Removed features of WAS traditional
If we are migrating the configuration from an earlier release of WebSphere Application Server traditional, review the various features that were removed from this and earlier releases.
WAS traditional uses the following naming scheme:
- V = version
- R = release
- M = modification
- F = fix pack
For example, refers to version 9, release 0, modification 0, and fix-pack 1. It is also common to use "version" to prefix a particular release, modification, or fix pack-"version 9.0" when referring to a release, for example, or "version" when referring to a fix pack.
If a feature is listed in Deprecated features of WAS traditional as deprecated, IBM might remove this capability in a subsequent release of the product. Future investment will be focussed on the strategic function listed under Recommended Migration Actions in Deprecated features of WAS traditional. Typically, a feature is not deprecated unless an equivalent alternative is provided. A feature is not removed until at least two major releases or three full years, whichever time period is longer, from the release in which that feature is deprecated. Looking at a sequence of releases including 6.0, 6.1, and 7.0, for example, features deprecated in release 6.0 first become eligible for removal in 7.0. In rare cases, it might become necessary to remove features sooner; such cases are indicated clearly and explicitly in the descriptions of these features in this article.
The following tables describe what is removed-such as features, APIs, scripting interfaces, tools, wizards, publicly exposed configuration data, naming identifiers, and constants. Where possible, the recommended replacement is identified.
- Features removed in v9.0
- Features removed in v8.5
- Features removed in v8.0
- Features removed in v7.0
- Features removed in v6.1
- Features removed in v6.0
Features removed in v9.0
Feature Recommended Migration Action Centralized Installation Manager for v7.0 and earlier Manually install, update, or uninstall the product. For new installations, install the product by running the install command. For updating the product with fix packs or interim fixes, use the Update Installer for WebSphere Software. See documentation for that version of the product.
Centralized Installation Manager for WAS v8.0 and later continues to be available.
Communications Enabled Applications There is no alternative for CEA. If we are deploying the application on Liberty, consider using the Rtcomm feature which provides a set of real-time communications tools. See WebRTC Application Development with Rtcomm.
Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) module and all related APIs and files:
- Files in app_server_root/bin/:
- Files in app_server_root/systemApps/:
- EventService.ear/META-INF
- EventService.ear/DataStoreEjb.jar
- EventService.ear/EventCatalogEjb.jar
- EventService.ear/EventServerEjb.jar
- EventService.ear/EventServerMdb.jar
- Files in app_server_root/plugins/:
- File in app_server_root/features/:
- Files in app_server_root/properties/schemas/:
- cei.xsd
- ceiservice.xs
- Files in app_server_root/util/event/:
- ceiconfigreload.jacl
- eventbucket.jacl
- eventcatalog.jacl
- eventemit.jacl
- eventpurge.jacl
- eventpurgepool.jacl
- eventquery.jacl
- Files in app_server_root/web/configDocs/packages/cei/:
- classes-frame.html
- DataStoreProfile.html
- DistributionQueue.html
- EmitterFactoryProfile.html
- EventBusTransmissionProfile.html
- EventGroupProfile.html
- EventGroupProfileList.html
- EventInfrastructureProvider.html
- EventServerProfile.html
- FilterFactoryProfile.html
- JMSTransmissionProfile.html
For applications that require event-based models, use Service Integration Bus (SIBus). Design the applications to use SIBus-provided APIs for sending and receiving events. For information about the APIs, see the IBM WAS API specification for v9.0. (ZOS) DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WAS for z/OS (ZOS) If we use the proxy server as a front end to WebSphere, use IBM HTTP Server and the WebSphere Web Server Plug-ins, which are included with the product at no additional charge. For more capability, consider using IBM DataPower appliances. If we use the proxy server separately from WAS, basic HTTP proxy functionality is available with the HTTP servers bundled with z/OS:
- V2R2 and later: IBM HTTP Server (powered by Apache)
- V2R1 and earlier: IBM HTTP Server for z/OS V5R3 (DGW)
For more capability, consider using IBM DataPower appliances.
For more information about intermediary services, see Select a front end for our WAS topology.
