Develop OSGi applications
We can develop bundles, optionally group them into composite bundles, and add them to an OSGi application or a bundle repository.
OSGi application support is deprecated in WAS traditional because OSGi applications depend on a technology that is no longer included in Equinox 4.4.0 and later. There is no strategic alternative in WAS traditional. To continue to use OSGi applications, migrate the applications to Liberty. In Liberty, OSGi applications run as Subsystems, which are a standard form of OSGi application. See Migrate applications to Liberty.
- Develop an OSGi application.
As an introduction to developing an OSGi application, we can develop a simple HelloWorld OSGi application, which consists of two bundles. One bundle defines a hello service, and the other is a client bundle that uses this service to produce the message OSGi Service: Hello World!.
- Develop a composite bundle.
A composite bundle groups shared bundles together into aggregates. It provides one or more packages at specific versions to an OSGi application. We can also extend a deployed application by adding one or more composite bundles to the composition unit for the application.
- Convert existing applications to OSGi applications.
We can convert an enterprise application or a Spring application to an OSGi application.
- Develop a composite bundle
A composite bundle groups shared bundles together into aggregates. It provides one or more packages at specific versions to an OSGi application. We can also extend a deployed application by adding one or more composite bundles to the composition unit for the application. Use OSGi application tooling to develop a composite bundle.- Accessing Enterprise JavaBeans in OSGi applications
There are alternative mechanisms we can use in a client bundle to access an enterprise bean in a service bundle. To maximize application availability during an update to a service bundle containing one or more enterprise beans, use OSGi service references to access the enterprise beans.- Sample OSGi applications
OSGi Applications support includes sample applications that demonstrate how to write and package bundles into an enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file.
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