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manageprofiles command

  1. Overview
  2. Syntax
  3. Options
  4. Scenarios
  5. Logs
  6. Create a dmgr profile
  7. Create a cell profile
  8. Use predefined port numbers
  9. Increment default port numbers from a starting point


Use the manageprofiles command to create, delete, augment, back up, and restore profiles, which define runtime environments. Using profiles instead of multiple product installations saves disk space and simplifies updating the product because a single set of core product files is maintained. The manageprofiles command and its graphical user interface, the Profile Management Tool, are the only ways to create runtime environments.

If we run manageprofiles with a managed profile template, application servers are not created, however, ports are still used if we are federating a node. The default behavior for manageprofiles is to create files with permissions of 755, ignoring the system wide umask. To modify these permissions, use the chmod command each time you pass the profile from one user to another.


For detailed help including the required parameters for each of the tasks accomplished with the manageprofiles command, use the -help parameter. The following example uses the help parameter with the manageprofiles -augment command...

Depending on the operation to perform with the manageprofiles command, provide one or more of the following parameters. The command-line tool validates that the required parameters are provided and the values entered for those parameters are valid. Be sure to type the name of the parameters with the correct upper and lower case as the command-line tool does not validate the case of the parameter name. Incorrect results can occur when the parameter case is not typed correctly.





The manageprofiles command creates a log for every profile that it creates.

Example: Creating deployment manager profiles

We can create a dmgr profile after installing our core product files. The deployment manager provides a single administrative interface to a logical group of application servers on one or more machines. Use the manageprofiles.sh -create command to create a deployment manager profile.

To create a dmgr profile named shasti:

The command creates a dmgr profile named shasti in a cell named cell1 with a node name of dmgr1 in the following location:

If we do not specify one of the port options during profile creation, a recommended set of port values will be used. The port conflict resolution algorithm determines these ports. The recommended set of ports must be free of conflict. To use the IBM default ports, use the -defaultPorts option when we create a profile.

Example: Incrementing default port numbers from a starting point

The manageprofiles command can assign port numbers based on a starting port value. We can provide the starting port value from the command line, using the -startingPort parameter. The command assigns port numbers sequentially from the starting port number value. However, if a port value in the sequence conflicts with an existing port assignment, the next available port value is used

The order of port assignments is arbitrary. Predicting assignments is not possible.

For example, ports created with -startingPort 20002 would appear similar to the following example:

Assigned ports for an application server profile

Assigned ports for a cell with a federated application server profile

Assigned ports for a cell with a dmgr profile

Assigned ports for a management profile with a dmgr server

Assigned ports for a management profile with a job manager server

Assigned ports for a management profile with an administrative agent server

Assigned ports for a secure proxy profile

The following example uses the startingPort parameter of the manageprofiles command and creates ports from an initial value of 20002, with the content shown in the previous example:

Example: Creating cell profiles

To create the cell profile using the manageprofiles command, create both the cell management profile for a dmgr server and the cell node profile using two different manageprofiles command-line invocations. The combination of these two profiles is the cell profile.

Two templates are used to create the cell profile: cell_dmgr and cell_node. The templates are linked and some parameters must match between the creation parameters in these two invocations. Verify that the invocations match.

From the command line, we can create the two halves of the cell in any order or at any time. It is a best practice to create the deployment manager portion of the profile first. After we create the cell, the cell contains a dmgr and a federated node. The deployment manager portion and the node portion are in separate directories.

For each of the two profiles that we create, we can specify the fully qualified path to the resulting profile using the -profilePath parameter. If we do not specify the parameter, the default value for each profile path is based on the app_server_root directory, the profiles subdirectory, and the name of the profile.

The two templates that compose a cell profile have dependencies between one another which requires some parameter values to match between the two create invocations. To create a full working cell, the -nodeProfilePath, -cellName, -appServerNodeName, -nodeName parameters are required to have the same values for both the cell_dmgr profile and the cell_node profile. In the case of ports, and especially in the case of dynamically allocated ports, the creation of the second half of the cell must reference the ports used in the first half of the cell. Use the -portsFile and -nodePortsFile arguments with references to the following files of the profile that represents the first half of the cell:

This approach ensures that the ports in the second half of the cell are created with the correct correlation to the first half of the cell.

For detailed help in creating a cell profile.:


The output from the -help parameter specifies which parameters are required and which are optional when creating the cell deployment manager profile and the cell node profile.

The following example creates a cell profile named Dmgr001 having a cell name of Default01Cell and a node name of Default01Node.

  1. Verify that the following path is available for use:

    The path must be available when we create the deployment manager and node portions of the cell as subdirectories are added for each portion.