Edge Components: Load Balancer for IPv4 Use the Edge Components: Load Balancer for IPv4 and IPv6. For information about how to migrate to Load Balancer for IPv4 and IPv6, see Migrate to Load Balancer IPv4 and IPv6. JavaServer Faces (JSF) 1.2 Sun Reference Implementation (RI) Use the JSF 2.2 MyFaces implementation. For information about how to migrate to this implementation, see JavaServer Faces migration and the Migrate JavaServer Faces 1.x applications to JavaServer Faces 2.0 topic on IBM developerWorks .
Migration tools:
- convertScriptCompatibility command
- WebSphereConnectJDBCDriverConversion command
- convertScriptCompatibility: No migration action is required. The configurations that this command converted are no longer supported.
- WebSphereConnectJDBCDriverConversion: No migration action is required. The WebSphere Connect JDBC driver was included through v6.1, and migration to v9.0 is supported only for v7.0 and later.
Pluggable Application Client Use the IBM Thin Client for Enterprise JavaBeans. See Running the IBM Thin Client for EJB. Remote Installation Tool for IBM i (iRemoteInstall) To install the product using a GUI, use the IBM Web Administration for IBM i GUI. See Manage an IBM WAS installation on IBM i with IBM Web Administration for i. Alternatively, we can use the Installation Manager imclcommand or response files to install the produce and service from local or remote repositories. See Install the application serving environment.
Open Service Component Architecture (SCA) model and samples Update the applications to use different programming models. The programming models that we use vary depending on how we previously incorporated SCA in the application.
If we used SCA to create modular applications, consider using OSGi instead. See Develop OSGi applications.
If we used SCA for binding, consolidate the ways in which the application is exposed to a few standards, such as Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS) or Java Message Service (JMS). For example, use JAX-RS for application bindings; for more information, see Implement JAX-RS web applications. To minimize the duplication of binding level implementation, structure the application to use shared code.
To continue to use SCA as part of our long-term strategy, consider hosting the applications on IBM Business Process Manager.
Web 2.0 and Mobile Toolkit
- Dojo Toolkit, including Dojo Diagrammer
Dojo desktop and mobile applications will continue to function but are no longer supported. We can continue to develop Dojo applications using the open source Dojo Toolkit.
- Analytics and Graphics server-side services
- Rearchitect the applications to use Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS).
When we migrate the graphics service, we can use the open source Apache Batik project to convert images.
- Optimizer, WebDAV extension, Map Conversion, and Dojo Diagrammer application services
There is no recommended migration action.
The Web Messaging service, Ajax Proxy, and RPC Adapter application service, which are installed with the product, were not removed but are deprecated. For information about recommended alternatives for these items, see Deprecated features of WAS traditional.
(Dist) Web server plug-in configuration scripts The following scripts were removed on distributed operating systems:
- ConfigureApachePlugin.bat and
- ConfigureDomino7Plugin.bat and
- ConfigureIHSPlugin.bat and
- ConfigureIIS5Plugin.bat
- ConfigureIIS6Plugin.bat
- ConfigureIIS7Plugin.bat
- ConfigureSunOnePlugin.bat and
The script for the z/OS operating system was not removed and can continue to be used.
(Dist) Configure the web server plug-in using the pct tool. To use the pct tool, run the wctcmd.bat or script with -tool pct parameter specified. See Configure a web server plug-in using the pct tool.
(ZOS) WAS for z/OS support for 31-bit addressing mode (ZOS) Before migrating to v9.0, convert the servers to 64-bit addressing mode. (HPUX) WebSphere Customization Toolbox GUI support on the HP-UX operating system GUI support still available for other distributed operating systems.
(HPUX) Instead of the Web Server Plug-ins Configuration Tool, use the wctcmd -tool pct command to configure the web server plug-in. See Configure a web server plug-in using the pct tool.
Instead of the Configuration Migration Tool, use a combination of the WASPreUpgrade, manageprofiles, and WASPostUpgrade command to migrate profiles. See Migrate, coexist, and interoperate.
