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Post-migration tasks

  1. If required, reconfigure IHS

  2. Reapply customizations used in v4.5.

    1. Migrate any JSP, CSS, and string customizations.

    2. Verify the Blogs themes are present in 5.0. If not, manually update them.

    3. Update customized Community themes.

    4. Copy the 4.5 version of profiles-policy.xml to the 5.0 deployment, overwriting the 5.0 version of the file.

    5. Copy customized XSD elements of the 4.5 service-location.xsd file to the 5.0 version of the file.

    6. Redefine customized Profiles fields in validation.xml.

    7. Migrate customized strings sourced in JavaScript

    8. Migrate JavaScript extensions .

  3. Reapply any proxy configurations, if necessary.

  4. Required: Migrate, if migrating from v4.5), or recreate, if migrating from v4.0, the premigration content search indexes.

  5. Synchronize the member database tables for each Connections application with the data in the user directory.

    You must have a web server configured for Connections before attempting to synchronize Profiles and the LDAP directory.

  6. If we used IBM Connections Connectors in version 4.0, such as Lotus Quickr , reinstall them.

    You must obtain the 4.5 version of Connections Connector for Lotus Quickr from the IBM Collaboration Solutions Catalog.

  7. If we defined a server whitelist in v4.5 for publishing file attachments from Activities to Lotus Quickr, redefine it.

  8. If we changed the root URL of any Connections application, and if the old and new URLs point to the same web server, redirect requests to the new URL:

    1. Edit...

    2. Uncomment the following line:

        LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so

    3. Add the following statements:

       RewriteEngine on 
       RewriteRule /weblogs/(.*) https://blog50.myco.com/newblogs/$1 [R,L] 
       RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /(.*)/bookmarklet/(.*) 
       RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/connections/bookmarklet/(.*) 
       RewriteRule ^/(.*)/bookmarklet/(.*) /connections/bookmarklet/$2 [noescape,L,R] 
       <VirtualHost  *:443> 
           RewriteEngine on 
           RewriteRule /weblogs/(.*) https://blog40.myco.com/newblogs/$1 [R,L] 
           ServerName blog40.myco.com 
           RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /(.*)/bookmarklet/(.*) 
           RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/connections/bookmarklet/(.*) 
           RewriteRule ^/(.*)/bookmarklet/(.*) /connections/bookmarklet/$2 [noescape,L,R] 

      The lines referring to weblogs redirect all requests for the pre-migration URL of https://blog45.myco.com/weblogs/* to the post-migration URL of https://blog50.myco.com/newblogs/*. Substitute our own URLs as appropriate.

      The lines referring to bookmarklet redirect the path of the bookmarklet feature to make it work in 5.0. Use the exact URLs shown.

    4. If we installed and configured IBM HTTP Server before installing IBM Connections 5.0, map the host name of your deployment in LotusConnections-config.xml. See Update IBM Connections to use the HTTP server topic.

    5. Remove the Location and ErrorDocument stanzas if we added them to httpd.conf before migrating.

What to do next

  1. Update the deployment with the latest fixes
  2. Recreate the search index after migrating from a Connections 4.0 deployment
  3. Migrate the search index from the Connections 4.5 deployment to Connections 5.0
  4. Synchronize files shared with communities
  5. Post-migration steps for profile types and profile policies
  6. Restoring the Communities catalog index
  7. Restoring the activity stream search index

Parent topic:
Upgrade Connections v4.x to Connections v5.0

Post-migration steps for profile types and profile policies
Save customizations
Import application artifacts to Connections 5.0
Roll back a migration
Manage the scheduler
IBM Collaboration Solutions Catalog
Configure a reverse caching proxy
Update IBM Connections to use the HTTP server
Delete the index
Synchronize changes users have made to their profiles
Create the initial Search index
Prepare IBM Connections for maintenance
Customize a blog theme
Customize strings sourced in JavaScript
Extending JavaScript in Connections
Configure the AJAX proxy
Specify a custom field as required and declaring maximum field length