This data includes information about pooled resources associated with an IBM® WebSphere® Application Server. The following information applies if you have installed the latest PTFs.
Each record represents one pooled resource per interval. The type of pooled resource can be a JDBC connection pool, a J2C connection pool, or a thread pool. Not all fields are applicable to each pooled resource type. If a resource exists but is not being used (nothing created, destroyed, allocated or returned), then no record will be written.
Much of the data comes from WebSphere Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) data and transaction counters. Where PMI data is used directly, the name of the PMI field is provided.
Field Name | Description | Attribute |
INTNUM | Interval number: The nth sample database interval based on the start time specified in the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command. | PD (5,0) |
DTETIM | Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date and time of the sample interval | C (12) |
INTSEC | Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since the last sample interval. | PD (7,0) |
DTECEN | Century digit. 0 indicates 19XX and 1 indicates 20XX. | C (1) |
WSNAME | Job name of server job. | C (10) |
WSUSER | User name of server job. | C (10) |
WSNBR | Job number of server job. | C (6) |
WSJKEY | Server job key. | H (16) |
WPKEY | Pooled resource key. | H (8) |
WPRSCNM | Pooled resource name. This field is in Unicode. | G (40) |
WPTYPE | Type of pooled resource:
‘1’ = JDBC
| C (1) |
WPCRT | Creates. The total number of connections or threads created during the interval.
(PMI: JDBC: connectionPoolModule.numCreates; CountStatistic) (PMI: J2C: j2cModule.numManagedConnectionsCreated; CountStatistic) (PMI: Thread pool: threadPoolModule.threadCreates; CountStatistic) | B (9,0) |
WPDST | Destroys. The total number of connections or threads destroyed during the interval.
(PMI: JDBC: connectionPoolModule.numDestroys; CountStatistic) (PMI: J2C: j2cModule.numManagedConnectionsDestroyed; CountStatistic) (PMI: Thread pool: threadPoolModule.threadDestroys; CountStatistic) | B (9,0) |
WPALC | Allocates. The total number of connections allocated during the interval.
Does not apply to thread pool.
(PMI: JDBC: connectionPoolModule.numAllocates; CountStatistic) (PMI: J2C: j2cModule.numManagedConnectionsAllocated; CountStatistic) (PMI: Thread pool: Set to 0) | B (9,0) |
WPRTN | Returns. The total number of connections returned to the pool during the interval. Does not apply to thread pool.
(PMI: JDBC: connectionPoolModule.numReturns; CountStatistic) (PMI: J2C: j2cModule.numManagedConnectionsReleased; CountStatistic) (PMI: Thread pool: Set to 0) | B (9,0) |
WPACT | Active Count. The number of active connections or threads at the time the data was sampled.
(PMI: JDBC: Calculate from Allocates-Returns; CountStatistic) (PMI: J2C: Calculate from Allocates-Returns; CountStatistic) (PMI: Thread pool: threadPoolModule.activeThreads; RangeStatistic) | B (9,0) |
WPWAITTM | Wait Time. The total accumulated time during the interval in milliseconds spent waiting until a connection is granted. Does not apply to thread pool.
(PMI: JDBC: connectionPoolModule.avgWaitTime; TimeStatistic) (PMI: J2C: j2cModule.avgWait; TimeStatistic) (PMI: Thread pool: Set to 0) | B (18,0) |
WPUSETM | Use Time. The total accumulated time during the interval in milliseconds during which a JDBC connection is used. Does not apply to J2C or thread pools.
(PMI: JDBC: connectionPoolModule.avgUseTime; TimeStatistic) (PMI: J2C: j2cModule.useTime; TimeStatistic) (PMI: Thread: Set to 0) | B (18,0) |
WPCONN | Number of managed connections. The total number of managed connections in use during the interval for JDBC and J2C pools. Does not apply to thread pool.
(PMI: JDBC: connectionPoolModule.numManagedConnections; CountStatistic) (PMI: J2C: j2cModule.numManagedConnections; CountStatistic) (PMI: Thread: Set to 0) | B (9,0) |
WPSMTD | Prepared statement discards. The total number of statements discarded by the least recently used (LRU) algorithm of the statement cache during the interval. Does not apply to J2C or thread pools.
(PMI: JDBC: connectionPoolModule.prepStmtCacheDiscards; CountStatistic) (PMI: J2C: Set to 0) (PMI: Thread: Set to 0) | B (9,0) |
WPJDBC | JDBC Time. The total accumulated time in milliseconds spent running in the JDBC driver during the interval. This includes time spent in the JDBC driver, network, and database (apply to 5.0 DataSource only). Does not apply to J2C or thread pools.
(PMI: JDBC: connectionPoolModule.jdbcOperationTimer; TimeStatistic) (PMI: J2C: Set to 0) (PMI: Thread: Set to 0) | B (9,0) |
WPWAIT | Current Waiters. The number of JDBC or J2C threads that are waiting for a connection at the time the data was sampled. Does not apply to thread pool.
(PMI: JDBC: connectionPoolModule.concurrentWaiters; RangeStatistic) (PMI: J2C: j2cModule.concurrentWaiters) (PMI: Thread: Set to 0) | B (9,0) |
WPPCTU | Percent Used. The current average percent of the JDBC or J2C pool that is in use at the time the data was sampled. Does not apply to thread pool.
(PMI: JDBC: connectionPoolModule.percentUsed; RangeStatistic) (PMI: J2C: j2cModule.percentUsed; RangeStatistic) (PMI: Thread: Set to 0) | B (5,0) |
WPPCTM | Percent maxed. The current average percent of the time that all connections are in use at the time the data was sampled.
(PMI: JDBC: connectionPoolModule.percentMaxed; RangeStatistic) (PMI: J2C: j2cModule.percentMaxed; RangeStatistic) (PMI: Thread: threadPoolModule.percentMaxed) | B (5,0) |
WPTC | Thread count. The average number of connections or threads in the pool at the time the data was sampled.
(PMI: JDBC: connectionPoolModule.poolSize; BoundedRangeStatistic) (PMI: J2C: j2cModule.freePoolSize) (PMI: Thread: threadPoolModule.poolSize; BoundedRangeStatistic) | B (9,0) |
WPTHS | Thread hangs started. The total number of threads declared hung during the interval. Does not apply to JDBC or J2C pools.
(PMI: JDBC: Set to 0) (PMI: J2C: Set to 0) (PMI: Thread: threadPoolModule.declaredThreadHung; CountStatistic) | B (9,0) |
WPTHE | Thread hangs ended. The total number of thread hangs cleared during the interval. Does not apply to JDBC or J2C pools.
(PMI: JDBC: Set to 0) (PMI: J2C: Set to 0) (PMI: Thread: threadPoolModule.declaredThreadHangCleared; CountStatistic) | B (9,0) |
WPCTH | Current thread hangs. The number of hung threads at the time the data was sampled. Does not apply to JDBC or J2C pools.
(PMI: JDBC: Set to 0) (PMI: J2C: Set to 0) (PMI: Thread: threadPoolModule.concurrentlyHungThreads; RangeStatistic) | B (9,0) |
WPRES1 | Reserved. | B (9,0) |
WPRES2 | Reserved. | B (9,0) |
WPRES3 | Reserved. | B (9,0) |
WPRES4 | Reserved. | B (9,0) |
WPRES5 | Reserved. | B (18,0) |
WPRES6 | Reserved. | B (18,0) |