Instead of the Profile Management Tool, use the manageprofiles command to create, delete, augment, back up, and restore profiles. See manageprofiles command.
Features removed in v8.5
Feature Recommended Migration Action The waslogbr and wcslogbr tools, and associated scripts to launch the tools No migration action is necessary. Log files can be viewed using the administrative console or any text editor. The asynchronous administrative procedure and the RACF definitions for the asynchronous administrative user ID in the customization jobs generated by the Profile Management Tool for z/OS when configuring WAS v8.5 No migration action is necessary. Support for the IBM WAS Feature Pack for Dynamic Scripting Migrate IBM WebSphere sMash applications to the Liberty profile, where they can take advantage of the small-footprint runtime and industry-standard RESTful services using JAX-RS as well as gain access to significant updates in DOJO support. Intelligent Management support for configuring the following middleware server types using the administrative console:
- Apache Tomcat
- BEA WebLogic
- JBoss
- External WebSphere application server (application servers that run outside the Intelligent Management cell)
Use wsadmin scripting to manage these resources. (iSeries)
Feature Recommended Migration Action IBM Business Solutions applications To obtain a similar application that uses LDAP, we can purchase IBM Security Directory Server.
There is no migration path from the IBM Business Solutions application provided in WAS to the alternative application provided in IBM Security Directory Server.
wasprofile command Use the manageprofiles command. For more information, read manageprofiles command.
crtjavapgm command No migration action is necessary. The waslogbr and wcslogbr tools, and associated scripts to launch the tools No migration action is necessary. Log files can be viewed using the administrative console or any text editor. Support for the IBM WAS Feature Pack for Dynamic Scripting Migrate IBM WebSphere sMash applications to the Liberty profile, where they can take advantage of the small-footprint runtime and industry-standard RESTful services using JAX-RS as well as gain access to significant updates in DOJO support. Intelligent Management support for configuring the following middleware server types using the administrative console:
- Apache Tomcat
- BEA WebLogic
- JBoss
- External WebSphere application server (application servers that run outside the Intelligent Management cell)
Use wsadmin scripting to manage these resources. (Dist)
Feature Recommended Migration Action IBM Business Solutions applications To obtain a similar application that uses LDAP, we can purchase IBM Security Directory Server.
There is no migration path from the IBM Business Solutions application provided in WAS to the alternative application provided in IBM Security Directory Server.
wasprofile command Use the manageprofiles command. For more information, read manageprofiles command.
The waslogbr and wcslogbr tools, and associated scripts to launch the tools No migration action is necessary. Log files can be viewed using the administrative console or any text editor. Support for the IBM WAS Feature Pack for Dynamic Scripting Migrate IBM WebSphere sMash applications to the Liberty profile, where they can take advantage of the small-footprint runtime and industry-standard RESTful services using JAX-RS as well as gain access to significant updates in DOJO support. Intelligent Management support for configuring the following middleware server types using the administrative console:
- Apache Tomcat
- BEA WebLogic
- JBoss
- External WebSphere application server (application servers that run outside the Intelligent Management cell)
Use wsadmin scripting to manage these resources.
Features removed in v8.0
Feature Recommended Migration Action Apache SOAP channel in web services gateway Gateway services should be deployed to the SOAP HTTP channel instead of the Apache SOAP channel. The endpoint (URL) of the service will be different for this channel; and therefore,client programs that are talking to the gateway will need to use the new service endpoint. Apache SOAP, WEBSJAVA.SOAP
- soap.jar
- wssoap.jar
Migrate web services that were developed using Apache SOAP to JAX-RPC web services developed based on the Web Services for Java EE specification. See Migrate Apache SOAP web services to JAX-RPC web services based on Java EE standards for more information.
The following classes and fields of the WebSphere relational resource adapter:
- Class
- Field
- Class
- Field
If we are using the Oracle10gDataStoreHelper, ORACLE_10G_HELPER, OracleDataStoreHelper, or ORACLE_HELPER, switch to the Oracle 11g JDBC driver and use the Oracle11gDataStoreHelper or ORACLE_11G_HELPER instead. The protocol_http_transport_class_mapping_file configuration variable that specifies the transaction class mapping file name This is a removal for v8 and later servers only. This variable is still supported and deprecated for any downlevel servers (v7 and earlier) that v8 manages.
