Performance data files: QAPYDWSTAT


This file provides summarized statistics for the specified disk units. The following information applies if you have installed the latest PTFs.

One record is created per sample per disk unit path.

The path to a disk unit can be uniquely identified by either the device resource name or the 16 byte combination of the fields STBUSNUM, STBOARDNUM, STCARDNUM, STIOAADDR, STIOBUSNUM, STIOCTLADR, STIODEVADR, and STUNITNUM.

Field Name Description Attribute
INTERVAL Interval number. B (8)
DEVRNAME Device resource name associated with this disk unit path. C (10)
STBUSNUM System bus number. The system bus number of the I/O device. B (2)
STBOARDNUM System board number. The system board number of the I/O device. B (2)
STCARDNUM System card number. The system card number of the I/O device. B (2)
STIOAADDR I/O adapter address. The adapter address of the I/O device. B (2)
STIOBUSNUM I/O bus number. The bus number of the I/O device. B (2)
STIOCTLADR I/O controller address. The controller address of the I/O device. B (2)
STIODEVADR I/O device address. The device address of the I/O device. B (2)
STUNITNUM Unit number. The unit number for which I/O statistics are being returned. B (2)
STASPNUM ASP number. The ASP number associated with this disk unit path. B (2)
STFIRSTIO First I/O time. The time the first I/O occurred (in microseconds) from the session creation time. B (8)
STLASTIO Last I/O time. The time the last I/O occurred (in microseconds) from the session creation time. B (8)
STWRTTOTAL Total write time. The total time spent performing write operations (in microseconds). B (8)
STWRTDQ Deferred queue write time. The total amount of time the write request waited on the deferred queue (in microseconds). B (8)
STWRTCNT Write count. The total number of write operations. B (8)
STWRTPGCNT Write page count. The total number of pages written. B (8)
STWRTMIN Minimum write time. The minimum amount of time used to perform a write operation (in microseconds). B (8)
STWRTMINDQ Minimum deferred queue write time. the minimum amount of time the write request waited on the deferred queue (in microseconds). B (8)
STWRTMAX Maximum write time. The maximum amount of time used to perform a write operation (in microseconds). B (8)
STWRTMAXDQ Maximum deferred queue write time. The maximum amount of time the write request waited on the deferred queue (in microseconds). B (8)
STRDTOTAL Total read time. The total time spent performing read operations (in microseconds). B (8)
STRDDQ Deferred queue read time. The total amount of time the read request waited on the deferred queue (in microseconds). B (8)
STRDCNT Read count. The total number of read operations. B (8)
STRDPGCNT Read page count. The total number of pages read. B (8)
STRDMIN Minimum read time. The minimum amount of time used to perform a read operation (in microseconds) B (8)
STRDMINDQ Minimum deferred queue read time. The minimum amount of time the read request waited on the deferred queue (in microseconds). B (8)
STRDMAX Maximum read time. The maximum amount of time used to perform a read operation (in microseconds). B (8)
STRDMAXDQ Maximum deferred queue read time. The maximum amount of time the read request waited on the deferred queue (in microseconds). B (8)
STOTHTOTAL Total other I/O time. The total time spent performing other I/O operations (in microseconds). B (8)
STOTHDQ Deferred queue other I/O time. The total amount of time an other I/O operation waited on the deferred queue (in microseconds). B (8)
STOTHCNT Other I/O count. The total number of other I/O operations. B (8)
STOTHPGCNT Other I/O pages count. The total number of pages involved in other I/O operations. B (8)
STOTHMIN Minimum other I/O time. The minimum amount of time used to perform an other I/O operation (in microseconds). B (8)
STOTHMINDQ Minimum deferred queue other I/O time. The minimum amount of time an other I/O operation waited on the deferred queue (in microseconds). B (8)
STOTHMAX Maximum other I/O time. The maximum amount of time used to perform an other I/O operation (in microseconds). B (8)
STOTHMAXDQ Maximum deferred queue other I/O time. The maximum amount of time an other I/O operation waited on the deferred queue (in microseconds). B (8)
STDATAMISS I/O data missed. Indicates that some I/O data for this disk unit was missed because the collection buffer wrapped during the interval. Reducing the amount of time between intervals may prevent this missed data.

0 = no data missed.
1 = data missed for this disk unit.

C (1)
STRESERVE1 Reserved B (8)
STRESERVE2 Reserved B (8)
STRESERVE3 Reserved B (8)