IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Install IBM BPM > IBM BPM Advanced for z/OS: Process Server > Configure IBM BPM Advanced for z/OS: Process Server > Completing the ND configuration

Loading the database with system information

Before you can successfully start the cluster in a deployment environment, configuration data for the business process management applications must be loaded into the database. You can do this by using the bootstrap utility (

For a cluster, you need to run the bootstrap utility only once, specifying the name of the application target cluster.


  1. On the dmgr node, access the UNIX System Services shell.

  2. In OMVS, switch to the administrator user ID.

    For example:

    su wsadmin

  3. Navigate to the WAS_HOME/profiles/default/bin directory of the dmgr profile.

    For example:

    cd /WebSphere/V8T4DM/DeploymentManager/profiles/default/bin

  4. Run the script using the following syntax:

    ./ -clusterName cluster_name

    where -clusterName specifies the name of the application target cluster.

    For example:

    ./ -clusterName T4.AppTarget

    For information about the syntax and optional parameters that you can use with the script, enter either of these commands:

    ./ -h

    ./ -?


On completion, the database is updated.

What to do next

You can now start the cluster and verify the installation.

Completing the ND configuration

Related tasks:
Create the databases
Starting the dmgr
Federating the empty node into the dmgr cell
Create the deployment environment
Update the configuration values for cluster members
Starting the cluster and verifying the installation