IBM MyTasks
The My Tasks portlet provides a single place where users can view tasks from the Human Task Manager component in the WebSphere portal. Users can browse through the list of tasks, Claim tasks, Cancel tasks, View task details, and Launch tasks.
No separate signon or authentication is required. The user validation for portal users is sufficient to access My Tasks portlet.
For testing purposes, a BPEL based process application has been installed and tasks are created using that application.
Client requirements
This portlet supports browsers and devices capable of rendering HTML markup. The following table provides detailed information.
Minimum requirements for HTML Markup level
- HTML 4.01 Transitional
Java applet
- None
- 1.1
- No
Style sheets
- Portal styles only
Software This portlet has been tested on the following browsers:
- Internet Explorer V5.0, 6.0,(sp 1)
- Netscape V7.0
- Opera V7.0.2
- Mozilla V1.0.2
- No
Server requirements
There are no special server requirements.
No specific installation requirements are needed for this portal.
This portlet is not supported as a remote WSRP service.
Configuration parameters
The following configuration parameters have to be taken care of in this portlet.
Go to the Configure Mode
Edit the My Tasks configuration and set the MyTasksPageUniqueName parameter to the unique name of the new task page container.
Invoke the following command specifying the unique name of the previous container for value.
WPSconfig.{bat | sh} disable-page-as-task-page-container -DPageUniqueName=value
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