  2. Create the deployment manager portion of the cell profile.

      app_server_root/bin/manageprofiles.sh  \
      -create \
      -templatePath app_server_root/profileTemplates/cell/dmgr \
      -nodeProfilePath app_server_root/profiles/AppSrv01 \
      -profileName Dmgr001 \
       -cellName Default01Cell \
       -nodeName Default01Node \
       -appServerNodeName federated_node\

  3. Verify that the Dmgr001 profile exists as it must exist before creating the application server portion of the cell profile.

  4. Create the application server portion of the cell profile.

    Important: We must use the same values for the cellName, nodeName, and appServerNodeName parameters that we used in the deployment manager portion of the cell profile. The following example illustrates the use of the same values for the cellName, nodeName, and appServerNodeName parameters in the deployment manager and application server portions of the cell profile.

      For Dmgr:                       
      -cellName host01Cell01          
      -nodeName host01CellManager01   
      -appServerNodeName host01Node01 
      For AppServer:                  
      -cellName host01Cell01          
      -nodeName host01CellManager01   
      -appServerNodeName host01Node01 
    If we did not specify names for these parameters when we created the deployment manager portion of the cell profile, use the default name that was assigned in the first command-line invocation.

      app_server_root/bin/manageprofiles.sh \
      -create  \
      -templatePath app_server_root/profileTemplates/cell/default  \
      -dmgrProfilePath app_server_root/profiles/Dmgr001  \
      -portsFile app_server_root/profiles/Dmgr001/properties/portdef.props  \
      -nodePortsFile app_server_root/profiles/Dmgr001/properties/nodeportdef.props  \
      -profileName AppSrv01  \
      -cellName Default01Cell  \
      -nodeName Default01Node  \
      -appServerNodeName federated_node 

After the creation of the deployment manager and node portions of the cell profile, a synchronization between the two servers must occur. By default, synchronization occurs automatically between the two servers at some specified interval. However, if synchronization is disabled, the interval is too long, or some problem occurs that keeps the synchronization from occurring in a timely manner, run the syncNode command to synchronize the deployment manager and the node.

We must either use the portsFile or the nodePortsFile parameter and the startingPort or the nodeStartingPort parameter.

If we use the manageprofiles command, we can choose the profile to be the default.

If we federate an application server node as part of cell profile creation using the -appServerNodeName parameter, the node does not have an original configuration. If we use the -removeNode command on a node created during cell profile creation, the command will indicate that the node removal utility is unable to remove the node and restore the node to a base configuration. To successfully remove a node that was federated as part of a cell profile creation, use the manageprofiles command to delete the profile for the node. Once the profile for the node is deleted, use the -cleanupNode command on Deployment Manager to remove the node configuration from the cell repository. A new profile can be created using the Profile Management Tool or the manageprofiles command.

Example: Using predefined port numbers

The manageprofiles command recommends initial port values when we do not explicitly set port values. Use predefined port values instead.

The manageprofiles command recommends port values when the options of -defaultPorts, -startingPort, or -portsFile are not specified.

Profile File path
Application server app_server_root/profileTemplates/default/actions/portsUpdate/portdef.props
Cell - application server portion app_server_root/profileTemplates/cell/dmgr/actions/portsUpdate/nodeportdef.props
Cell - deployment manager portion app_server_root/profileTemplates/cell/dmgr/actions/portsUpdate/portdef.props
Custom app_server_root/profileTemplates/managed/actions/portsUpdate/portdef.props
Management profile for a dmgr server app_server_root/profileTemplates/management/actions/portsUpdate/dmgr.portdef.props
Management profile for an administrative agent server app_server_root/profileTemplates/management/actions/portsUpdate/adminagent.portdef.props
Management profile for a job manager server app_server_root/profileTemplates/management/actions/portsUpdate/jmgr.portdef.props
Secure proxy app_server_root/profileTemplates/secureproxy/actions/portsUpdate/portdef.props

To customize the port values in the portdef.props file before creating your profile, perform the following steps. The following example creates the default profile. For other types of profiles, we must substitute the file path with the file path of the profile to create.

  1. Copy the app_server_root/profileTemplates/default/actions/portsUpdate/portdef.props file from the default profile template path and place a copy of the file in an arbitrary temporary directory such as:


  2. In the new file, modify the port settings to specify your port values.

  3. Create your profile with the manageprofiles command. Use the modified port values. Specify the location of our modified portdef.props file on the -portsFile parameter. Specify the -validatePorts parameter to ensure that ports are not reserved or in use. Use the following example as a guide:

         -profileName Wow_Profile 
         -profilePath profile_root 
         -templatePath app_server_root\profileTemplates\default 
         -nodeName Wow_node 
         -cellName Wow_cell
         -hostName lorriemb 
         -portsFile \temp\ports\portdef.props

Suppose that the portdef.props file has the following values:

After running the manageprofiles command to create your profile with the user defined port values, a success or fail result displays.

The manageprofiles command creates a copy of the current portdefs.props file in...

Use only one of the three port values parameters, -startingPort, -defaultPorts, or -portsFile with the manageprofiles command. The three parameters are mutually exclusive.