Web activities

Create web activities to schedule and control the information that displays in e-Marketing Spots or Commerce Composer widgets on the store pages. When a customer views a store page, the web activity determines what to show the customer. We can target specific sets of customers with personalized and relevant content. Here are some examples of web activities we can create:

You create web activities in a graphical editor called the Activity Builder. For the first example in the previous list, the web activity looks like this screen capture:

What web activities can display

Web activities can display content, catalog entries, or categories. When you create a web activity, the action element that you choose determines the type of information to display. In the previous image of a web activity, Recommend Content is the action element. The following table lists all the web activity actions that we can use:

Commerce Composer widgets and web activities

If your company uses the Commerce Composer tool, there are a number of widgets in the Commerce Composer widget library that support web activities:

Personalization in web activities

We can add targets to your web activities to personalize the marketing information customers see on the store page. For example, we can display a different ad to customers based on their purchase history, catalog browsing behavior, or segmentation. For a list of all the targets we can add to web activities, see Targets in marketing activities.For personalization, customers are tracked using their personalization ID.

As a result, the Marketing tool can effectively track all types of customers (generic, guest, and registered). A customer's purchase history, catalog browsing behavior, searching behavior, and other online behaviors, are recorded against their personalization ID. This recorded data is used to determine what content to display to the customer. Here are some examples:

Web activity scheduling and evaluation

We can set start dates and end dates for web activities. For example, we can schedule a Furniture Sale web activity to run for a week and then schedule a White Sale web activity to run for the next week.

We can schedule more than one web activity to display in the same e-Marketing Spot or Commerce Composer widget at the same time. When you do, the server evaluates the web activities in a specific sequence to determine what to display to the customer. A web activity returns data (catalog entries, categories, or content) to display if the customer reaches the action element in the activity flow. If the activity flow contains target elements before the action element, the customer must meet the target criteria before the web activity returns data to display. The server determines which web activity to display to a customer according to the following rules:

Here is an example:

The e-Marketing Spot in the second row of the home page can display two ads side by side. Four web activities are scheduled to run in this e-Marketing Spot at the same time:

Web activity What it displays Contains a target? Priority setting
A Ad 1 Yes, a Customer Segment target set to Female Customers. 1000
B Ad 2 No 500
C Ad 3 No 1
D Ad 4 No 1

When two different customers view the e-Marketing Spot, the server evaluates the scheduled web activities for each customer according to the rules. As a result, each customer sees a different combination of ads:

Customer viewing the e-Marketing Spot What the customer views
A customer who belongs to the Female Customers customer segment Ad 1 and Ad 2
A customer who does not belong to the Female Customers customer segment Ad 2, and either Ad 3 or Ad 4

Related concepts
Activity building blocks: triggers, targets, and actions

Related tasks
Creating a web activity
Activating or deactivating an activity
Testing web activities
Changing a web activity
Creating a dialog activity
Changing the priority of a Web activity
Viewing the web activities scheduled for an e-Marketing Spot

Related reference
Troubleshooting: Web activity does not display in store preview