Install WebSphere Commerce feature packs silently

You can install your feature pack using a silent method which uses a response file; no graphical interface is required. The silent install can be used to automate the installation.


To install the WebSphere Commerce feature pack, your system must meet the following prerequisites:

WebSphere Commerce feature pack Prerequisites


Feature Pack 1

One of the following versions of WebSphere Commerce is installed:


Feature Pack 2


Feature Pack 3


Feature Pack 3.0.1

Your WebSphere Commerce instance can be active or stopped during the installation of the WebSphere Commerce feature pack.
To install the feature pack...

  1. Download the WebSphere Commerce feature pack package and save it to a temporary location on your WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Developer machine. This temporary location is denoted as the FeaturePack_tempdir in the following sections. Unzip the WebSphere Commerce feature pack package into the FeaturePack_tempdir.

  2. Depending on your operating system, complete one of the following steps:

  3. Review the IBM International Program License Agreement found in the following location:

    Where X is the feature pack number (1, 2, 3, 301) that you have downloaded.

    Review the terms for the third party licensed code found in the following location:

    where X is the feature pack number (301)

  4. Navigate to the FeaturePack_tempdir directory and open the responsefile.txt file in a text editor.

  5. Edit the responsefile.txt file, ensuring the following sections are edited appropriately:

    1. If you agree to the terms of the both the IBM and the third party license agreements, change the applicable properties to "true". For example:

      -OPT silentInstallLicenseAcceptance="true"

      -OPT silentInstall3rdPartyLicenseAcceptance="true"

    2. Specify the full path name of the WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Developer installation directory in the installLocation property. For example:

      • AIX|-OPT installLocation="/usr/IBM/WebSphere/CommerceServer60"

      • Linux|Solaris|-OPT installLocation="/opt/IBM/WebSphere/CommerceServer60"

      • I5/OS|-OPT installLocation="QIBM/ProdData/CommerceServer60"

      • Windows: -OPT installLocation="C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\CommerceServer60"

      • -OPT installLocation="C:\WCToolkit60"

    3. Save the file and exit.

  6. I5/OS|Start a QShell session using the STRQSH command.

  7. Navigate to the FeaturePack_tempdir/ and launch the installer by issuing the following command:

  8. When the installation is finished, and depending on which feature pack you have installed, one of the following messages is displayed in the console window:

  9. Optional: Review the feature pack installation logs:

    where X is the feature pack number (1, 2, 3, 301) that you have installed.

    If the installation failed, refer to Troubleshoot: WebSphere Commerce feature pack install or uninstall failed.

  10. You can now enable the WebSphere Commerce features that are included in the feature pack. To enable a feature, refer to Enabling features.


Related Concepts

WebSphere Commerce feature packs


Related tasks

Install WebSphere Commerce feature packs interactively
Install WebSphere Commerce feature packs


Related Reference

Troubleshoot: WebSphere Commerce feature pack issues
Troubleshoot: WebSphere Commerce feature enablement issues