Performance data files: QAPMWASEJB


This data includes information about applications with enterprise Java™ beans (EJBs) running on the IBM® WebSphere® Application Server. The following information applies if you have installed the latest PTFs.

Each record represents one type of EJB (such as stateful, stateless, entity, or message-driven) per application per interval. If there is no bean activity for a particular EJB type, then no record will be written.

Much of the data comes from WebSphere Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) data and transaction counters. Where PMI data is used directly, the name of the PMI field is provided.

Field Name Description Attribute
INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval based on the start time specified in the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command. PD (5,0)
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date and time of the sample interval. C (12)
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since the last sample interval. PD (7,0)
DTECEN Century digit. 0 indicates 19XX and 1 indicates 20XX. C (1)
WSNAME Job name of server job. C (10)
WSUSER User name of server job. C (10)
WSNBR Job number of server job. C (6)
WSJKEY Server job key. H (16)
WAKEY Application key H (8)
WEAPP Application name (first 10 characters if the name is longer than this field). This field is in Unicode. G (40)
WETYPE Type of bean.

‘1’ = Stateful  
‘2’ = Stateless  
‘3’ = Entity  
‘4’ = Message driven

C (1)
WEHOME EJB homes. Number of EJB homes at the time the data was sampled. B (9,0)
WECRT Beans created. The total number beans created during the interval.
(PMI: beanModule.creates; CountStatistic)
B (9,0)
WERMV Beans removed. The total number of beans removed during the interval.
(PMI: beanModule.removes; CountStatistic)
B (9,0)
WEPSV Beans passivated. The total number of beans that were passivated during the interval.
(PMI: beanModule.passivates; CountStatistic)
B (9,0)
WELOAD Beans loaded. The total number of beans that were loaded during the interval. This field applies only to entity beans.
(PMI: beanModule.loads; CountStatistic)
B (9,0)
WESTORE Beans stored. The total number of beans that were stored during the interval. This field applies only to entity beans.
(PMI: beanModule.stores; CountStatistic)
B (9,0)
WERSP Total accumulated bean method response time. The total response time in milliseconds for the bean methods (home, remote, local) during the interval.

To calculate average response time per bean:
(PMI: beanModule.avgMethodRt; TimeStatistic)

B (18,0)
WERDY Current ready beans. The number of ready beans at the time the data was sampled.
(PMI: beanModule.readyCount; RangeStatistic)
B (9,0)
WELIV Current live beans. The number of live beans at the time the data was sampled.
(PMI: beanModule.concurrentLives; RangeStatistic)
B (9,0)
WECALL Bean method calls. The total number of bean method calls during the interval.
(PMI: beanModule.totalMethodCalls; CountStatistic)
B (9,0)
WERTP Returns to pool. The total number of calls returning bean to the pool during the interval. This field applies only to stateless and entity beans.
(PMI: beanModule.returnsToPool; CountStatistic)
B (9,0)
WEDISC Returns discarded. The total number of times during the interval that the returning bean was discarded because the pool was full. This field applies only to stateless and entity beans.
(PMI: beanModule.returnsDiscarded; CountStatistic)
B (9,0)
WEPOOL Current beans in pool. The number of beans in the pool at the time the data was sampled. This field applies only to stateless and entity beans.
(PMI: beanModule.poolSize; RangeStatistic)
B (9,0)
WEMSG Messages delivered. The total number of messages delivered to the bean onMessage method during the interval. This field applies only to message driven beans.
(PMI: beanModule.messageCount; CountStatistic)
B (9,0)
WERES1 Reserved. B (9,0)
WERES2 Reserved. B (9,0)
WERES3 Reserved. B (9,0)
WERES4 Reserved. B (9,0)
WERES5 Reserved. B (18,0)
WERES6 Reserved. B (18,0)
Related reference
Performance data files: Collection Services system category and file relationships Performance data files: File abbreviations