Use the wlm_classification_file configuration variable to specify the name of the XML file that maps HTTP requests to WLM transaction classes. (iSeries)
Feature Recommended Migration Action Support for IBM Java Developer Kit for IBM i, which is also referred to as Classic JVM Use IBM Technology for Java on IBM i, which includes IBM Java Standard Edition (SE) 32-bit and IBM Java SE 64-bit. Apache SOAP channel in web services gateway Gateway services should be deployed to the SOAP HTTP channel instead of the Apache SOAP channel. The endpoint (URL) of the service will be different for this channel; and therefore,client programs that are talking to the gateway will need to use the new service endpoint. Apache SOAP, WEBSJAVA.SOAP
- soap.jar
- wssoap.jar
Migrate web services that were developed using Apache SOAP to JAX-RPC web services developed based on the Web Services for Java EE specification. See Migrate Apache SOAP web services to JAX-RPC web services based on Java EE standards for more information.
The following classes and fields of the WebSphere relational resource adapter:
- Class
- Field
- Class
- Field
If we are using the Oracle10gDataStoreHelper, ORACLE_10G_HELPER, OracleDataStoreHelper, or ORACLE_HELPER, switch to the Oracle 11g JDBC driver and use the Oracle11gDataStoreHelper or ORACLE_11G_HELPER instead. (Dist)
Feature Recommended Migration Action Apache SOAP channel in web services gateway Gateway services should be deployed to the SOAP HTTP channel instead of the Apache SOAP channel. The endpoint (URL) of the service will be different for this channel; and therefore,client programs that are talking to the gateway will need to use the new service endpoint. Apache SOAP, WEBSJAVA.SOAP
- soap.jar
- wssoap.jar
Migrate web services that were developed using Apache SOAP to JAX-RPC web services developed based on the Web Services for Java EE specification. See Migrate Apache SOAP web services to JAX-RPC web services based on Java EE standards for more information.
The following classes and fields of the WebSphere relational resource adapter:
- Class
- Field
- Class
- Field
If we are using the Oracle10gDataStoreHelper, ORACLE_10G_HELPER, OracleDataStoreHelper, or ORACLE_HELPER, switch to the Oracle 11g JDBC driver and use the Oracle11gDataStoreHelper or ORACLE_11G_HELPER instead. On a Windows platform, collocation for the dispatcher's MAC forwarding method. Locate your Web servers that were using collation to a different machine.
Features removed in v7.0
Feature Recommended Migration Action Support for the following interfaces:
- Java Virtual Machine Profiler Interface (JVMPI)
- Java Virtual Machine Debug Interface (JVMDI)
Use the Java Virtual Machine Tool Interface (JVMTI). For more information, read JVM Tool Interface (JVMTI).
All classes in the package:
- ChainedRequest
- ChainedResponse
- ChainerServlet
- ServletChain
Rearchitect the applications to use javax.servlet.filter classes rather than classes. Starting from the Servlet 2.3 specification, javax.servlet.filter classes give you the capability to intercept requests and examine responses. We can also chain functionality as well as embellish and truncate responses. Integrated Cryptographic Services Facility (ICSF) authentication mechanism Use the LTPA mechanism. For more information, read LTPA.
The following Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) drivers:
- WebSphere Connect JDBC driver
- Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC
- WebSphere SequeLink JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server
Use the DataDirect Connect JDBC driver or Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver. Review Data source minimum required settings, by vendor for specific JDBC providers.
Read the Migrate from the WebSphere Connect JDBC drive article in the documentation.
Customization Dialog, the set of Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) panels used to create jobs and instructions for configuring and migrating the WAS for z/OS environment Use the Profile Management Tool or the zpmt command to generate the jobs and instructions for creating profiles.
- For information on using the Profile Management Tool, read the Configure z/OS application-serving environments with the Profile Management Tool article in the documentation.
