Install and uninstall fix packs
Use IBM Installation Manager to update the product with the fix packs. Uninstalling fix packs to a previously installed level is called rolling back. For the most current information about upgrades for WebSphere Application Server and its associated software, see the IBM Software Support Center and Fix Central.
List of available fix packs
- Go to Fix Central and select...
Product > WebSphere > WAS
- Select the version of the product to be updated.
- Select the operating system as the platform, and click Continue.
- Select Browse for fixes, and click Continue.
- Click More Information under each fix to view information about the fix.
Installation Manager can install any fix-pack level of the product directly; in fact, Installation Manager installs the latest level by default. For example, we can skip fix-pack levels and go from v9.0.0.1 directly to v9.0.0.5. Keep in mind, however, that later we can not roll back to any level that was skipped. If we directly install to Version, for example, we cannot roll back to v9.0.0.3. If we skip from v9.0.0.1 to v9.0.0.5, we can only roll back to v9.0.0.1. We should plan the installations accordingly.
When we install a fix pack, Installation Manager automatically reapplies any installed interim fixes if they apply to the updated fix pack level. Interim fixes that do not apply, such as if the updated fix pack contains the fix, are uninstalled. In some cases, Installation Manager must uninstall an interim fix that manually reapply. For example, we might update to a fix pack that does not contain the fix and requires an updated interim fix level. Installation Manager notifies us if any interim fixes must be manually reapplied. We can verify which interim fixes are installed by running...
versionInfo -ifixes
For transitioning users: In contrast to other product offerings, individual fixes for IBM SDK are packaged as fix packs with updated time stamps rather than as interim fixes. To install these fixes, follow the instructions in this section. For more information, see Install and update IBM SDK on distributed operating systems.
IBM Packaging Utility
Use the IBM Packaging Utility to generate a new local or web-based repository containing all of the fixes to install and then use Installation Manager to update the product with all of the fix packs as a group. For information on using the Packaging Utility, see the Installation Manager documentation.
The IBM i group PTFs are no longer provided in WAS v9.0. To install the newest WAS fix pack on IBM i, apply the necessary cumulative package and the group PTF levels listed in WAS for IBM i. Apply the fix pack using the IBM Web Administration for i Console or using Installation Manager.
- Install fix packs on distributed operating systems using the GUI
- Install fix packs using the command line
- Install fix packs using response files
- Uninstall fix packs from distributed operating systems using the GUI
- Uninstall fix packs using the command line
- Uninstall fix packs using response files
Install and uninstall interim fixes