the server jobs running on the IBM WebSphere Application Server.

The following information applies if you have installed the latest PTFs. For more information see, Support: PTF cover letters (www.ibm.com/eserver/iseries/support/a_dir/as4ptf.nsf/as4ptfhome).

Performance data files: QAPMCONF

Changes to this topic include adding new records (GKEY identifiers B1 through B5).

Performance data files: QAPMDISK

Changes to this topic include adding new records (field names DSSRVT through DSBKST6).


How to see what's new or changed

To help you see where technical changes have been made, this information uses:

To find other information about what's new or changed this release, see the Memo to users.

The information on Intelligent Agents is now included in the Performance PDF.


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