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Upgrade Connections v4.x to Connections v5.0

Task Resource Dev QA Prod Notes
Verify system requirements. TBD Pend Pend Pend
Verify migration path TBD Pend Pend Pend
Back up the current deployment, including customized files and settings. TBD Pend Pend Pend
Apply latest fixes TBD Pend Pend Pend
Prepare to migrate the media gallery TBD Pend Pend Pend
Migrate Connections Content Manager TBD Pend Pend Pend N/A?
Migrate Quickr places to Connections TBD Pend Pend Pend
Upgrade Connections v4.x to Connections v5.0 TBD Pend Pend Pend We can roll back if necessary
Configure IHS TBD Pend Pend Pend
Export Connections 4.x artifacts. TBD Pend Pend Pend
Migrate Connections 4.x data. TBD Pend Pend Pend
Uninstall Connections 4.x. (In-place mig only) TBD Pend Pend Pend
Install IBM WAS v8.5.5.1. TBD Pend Pend Pend
Install WAS fix packs TBD Pend Pend Pend
Install Connections 5.0 for migration. TBD Pend Pend Pend
Migrate the content stores. TBD Pend Pend Pend
Import Connections 4.x artifacts. TBD Pend Pend Pend
Perform post-migration tasks TBD Pend Pend Pend
Enable Cognos Business Intelligence TBD Pend Pend Pend

Appendix: Migration path

Migrating Connections 4.0/4.0 CRx (Cumulative Release version) or Connections 4.5/4.5 CRx directly to Connections 5.0 is supported. For versions of Connections prior to v4.0, migrate to v4.0 before migrating to v5.0.

If we are deploying v5.0 on a different system from v4.x, you do not need to uninstall Connections 4.x.

If possible, set up a test environment, and simulate the migration process.

We can migrate the following directly to v5.0...

A side-by-side migration strategy minimizes the downtime, but costs more in terms of hardware resources. An in-place strategy minimizes hardware costs but causes more downtime.

Parent topic:
Update and migrate


Update 4.0 and 4.5 databases to 5.0