IBM Worklight v5.0.5 > Develop IBM Worklight applications > Develop the server side of an IBM Worklight application > The adapter XML FileThe <namingConnection> element of the JMS adapter
The JMS Adapter uses JNDI repository objects. The repository can be defined as either...
- JEE server context
- external JNDI repository
For external repositories, to define how the Worklight server connects to the repository, specify the <namingConnection> element
Attribute Description url The url of the external JNDI repository. For example: iiop://localhost
Syntax is dependent on the JNDI provider.
initialContextFactory Class name of the JNDI provider. For example:
Put the driver, and any associated files /server/lib. For Eclipse environments, put files in /lib. For WAS with WebSphere MQ, do not add the WebSphere MQ JAR files to the /lib directory, because the files already exist in the WAS environment.
user Optional. User name of a user with authority to connect to the JNDI repository. If user is not specified, the default user name is guest. password Optional. Password for the user specified in the user attribute. If user is not specified, the default password is guest.
Parent The adapter XML File