Migrate Connections Content Manager
To migrate IBM Connections Content Manager from 4.5 to 5.0, we...
- Install a new FileNet deployment to use for Connections Content Manager.
- Restore the Filenet Content Engine EAR file
- Restore the FileNet Storage Area.
- Migrate the encryption keys for FileNet Content Engine Engine-ws.ear.
Migrate Connections Content Manager
- Back up the Connections 4.5 deployment, including FileNet Storage Area and Engine-ws.ear.
If we decided to migrate using an in-place strategy, uninstalling Connections 4.5 will also remove the FileNet deployment. For database side, there is no need to remove FNGCD and FNOS databases of Connections Content Manager. We can connect to these older databases when installing IBM Connections 5.0.
- During the installation of Connections 5.0:
- When confirming the applications to install, select to install Connections Content Manager.
- When configuring the Connections Content Manager deployment option, select New deployment.
- When entering the database information, connect to the FNGCD and FNOS databases of Connections Content Manager 4.5.
Refer to Install Connections 5.0 for more details.
For post-installation tasks, since you connected to the FNGCD and FNOS databases of CCM 4.5, and all data have already been preserved, you do not need to create a P8 domain and Global Configuration Data (GCD) or create an Object Store and Add-Ons.
- Restore FileNet Storage Area to strictly the same file path location as in Connections 4.5.
- Migrate the encryption keys for FileNet Content Engine EAR:
- Back up Engine-ws.ear of the Connections 5.0 environment under the temp2 directory.
- Run following command:
java -jar connections_root/addons/ccm/ContentEngine/lib/BootstrapConfig.jar \ -e /temp1_device/Engine-ws.ear \ -j /temp2_device/Engine-ws.ear
- -e is the source old ear file.
- -j is the target new ear file.
- Copy the new target EAR file (the file referenced by the -j switch in the command) to...
...replacing the Engine-ws.ear in the directory.
- Log into the WAS administrative console, then navigate to...
Applications | WebSphere Enterprise Applications | FileNetEngine |Update
- Replace the entire application, specify the file path to the target (new) Engine-ws.ear, and then click Next.
- Accept the default setting on the next page, and then click Next.
- Accept the default installation options, and then click Next.
- Accept the Map modules setting, and then click Next.
- Review the summary, and then click Finish.
- Ensure the connectionsAdmin user ID is the same on the new Connections deployment.
If the connectionsAdmin user (check the J2CAlias connectionsAdmin) is a WIM local user from local file-based registry, such as wasadmin, ensure the WAS running 5.0 has the same file-based user registry to guarantee that user's ID is same.
Perform the following steps:
- Copy the fileRegistry.xml file from the 4.5 server to 5.0. This file is located in a directory similar to the following location:
Be sure back up the existing fileRegistry.xml file.
- Once the file is copied to the 5.0 WAS cell, sync all the nodes, and then restart all the WAS processes, include dmgr, node agents, and servers.
- Check whether or not the connectionsAdmin user is a local WIM user :
- To find the user used by Connections to contact FileNet: from the WAS administrative console, navigate to...
Security | Global Security | Java Authentication and Authorization Service | J2C authentication data
...and make note of the User ID of the filenetAdmin.
- To determine whether this user is in a local file-based repository: from the WAS administrative console, navigate to...
Users and Groups | Manage Users
In the search box, enter the User ID of the filenetAdmin from the J2C authentication data and click Search.
If the unique name of the user ends with o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm, then the FileNet administrator is from a local file-based repository and not LDAP. Ensure you also have added an LDAP group to the administrative access of FileNet.
Parent topic:
Update and migrate