IBM Business Process Manager, V8.0.1, All platforms > Reference > Commands and scripts > Commands (wsadmin scripting) script

You can use the script to create your IBM Business Process Manager database objects in a DB2 for z/OS subsystem. You can run the script from UNIX System Services.

The script is generated when you use the database design tool to define the configuration for one or more databases that are associated with your stand-alone server or network deployment cell. The script is generated only if you choose the option to generate database scripts, and is created in each output directory to which the database scripts are generated. Provided that the database scripts are grouped appropriately in these output directories, you can run the script once for each instance of a database to be created.

Before you run the script, you must configure the DB2 command line processor by defining a set of environment variables and a db2 command alias. You must also define alias names that can be used to connect to the DB2 for z/OS server.

The script produces an audit trail of the objects that it creates in a file named z_output.txt, which is generated in the directory from which you ran the command.

     -DBAlias alias_name
     -DBBP4K 4K_buffer_pool
     -DBBPIndex index_buffer_pool
     -DBName database_name
     -DBSto storage_group_name
     -DBUser DB_user_id
     -DBVolumes DASD_volumes
     -DBVCat volume_catalog



Specifies an alias name, which maps to the DB2 server URL, user ID, and password, and which is used to connect to DB2. If you do not specify this parameter when you run the script, you are prompted for a value. You must define this alias name before you run the script.


Creates the database.


Specifies which 4K buffer pool to use for the database default. The default is BP1.


Specifies which buffer pool to use for the database index default. The default is BP2.


Specifies the name of the database to be created. The default is BPMDB.


Specifies the storage group name for the volumes that hold the data sets where tables and indexes are stored. The default is BPMDBSTO.


Specifies the user ID of the WebSphere administrator that has database administration authority for the IBM Business Process Manager database being created. The default is wsadmin.


Specifies a variable that is used for input into a DB2 storage group definition command to specify the volumes where you want to store the DB2 data.

You can change this value to the DASD where the DB2 data is stored, or use the default value of '*', which causes the storage management system to allocate DB2 data placement on the DASD or disk.


Specifies the name of the DB2 Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) catalog that records information about the data sets. The default is BPMCAT.


Runs the SQL statements that are defined in the database scripts generated by the database design tool. As a result, the database objects are created.

Omit this parameter to bypass the execution of the SQL statements, and to instead consolidate the SQL statements into two files named z_schema.sql and z_schemaProc.sql. These files are created in the directory from which you ran the script, and can be run by using the DB2 command line processor, or tools such as SPUFI or DSNTEP2.


The following command connects to the DB2 server by using the DSNXWBD alias name, and creates the database objects for the Common database component in a cell-scoped database named S4CELLDB, with an S4DBSTO storage group and DSNV10PP VSAM catalog. The S4ADMIN user will have DBADM authority for the S4CELLDB database. This command is being run from a directory that holds the scripts that were generated for the Common database component only. -DBAlias DSNXWBD -DBName S4CELLDB -DBSto S4DBSTO -DBCreate -DBVCat DSNV10PP -DBUser S4ADMIN -RunSQL

The following command connects to the DB2 server by using the DSNABCD alias name, and creates the database objects for all the database components (other than the Common database component) in a cluster-scoped database named S4SR01, with an S4DBSTO storage group and DSNV10PP VSAM catalog. The S4ADMIN user will have DBADM authority for the S4SR01 database. This command is being run from a directory that holds the scripts that were generated for the Business Process Choreographer, Business Space, Process Server, Performance Data Warehouse, and messaging engine components. -DBAlias DSNABCD -DBName S4SR01 -DBSto S4DBSTO -DBCreate -DBVCat DSNV10PP -DBUser S4ADMIN -RunSQL

The following command creates all the database objects in a single database named S1CELLDB. When the command runs, you are prompted for an alias name because -DBAlias was not specified as one of the parameters. This alias name is required to establish a connection to the DB2 server in order to create the S1CELLDB database, with an S1DBSTO storage group and DSNV10PP VSAM catalog. The S1ADMIN user will have DBADM authority for the S1CELLDB database. This command is being run from a directory that holds all the scripts that were generated for all of the IBM Business Process Manager database components. -DBName S1CELLDB -DBSto S1DBSTO -DBCreate -DBVCat DSNV10PP -DBUser S1ADMIN -RunSQL

The following command consolidates the SQL statements for creating the database objects into two files named z_schema.sql and z_schemaProc.sql. The SQL statements are not run because -RunSQL was not specified as one of the parameters. When you run the .sql files later, the DSNEFGH alias is used to connect to the DB2 server in order to create the W8CELLDB database, with a W8DBSTO storage group and WLEDB2 VSAM catalog. The W8ADMIN user will have DBADM authority for the database. -DBAlias DSNEFGH -DBName W8CELLDB -DBSto W8DBSTO -DBCreate -DBVCat WLEDB2 -DBUser W8ADMIN

Parent topic: Commands (wsadmin scripting)

Related tasks:
Setting up alias definitions for connecting to the DB2 server:
Creating DB2 database objects using the script
Creating DB2 for z/OS database objects using the DB2 command line processor: