IBM Worklight v5.0.5 > Develop IBM Worklight applications > Develop the server side of an IBM Worklight application > The adapter XML FileThe <connectionPolicy> element of the SQL adapter
The connection policy of an SQL adapter is configured in two places:
- adapter XML configuration file.
Configure the policy in
In all properties, n can be 1 - 10, such as...
Property Description custom-db.n.relative-jndi-name Relative JNDI name of the database. This is the part of the JNDI name that is prefixed by... java:comp/env/
For example, if the full JNDI name is...
...the relative JNDI name is mydatabase.
custom-db-n.driver JDBC driver to the database. The JDBC driver of MySQL, for example, is... com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
The driver must be placed in...
custom-db.n.url JDBC connection string to the database. For example: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydatabase
custom-db.n.username User name used to connect to the database. custom-db.n.password User password used to connect to the database.
Configure the adapter XML file
In the adapter XML configuration file, configure the <ConnectionPolicy> element.
<connectionPolicy xsi:type="sql:SQLConnectionPolicy"> <dataSourceJNDIName> java:comp/env/relative-jndi-name </dataSourceJNDIName> </connectionPolicy>
Attribute Description xsi:type . The value of this attribute must be set to sql:SQLConnectionPolicy.
Subelement Description dataSourceJNDIName . The JNDI name (the data source name), as defined in In the reference example, the <ConnectionPolicy> element is defined as follows:
<connectionPolicy xsi:type="sql:SQLConnectionPolicy"> <dataSourceJNDIName>java:/comp/env/bankDS</dataSourceJNDIName> </connectionPolicy>
Parent The adapter XML File