Performance data files: QAPMWASAPP


This data includes information about applications running on the IBM® WebSphere® Application Server. The following information applies if you have installed the latest PTFs.

The data file contains one record for each application per interval. Applications can be either of the following types:

Much of the data comes from WebSphere Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) data and transaction counters. Where PMI data is used directly, the name of the PMI field is provided.

Field Name Description Attribute
INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval based on the start time specified in the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command. PD (5,0)
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date and time of the sample interval. C (12)
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since the last sample interval. PD (7,0)
DTECEN Century digit. 0 indicates 19XX and 1 indicates 20XX. C (1)
WSNAME Job name of server job. C (10)
WSUSER User name of server job. C (10)
WSNBR Job number of server job. C (6)
WSJKEY Server job key. H (16)
WAKEY Application key. H (8)
WAAPP Application name (first 10 characters if the name is longer than this field). This field is in unicode. G (40)
Servlet session counters
WACRT Servlet sessions created. The number of servlet sessions that were created during the interval.
(PMI: servletSessionsModule.createdSessions)
B (9,0)
WAINV Servlet sessions invalidated. The number of servlet sessions that were invalidated during the interval.
(PMI: servletSessionsModule.invalidatedSessions)
B (9,0)
WATLIF Servlet Session Accumulated Lifetime. The accumulated servlet session lifetime in milliseconds (time invalidated - time created) during the interval.
(PMI: servletSessionsModule.sessionLifeTime)

To calculate average lifetime:

B (18,0)
WALIV Servlet Session Current Live Count. The number of sessions that were cached in memory at the time the data was sampled.
(PMI: servletSessionsModule.liveSessions)
B (9,0)
Web application counters – servlets
WASLD Servlets loaded. The total number of servlets loaded during the interval. This field includes both servlets and JSPs.
(PMI: webAppModule.numLoadedServlets; CountStatistic)
B (9,0)
WASRD Servlets reloaded. The total number of servlets reloaded during the interval. This field includes both servlets and JSPs.
(PMI: webAppModule.numReloads; CountStatistic)
B (9,0)
WASCNT Current servlets. Number of servlets at the time the data was sampled. This field does not include JSPs. B (9,0)
WASCNTNZ Current servlets with non-zero response time. The number of servlets which had a response time > 0 at the time the data was sampled. This field does not include JSPs. B (9,0)
WASREQ Servlet requests. Total number of requests that servlets processed during the interval. This field does not include JSPs.
(PMI: webAppModule.servlets.totalRequests; CountStatistic)
B (9,0)
WASRT Servlet response time. Total accumulated response time in milliseconds during the interval for servlets. This field does not include JSPs.
(PMI: webAppModule.servlets.responseTime; TimeStatistic)

To calculate response time per servlet:

B (18,0)
WASWE Current servlets with errors. The number of servlets which had an error count > 0 at the time the data was sampled. This field does not include JSPs.
(PMI: Number of servlets where webAppModule.servlets.numErrors > 0)
B (9,0)
WASERR Servlet error count. The total number of errors for all servlets. This field does not include JSPs.
(PMI: webAppModule.servlets.numErrors; CountStatistic)
B (9,0)
Web application counters – JSPs
WAJCNT Current JSPs. Number of JSPs at the time the data was sampled. B (9,0)
WAJREQ JSP requests. Total number of requests that JSPs processed during the interval.
(PMI: webAppModule.servlets.totalRequests; CountStatistic)
B (9,0)
WAJRT Total JSP response time. Total accumulated response time in milliseconds during the interval for all JSPs.
(PMI: webAppModule.servlets.responseTime; TimeStatistic)

To calculate response time per JSP:

B (18,0)
WAJWE JSP count with errors. Number of JSPs which had an error count > 0 at the time the data was sampled.
(PMI: Number of JSPs where webAppModule.servlets.numErrors > 0).
B (9,0)
WAJERR JSP error count. The total number of errors for JSPs during the interval.
(PMI: webAppModule.servlets.numErrors; CountStatistic).
B (9,0)
Reserved fields
WARES1 Reserved B (9,0)
WARES2 Reserved B (9,0)
WARES3 Reserved B (9,0)
WARES4 Reserved B (9,0)
WARES5 Reserved B (18,0)
WARES6 Reserved B (18,0)
Related reference
Performance data files: Collection Services system category and file relationships Performance data files: File abbreviations