Performance data files: QAPMWASSVR


This data includes information about the server jobs running on the IBM® WebSphere® Application Server. The following information applies if you have installed the latest PTFs.

It contains one record for each server job per interval. Much of the data comes from WebSphere Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) data and transaction counters. Where PMI data is used directly, the name of the PMI field is provided.

Field Name Description Attribute
INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval based on the start time specified in the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command. PD (5,0)
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date and time of the sample interval. C (12)
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since the last sample interval. PD (7,0)
DTECEN Century digit. 0 indicates 19XX and 1 indicates 20XX. C (1)
WSDTIM Date and time data was collected (YYYYMMDDhhmmss). C (14)
WSNAME Job name of server job. C (10)
WSUSER User name of server job. C (10)
WSNBR Job number of server job. C (6)
WSJKEY Server job key. H (16)
WSIHP Initial heap size in bytes. B (18,0)
WSMHP Maximum heap size in bytes. 0 = *NOMAX B (18,0)
WSUMEM Amount of memory used by the JVM in bytes at the time the data was sampled.
(PMI: jvmRuntimeModule.usedMemory; CountStatistic)
B (18,0)
WSTMEM Total memory in the JVM runtime in bytes at the time the data was sampled.
(PMI: jvmRuntimeModule.totalMemory; BoundedRangeStatistic)
B (18,0)
WSMMEM Maximum observed total memory in the JVM runtime in bytes (over the life of the server job) at the time the data was sampled.
(PMI: jvmRuntimeModule.totalMemory; BoundedRangeStatistic)
B (18,0)
WSNHMU Reserved B (18,0)
WSNHMC Reserved B (18,0)
WSUPTM Up time. The amount of time that the JVM was running in milliseconds during the interval.
(PMI: jvmRuntimeModule.upTime; CountStatistic)
B (9,0)
WSGBG Global transactions begun. The total number of global transactions started on the server during the interval.
(PMI: transactionModule.globalTransBegun; CountStatistic)
B (9,0)
WSLBG Local transactions begun. The total number of local transactions started on the server during the interval.
(PMI: transactionModule.localTransBegun; CountStatistic)
B (9,0)
WSGTRT Global transaction time. The accumulated time of global transactions in milliseconds during the interval.
(PMI: transactionModule.globalTranDuration; TimeStatistic)

To calulcate time per global transaction:

B (18,0)
WSLTRT Local transaction time. The accumulated time of local transactions in milliseconds during the interval.
(PMI: transactionModule.localTranDuration; TimeStatistic)

To calculate time per local transaction:

B (18,0)
WSGCMT Global Transactions Committed. The total number of global transactions committed (completed)
(PMI: transactionModule.globalTransCommitted; CountStatistic)
B (9,0)
WSLCMT Local Transactions Committed. The total number of local transactions committed (completed) during the interval.
(PMI: transactionModule.globalTransCommitted; ContStatistic)
B (9,0)
WSGRBK Global Transactions Rolled Back. The total number of global transactions rolled back during the interval.
(PMI: transactionModule.globalTransRolledBack; CountStatistic)
B (9,0)
WSLRBK Local Transactions Rolled Back. The total number of local transactions rolled back during the interval.
(PMI: transactionModule.globalTransRolledBack; CountStatistic)
B (9,0)
WSGTMO Global Transactions Timed Out. The total number of global transactions timed out during the interval.
(PMI: transactionModule.globalTransTimeout; CountStatistic)
B (9,0)
WSLTMO Local Transactions Timed Out. The total number of local transactions timed out during the interval.
(PMI: transactionModule.localTransTimeout; CountStatistic)
B (9,0)
WSGCC Garbage collection count. Number of garbage collection events during the interval. JDK 5.0 only.
B (18,0)
WSGCT Garbage collection time. The accumulated time of garbage collection events in milliseconds during the interval. JDK 5.0 only.
B (18,0)
WSRES1 Reserved. B (9,0)
WSRES2 Reserved. B (9,0)
WSRES3 Reserved. B (9,0)
WSRES4 Reserved. B (9,0)
WSRES5 Reserved. B (18,0)
WSRES6 Reserved. B (18,0)
Related reference
Performance data files: Collection Services system category and file relationships Performance data files: File abbreviations