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Add DataPower appliances to the DataPower appliance manager


Use the DataPower appliance manager provided with WebSphere Application Server to administer a DataPower appliance. After adding an appliance to the DataPower appliance manager, we can make it part of a managed set of appliances if we want the DataPower appliance manager to keep the shared appliance settings for this appliance synchronized with the shared appliance settings of the other appliances that are part of that managed set.

Use the administrative console to add a new DataPower appliance or to access the DataPower WebGUI. To access the DataPower WebGUI, in the administrative console, click...

Complete the following steps to add a add a new DataPower appliance.

Remember that the XML management interface port, which defaults to port number 5550, is different from the Web Management Service port, which defaults to port number 9090. The DataPower appliance manager uses the XML management interface port to manage the DataPower appliances. We use the Web Management Service port to access the WebGUI on the DataPower appliance. Use the same user ID and password to access both the XML management interface and the WebGUI..

Add a add a new DataPower appliance

  1. In the administrative console, click...

      Servers | DataPower | Appliances | New

  2. Specify a unique name for the appliance in the Name field. An appliance name must be unique and cannot contain an invalid character. The name field cannot contain the characters # $ @ \ /, : ; " * ? < > | = + & % or '.

  3. Specify an IP address or fully qualified host name in the Host name field.

  4. Specify the XML management interface port that the DataPower appliance uses in the Administrative port field.

  5. Specify the ID to use to connect to the DataPower appliance in the User ID field.

  6. Password to associate with the user ID in the Password and Verify password fields.

  7. Click OK to add the new appliance.

The DataPower appliance manager is managing this appliance.

For security reasons, the DataPower appliance manager does not include Crypto material, such as keys and certificates, in the shareable settings and domain versions that it creates. Therefore, after we add an appliance to the appliance manager, manually add any Crypto material to apply for the new appliance.



  • WebSphere DataPower appliance manager overview
  • Modify a managed set
  • Set up the DataPower appliance manager using scripting
  • dpManagerCommands