This file contains information about each sample taken in a Disk Watcher session. The following information applies if you have installed the latest PTFs.
One record is created per interval.
Field Name | Description | Attribute |
INTERVAL | Interval number. | B (8) |
IISTARTTOD | Interval start time of day. The time of day data collection began for this interval. | Timestamp |
IIENDTOD | Interval end time of day. The time of day data collection ended for this interval. | Timestamp |
IIASPCNT | Auxiliary storage pool count. the number of ASPs for which disk I/O information was collected in this interval. | B (4) |
IIPATHCNT | Disk unit path count. The number of disk unit paths for which disk I/O information was collected in this interval. | B (4) |
IIDATAMISS | Data missed. Indicates whether data was missed in this interval. Data may be missed if the collection interval is too large because the data collection buffer could wrap it can be collected.
| C (1) |
IICONDSTS | Condition status. For a conditional collection, indicates whether the condition was satisfied during this interval
| C (1) |
IIRESERVE1 | Reserved. | B (8) |
IIRESERVE2 | Reserved. | B (8) |