- For information on using the zpmt command, read the Configure z/OS application-serving environments with the zpmt command article in the documentation.
Use the z/OS Migration Management Tool or the zmmt command to generate migration definitions.
- For information on using the z/OS Migration Management Tool, read the Use the z/OS Migration Management Tool to manage migration definition article in the documentation.
- For information on using the zmmt command, read the Use the zmmt command to create migration definitions article in the documentation.
Support for the DB2 legacy CLI-based Type 2 JDBC Driver and the DB2 legacy CLI-based Type 2 JDBC Driver (XA) For more information, read Support for DB2 legacy CLI-based Type 2 JDBC Drivers is removed from IBM WAS v7.0.
Use the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver. mb2mdb command-line utility No migration action is necessary. Web services gateway customization API Replace our existing filters with a combination of JAX-RPC handlers and service integration bus mediations. class Store a UserTransaction directly into the HTTP session without wrapping it in the removed class. class Use the class. class Use the class. Derby Network Server Provider using the Universal JDBC driver Use the Derby Network Server using Derby Client instead. For more information, read JDBC providers.
Support for the following custom properties:
Use the following custom properties specified on the SAF authorization options panel:
Feature Recommended Migration Action Support for the following interfaces:
- Java Virtual Machine Profiler Interface (JVMPI)
- Java Virtual Machine Debug Interface (JVMDI)
Use the Java Virtual Machine Tool Interface (JVMTI). For more information, read JVM Tool Interface (JVMTI).
All classes in the package:
- ChainedRequest
- ChainedResponse
- ChainerServlet
- ServletChain
Rearchitect the applications to use javax.servlet.filter classes rather than classes. Starting from the Servlet 2.3 specification, javax.servlet.filter classes give you the capability to intercept requests and examine responses. We can also chain functionality as well as embellish and truncate responses. Integrated Cryptographic Services Facility (ICSF) authentication mechanism Use the LTPA mechanism. For more information, read LTPA.
The following Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) drivers:
- WebSphere Connect JDBC driver
- Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC
- WebSphere SequeLink JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server
Use the DataDirect Connect JDBC driver or Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver. Review Data source minimum required settings, by vendor for specific JDBC providers.
Support for the DB2 legacy CLI-based Type 2 JDBC Driver and the DB2 legacy CLI-based Type 2 JDBC Driver (XA) For more information, read Support for DB2 legacy CLI-based Type 2 JDBC Drivers is removed from IBM WAS v7.0.
Use the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver. mb2mdb command-line utility No migration action is necessary. Web services gateway customization API Replace our existing filters with a combination of JAX-RPC handlers and service integration bus mediations. class Store a UserTransaction directly into the HTTP session without wrapping it in the removed class. class Use the class. class Use the class. Derby Network Server Provider using the Universal JDBC driver Use the Derby Network Server using Derby Client instead. For more information, read JDBC providers.
Support for the following custom properties:
Use the following custom properties specified on the SAF authorization options panel:
Feature Recommended Migration Action Support for the following interfaces:
- Java Virtual Machine Profiler Interface (JVMPI)
- Java Virtual Machine Debug Interface (JVMDI)
Use the Java Virtual Machine Tool Interface (JVMTI). For more information, read JVM Tool Interface (JVMTI).
All classes in the package:
- ChainedRequest
- ChainedResponse
- ChainerServlet
- ServletChain
Rearchitect the applications to use javax.servlet.filter classes rather than classes. Starting from the Servlet 2.3 specification, javax.servlet.filter classes give you the capability to intercept requests and examine responses. We can also chain functionality as well as embellish and truncate responses. Integrated Cryptographic Services Facility (ICSF) authentication mechanism Use the LTPA mechanism. For more information, read LTPA.
The following Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) drivers:
- WebSphere Connect JDBC driver
- Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC
- WebSphere SequeLink JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server
Use the DataDirect Connect JDBC driver or Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver. Review Data source minimum required settings, by vendor for specific JDBC providers.
