This file is an output file that is produced by the Display Hardware Resources (DSPHDWRSC) command.
This file contains one record for each hardware component in the partition.
The format of the output file is the same as that of the physical file model, QARZALLF, and its associated record format model, QRZALL.
When Collect Services starts, it issues the DSPHDWRSC command with the following parameters:
myperformance_lib is the library of the output file.
myperformance_mbr is the name of the database file member.
Field Name | Description | Attribute |
DORCEN | Century of retrieval: 0=19xx, 1=20xx | C (1) |
DORDAT | Date of retrieval: year/month/day | C (6) |
DORTIM | Time of retrieval: hour/minute/second | C (6) |
DOSNAM | System name | C (8) |
DOSTYP | System hardware type | C (4) |
DOSMOD | System model number | C (3) |
DOSSER | System serial number | C (10) |
DORECF | Record format identifier | C (1) |
DOSVRM | Operating system level | C (6) |
DORSVD | Reserved | C (36) |
DORSVF | Reserved | C (2) |
DOCRPF | Cryptographic function: 0=No, 1=Yes | C (1) |
DOCSAF | Coupled system adapter function: 0=No, 1=Yes | C (1) |
DOCMNF | Communications function: 0=No, 1=Yes | C (1) |
DOLWSF | Local workstation function: 0=No, 1=Yes | C (1) |
DOSTGF | Storage function: 0=No, 1=Yes | C (1) |
DOPRCF | Processor function: 0=No, 1=Yes | C (1) |
DORLVL | Resource level | C (1) |
DORDSC | Resource description | C (2) |
DORNAM | System-defined resource name | C (10) |
DORPAR | System-defined previous level resource name | C (10) |
DORTYP | Resource type | C (4) |
DORMOD | Resource model number | C (3) |
DORPRT | Resource part number | C (12) |
DORSER | Resource serial number | C (10) |
DORDSA | Resource direct select address | C (4) |
DORUAA | Resource unit address | C (8) |
DORSTS | Resource status | C (1) |
DORRID | Resource frame identification | C (2) |
DOREIA | Resource EIA location | C (2) |
DORCSL | Resource card position | C (3) |
DORDSL | Resource device position | C (4) |
DOCFGO | Configuration object name | C (10) |
DOCFGP | Previous level configuration object name | C (10) |
DOREDS | Resource extended description | C (2) |
DORSVC | Reserved | C (8) |
DOSYTM | Coupled system name | C (8) |
DOSMTP | Coupled system type | C (4) |
DOSMDL | Coupled system model | C (3) |
DOSSRN | Coupled system serial number | C (10) |
DORSVA | Reserved | C (8) |
DORKBD | Keyboard country or region code | C (3) |
DORCOL | Color-capable display: 0=No, 1=Yes | C (1) |
DORSWD | Screen width: 0=Standard, 1=Wide | C (1) |
DORIWS | Programmable workstation: 0=No, 1=Yes | C (1) |
DORPOR | Port number: 00-06 | C (2) |
DORSWT | Switch setting: 00-06 | C (2) |
DORSVL | Reserved | C (8) |
DORMSZ | Main storage card capacity in MB | PD (10,0) |
DORSVP | Reserved | C (8) |
DORAFI | Alternate frame identification | C (4) |
DORACP | Alternate card position | C (5) |
DORADP | Alternate device position | C (5) |
DORTTY | Transport type definition | C (2) |
DORTF1 | Transport location field 1 | C (4) |
DORTF2 | Transport location field 2 | C (4) |
DORTF3 | Transport location field 3 | C (4) |
DORTFR | Reserved | C (8) |
DORUAT | Unit address type | C (2) |
DORUA1 | Unit address field 1 | C (4) |
DORUA2 | Unit address field 2 | C (4) |
DORUA3 | Unit address field 3 | C (4) |
DORUA4 | Unit address field 4 | C (4) |
DORUA5 | Unit address field 5 | C (4) |
PRCFCD | Processor feature code | C (4) |
PRCFD | Processor feature | C (4) |
PRCIFD | Interactive feature | C (4) |
LOCCOD | Location code | C (79) |