Portal Business portlets


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The following portlets are bundled with WebSphere Portal:

Application Description
Welcome Shows version and copyright for WebSphere Portal installed.
Bookmarks Display bookmarks defined by the user in a browser. The user can add, delete, and edit bookmarks.
Reminder Save and display short text messages on their portal page.
World Clock View current local times around the world.
My Task Create and view tasks.
My News Top headlines from MarketWatch. Proxy settings are required to use this portlet under a firewall environment.
My Weather Weather condition data and forecasts for user-selected cities. Proxy settings are required to use this portlet under a firewall environment.
My Vertical News Headlines from MarketWatch More feeds than My News. Proxy settings are required to use this portlet under a firewall environment.

MarketWatch gathers most of their content dynamically from their servers. This information, unless otherwise translated on your own servers, will show up in English in Portal regardless of the your language setting.

My Stock Displays financial performance and fundamental investment data for selected companies, investments, symbols and indices. Proxy settings are required to use this portlet under a firewall environment.
Banner Ad Banner Ad allows users to insert an image, which displays in the view mode. A link can also be added to the image.
QuickLinks Displays links defined by the user in a browser. The user can add, delete, and edit links.
Document Search Provides users access to the Portal Search Engine. Before Document Search can perform searches, the administrator must build the search index using Manage Search Index in Portal Administration.
Document Viewer Consists of several portlets that allow users to browse Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, or rich text files.
Microsoft Exchange 2000 Portlet Application Connects to an Exchange server. This portlet application contains the following portlets:

  • MS Exchange Mail Portlet
  • MS Exchange Calendar Portlet
  • MS Exchange Tasks Portlet
  • MS Exchange Contacts Portlet
  • MS Exchange Notes Portlet
My Query Reports (SQL) Run SQL queries.
Retirement Planner Goal-based tool that estimates desired retirement income and estate, and evaluates the savings plan required to fund that need. Proxy settings are required to use this portlet under a firewall environment.
Company Tracker Chart Stock charts and analytics for tracking and analyzing the performance for a single investment at a time. As a satellite to the MarketWatch Company Tracker portlet application. Proxy settings are required to use this portlet under a firewall environment.
Company Tracker Master Select and manage a list of companies whose performance you are interested in tracking. View summary data and then drill down to details on quotes, news, charts, and profile data. Proxy settings are required to use this portlet under a firewall environment.
Company Tracker News Provides general and business news focused on a single stock or investment at a time. It acts as a satellite to the MarketWatch Company Tracker portlet application. Proxy settings are required to use this portlet under a firewall environment.
Company Tracker Profile Provides general company overview, descriptions, performance, and competition data for a single investment at a time. It acts as a satellite to the MarketWatch Company Tracker portlet application. Proxy settings are required to use this portlet under a firewall environment.
Company Tracker Stock Provides stock quote detail, performance, and fundamental data for a single investment at a time. It acts as a satellite to the MarketWatch Company Tracker portlet application. Proxy settings are required to use this portlet under a firewall environment.
Currency Calculator Provides international market data concerning world currencies with a handy conversion calculator. Proxy settings are required to use this portlet under a firewall environment.
MS NetMeeting MS NetMeeting (NetMeeting) allows the user to easily integrate Microsoft NetMeeting.
My ToDos View and organize tasks into a manageable list.
Newsgroup Browse, post, and reply to messages on a newsgroup server.
Application Portlet Builder Create portlets that can access and manipulate data in an enterprise application, without requiring programming knowledge of the system.
Web Page Uses iFrames to display original content of specified Web addresses without modifications. It supports both basic and form-based authentication.
File Server Reads a static HTML file as a file stream and displays its content in a portlet window.
JSP Server JSPPortlet portlet executes a JSP and displays output in the portlet window. This portlet uses PortletContext to include JSP resource.
Servlet Invoker ServletInvoker Portlet can access local or remote Web resources and display their contents in a portlet.
Common Mail Send and receive mail using IMAP, Lotus Domino, Microsoft Exchange 2000, and POP3 servers.
Common Calendar Schedule appointments, meetings, reminders, events, and anniversaries.


See also

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