Support for the DB2 legacy CLI-based Type 2 JDBC Driver and the DB2 legacy CLI-based Type 2 JDBC Driver (XA) For more information, read Support for DB2 legacy CLI-based Type 2 JDBC Drivers is removed from IBM WAS v7.0.
Use the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver. mb2mdb command-line utility No migration action is necessary. Web services gateway customization API Replace our existing filters with a combination of JAX-RPC handlers and service integration bus mediations. class Store a UserTransaction directly into the HTTP session without wrapping it in the removed class. class Use the class. class Use the class. Derby Network Server Provider using the Universal JDBC driver Use the Derby Network Server using Derby Client instead. For more information, read JDBC providers.
Support for the following custom properties:
Use the following custom properties specified on the SAF authorization options panel:
Features removed in v6.1
Feature Recommended Migration Action interface Use the interface. Support for the z/OS Secure Authentication Service (z/SAS) IIOP security protocol Use the CSIv2 protocols. Support for the Common Connector Framework (CCF) Use the J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA) solution. For information on using the J2EE Connector Architecture, read Accessing data using Java EE Connector Architecture connectors.
Support for the IBM Cloudscape v5.1.x database Use the Apache Derby database. Log Analyzer, the tool that was previously provided for viewing and analyzing the activity or service log file Use the Log and Trace Analyzer tool for Eclipse in the Application Server Toolkit. This tool is installable from the Application Server Toolkit launchpad console. Mozilla Rhino JavaScript (js.jar) Use the Rhino code available from Mozilla. Go to the Rhino: JavaScript for Java website, and get the latest copy of Rhino.
Java Document Object Model (JDOM) Use the code available from the JDOM organization. Go to the JDOM website, get the latest copy of JDOM, and bundle it inside the application.
DB2 for zOS Local JDBC Provider (RRS) Use the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider. For more information, read Use the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver to access DB2 for z/OS for more information. Also read Migrate from the JDBC/SQLJ Driver for OS/390 and z/OS to the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver in the Information Management Software for z/OS Solutions documentation.
Class preloading function No migration action is necessary. The following samples from the Samples Gallery:
- Adventure Builder
- Greenhouse by WebSphere
- WebSphere Bank
The following technology samples from the Samples Gallery:
- Bean-Managed Persistence (BMP)
- Container-Managed Persistence (CMP) 1.1
- Container-Managed Persistence (CMP) 2.1
- Container-Managed Relationships (CMR)
- EJB Time
- Filter Servlet
- JavaServer Pages (JSP) 2.0
- Message-Driven Beans (MDB)
- Pagelist Servlet
- Simple JavaServer Pages (JSP)
- Simple Servlet
- Stateful Session
- TagLib
No migration action is necessary. The following Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS™) console display commands related to existing sessions:
Modify all automation or other processing that uses these commands to use the following new set of commands:
The following configuration variables:
- com_ibm_userRegistries_type
- com_ibm_userRegistries_LDAPUserRegistry_ realm
- com_ibm_userRegistries_CustomUserRegistry_ realm
- control_region_ssl_thread_pool_size
- control_region_security_enable_trusted_ applications
- nonauthenticated_clients_allowed
- security_zSAS_ssl_repertoire
- security_sslType1
- security_sslClientCerts_allowed
- security_kerberos_allowed
- security_userid_password_allowed
- security_userid_passticket_allowed
- security_assertedID_IBM_accepted
- security_assertedID_IBM_sent
- protocol_http_max_keep_alive_connections
- protocol_http_max_connect_backlog
- protocol_https_transport_class_mapping_file
- protocol_https_max_keep_alive_connections
- protocol_https_max_connect_backlog
- protocol_iiop_no_local_copies
No migration action is necessary. (Dist)
Feature Recommended Migration Action interface Use the interface. Support for the Secure Authentication Service (SAS) IIOP security protocol Use the CSIv2 protocols. Support for the Secure Authentication Service (SAS) CORBA security programming APIs Migrate from the SAS programming APIs to the JAAS. For information on this migration, read Migrate Common Object Request Broker Architecture programmatic login to JAAS (CORBA and JAAS).
