Saved Orders page

Customers can view a list of their current order and their saved orders. From the list, customers can access an action menu to view, duplicate, or delete the order, add the order to a requisition list, or set a saved order as a current order.

The saved orders feature enables customers to work with multiple orders (carts) at the same time. One order is the current order, and more orders are saved orders. The customer can switch any saved order to be the current order and then proceed to the checkout flow to place the order. For convenience, the customer can quickly access their saved orders by using a link in the store header.

In the saved orders list, the order that is marked with a yellow star is the current order.

Note: In a B2C store, the term shopping cart is used to mean the same thing as current order.

Elements of the Saved Orders page

Full size screen capture

Optional functions on Saved Orders page

The Saved orders function is an optional store function that can be enabled or disabled for the Aurora starter store using the Store Management tool in Management Center. For more information, see Selecting store functions.

JSP files

The ListOrdersDisplay.jsp file represents the entire Saved Orders page.

The layout of Saved Orders page is built with widgets that use the Commerce Composer framework to retrieve and display content. However, Saved Orders page is not managed in the Commerce Composer tool, and not all the widgets used in the page are available to Management Center users in the Commerce Composer tool.

* indicates widgets available to Management Center users in the Commerce Composer tool.

Links and buttons

E-Marketing Spot

We can display default content, or Web activities, or both, in the following e-Marketing Spot on Saved Orders page:

E-Marketing Spot name and details Supported default content types Supported Web activities
4 WishListCenter_CatEntries

Recommended usage: Display catalog entry recommendations on the page.

  • Content - No

  • Categories - No

  • Catalog entries - Yes

Run Web activities that use the following actions:

This e-Marketing Spot is also used on the Requisition Lists page (B2B), the Requisition Lists Log Details page (B2B), and the Saved Order Details page.

Related reference
My Account flows