IBM Banner Ad
The Banner Ad portlet allows users to insert an image, which displays in the View mode. When the user clicks on the image, the browser is either directed to a predefined page or a new browser is opened displaying the predefined page. Users can view the image and can click it to go to a predefined URL. Users with edit permissions can enter the location of the image and define the page to be displayed when the user clicks on the graphic.
Using Banner Ad
The portlet verifies that a URL is entered, but does not verify that the URL address is a valid URL.
There are no known test or usage assumptions.
Client requirements
This portlet supports browsers and devices capable of rendering HTML, WML, and PDA markup. The following table provides detailed information.
Minimum requirements for HTML Markup level HTML 4.01 Transitional Java applet None JavaScript None <iframe> No Style sheets Portal styles only Software This portlet has been tested on the following browsers:
- Internet Explorer V5.5, 6.0
- Netscape V6.x, 7.x
- Opera 7.x
- Mozilla 1.x
Accessibility Yes Minimum requirements for WML Markup level WML 1.1 There are no special server requirements.
There are no special installation instructions for this portlet.
Note: This portlet is not supported as a remote WSRP service.
Configuration parameters
There are no configuration parameters for this portlet.
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