IBM Worklight v5.0.5 > Develop IBM Worklight applications > Develop the server side of an IBM Worklight application

The adapter XML File

The adapter XML file is used to...

For example, AddressAdd.xml...

The root element of the document is <adapter>.

Backend variable values, such as WEBSPHERE_COMMERCE_SERVER_HOST, are set in the application's file.

adapter XML file

  1. <adapter>
  2. <connectivity>
  3. <connectionPolicy>
  4. <loadConstraints>
  5. <procedure>

HTTP adapter XML file

  1. root
    1. <connectionPolicy>
    2. <authentication>
    3. <proxy>

SQL adapter XML file

  1. root
    1. <connectionPolicy>

Cat Iron adapter XML file

  1. root
    1. <connectionPolicy>

JMS adapter XML file

  1. root
    1. <connectionPolicy>
    2. <namingConnection>
    3. <jmsConnection>

Parent Develop the server side of an IBM Worklight application


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