Install WebSphere Commerce feature packs silently
You can install your feature pack using a silent method which uses a response file; no graphical interface is required. The silent install can be used to automate the installation.Prerequisite
To install the WebSphere Commerce feature pack, your system must meet the following prerequisites:
WebSphere Commerce feature pack Prerequisites AIX|I5/OS|Linux|Solaris|Windows:
Feature Pack 1
One of the following versions of WebSphere Commerce is installed:
- WebSphere Commerce v6 with fix pack 1 or higher installed
- WebSphere Commerce V5.6.1 installed
- WebSphere Commerce V5.6 installed
Feature Pack 2
- WebSphere Commerce v6 with fix pack 2 or higher installed
- WAS v6.2.15 or higher 6.0.2 maintenance installed
- At least 500 MB of hard disk space
- The WebSphere Commerce feature pack 2 required maintenance is installed
Feature Pack 3
- WebSphere Commerce v6 with fix pack 4 or higher installed
- WAS v6.2.21 or higher 6.0.2 maintenance installed
- At least 500 MB of hard disk space
- WebSphere Commerce feature pack 3 required maintenance installed
Feature Pack 3.0.1
- WebSphere Commerce v6 with fix pack 4 or higher installed
- LI72956 fix for WebSphere Commerce v6.0.4
- WAS v6.2.21 or higher 6.0.2 maintenance installed
- At least 500 MB of hard disk space
- WebSphere Commerce feature pack 3 required maintenance installed
Your WebSphere Commerce instance can be active or stopped
during the installation of the WebSphere Commerce feature pack.
To install the feature pack...
Where X is the feature pack number (1, 2, 3, 301) that you have downloaded.
the terms for the third party licensed code found in the following location:
where X is the feature pack number (301)
-OPT silentInstallLicenseAcceptance="true"
-OPT silentInstall3rdPartyLicenseAcceptance="true"
You must specify the absolute path to the responsefile.txt file.
IBM WebSphere Commerce Feature Pack 1 V1.0.0.0 installed successfully.
IBM WebSphere Commerce Feature Pack 2 V1.0.0.0 installed successfully.
IBM WebSphere Commerce Feature Pack 3 installed successfully.
IBM WebSphere Commerce Feature Pack 3 3.0.1 installed successfully.
where X is the feature pack number (1, 2, 3, 301) that you have installed.
If the installation failed, refer to Troubleshoot: WebSphere Commerce feature pack install or uninstall failed.