Support for the Common Connector Framework (CCF) Use the J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA) solution. For information on using the J2EE Connector Architecture, read Accessing data using Java EE Connector Architecture connectors.
Support for the IBM Cloudscape v5.1.x database Use the Apache Derby database. Profile creation wizard Use the Profile Management tool. For information on using the Profile Management tool to create a profile, read Manage profiles using the graphical user interface.
Log Analyzer, the tool that was previously provided for viewing and analyzing the activity or service log file Use the Log and Trace Analyzer tool for Eclipse in the Application Server Toolkit. This tool is installable from the Application Server Toolkit launchpad console. Mozilla Rhino JavaScript (js.jar) Use the Rhino code available from Mozilla. Go to the Rhino: JavaScript for Java website, and get the latest copy of Rhino.
Java Document Object Model (JDOM) Use the code available from the JDOM organization. Go to the JDOM website, get the latest copy of JDOM, and bundle it inside the application.
Class preloading function No migration action is necessary. The following samples from the Samples Gallery:
- Adventure Builder
- Greenhouse by WebSphere
- WebSphere Bank
The following technology samples from the Samples Gallery:
- Bean-Managed Persistence (BMP)
- Container-Managed Persistence (CMP) 1.1
- Container-Managed Persistence (CMP) 2.1
- Container-Managed Relationships (CMR)
- EJB Time
- Filter Servlet
- JavaServer Pages (JSP) 2.0
- Message-Driven Beans (MDB)
- Pagelist Servlet
- Simple JavaServer Pages (JSP)
- Simple Servlet
- Stateful Session
- TagLib
No migration action is necessary. (iSeries)
Feature Recommended Migration Action interface Use the interface. Support for the Secure Authentication Service (SAS) IIOP security protocol Use the CSIv2 protocols. Support for the Secure Authentication Service (SAS) CORBA security programming APIs Migrate from the SAS programming APIs to the JAAS. For information on this migration, read Migrate Common Object Request Broker Architecture programmatic login to JAAS (CORBA and JAAS).
Support for the Common Connector Framework (CCF) Use the J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA) solution. For information on using the J2EE Connector Architecture, read Accessing data using Java EE Connector Architecture connectors.
Support for the IBM Cloudscape v5.1.x database Use the Apache Derby database. Log Analyzer, the tool that was previously provided for viewing and analyzing the activity or service log file Use the Log and Trace Analyzer tool for Eclipse in the Application Server Toolkit. This tool is installable from the Application Server Toolkit launchpad console. Mozilla Rhino JavaScript (js.jar file) Use the Rhino code available from Mozilla. Go to the Rhino: JavaScript for Java website for the latest copy of Rhino.
Java Document Object Model (JDOM) Use the code available from the JDOM organization. Go to the JDOM website, download the latest copy of JDOM, and bundle it inside the application.
Class preloading function No migration action is necessary. The following samples from the Samples Gallery:
- Adventure Builder
- Greenhouse by WebSphere
- WebSphere Bank
The following technology samples from the Samples Gallery:
- Bean-Managed Persistence (BMP)
- Container-Managed Persistence (CMP) 1.1
- Container-Managed Persistence (CMP) 2.1
- Container-Managed Relationships (CMR)
- EJB Time
- Filter Servlet
- JavaServer Pages (JSP) 2.0
- Message-Driven Beans (MDB)
- Pagelist Servlet
- Simple JavaServer Pages (JSP)
- Simple Servlet
- Stateful Session
- TagLib
No migration action is necessary.
Features removed in v6.0
Component Classes and Interfaces Activity Ant tasks Beans APIs com/ibm/websphere/asynchbeans/pmi/
com/ibm/websphere/asynchbeans/pmi/SubsystemMonitorPmiModule.javaDynacache Management ObjectPool APIs com/ibm/websphere/objectpool/pmi/
com/ibm/websphere/objectpool/pmi/ObjectPoolPmiModule.javaRAS API
Deprecated, stabilized, and removed features of WAS traditional Deprecated features of WAS traditional Stabilized features of WAS traditional