Base64Converter |
BASE 64 encoding of a String or an array of bytes.
ChainedMapper |
A ContainerMapper that chains the results of the first
nested FileNameMapper s into sourcefiles for the second,
the second to the third, and so on, returning the resulting mapped
filenames from the last nested FileNameMapper .
ClasspathUtils |
Offers some helper methods on the Path structure in ant.
ClasspathUtils.Delegate |
Delegate that helps out any specific ProjectComponent that needs
dynamic classloading.
CollectionUtils |
A set of helper methods related to collection manipulation.
CollectionUtils.EmptyEnumeration<E> |
An empty enumeration.
CompositeMapper |
A ContainerMapper that unites the results of its constituent
FileNameMapper s into a single set of result filenames.
ConcatFileInputStream |
Special InputStream that will
concatenate the contents of an array of files.
ConcatResourceInputStream |
Special InputStream that will
concatenate the contents of Resources from a single ResourceCollection.
ContainerMapper |
A FileNameMapper that contains
other FileNameMapper s.
DateUtils |
Helper methods to deal with date/time formatting with a specific
defined format ( ISO8601)
or a plurialization correct elapsed time in minutes and seconds.
DeweyDecimal |
Utility class to contain version numbers in "Dewey Decimal"
DOMElementWriter |
Writes a DOM tree to a given Writer.
DOMElementWriter.XmlNamespacePolicy |
Whether namespaces should be ignored for elements and attributes.
DOMUtils |
Some utility methods for common tasks when building DOM trees in memory.
FileTokenizer |
Class to read the complete input into a string.
FileUtils |
This class also encapsulates methods which allow Files to be
referred to using abstract path names which are translated to native
system file paths at runtime as well as copying files or setting
their last modification time.
FirstMatchMapper |
A ContainerMapper that returns the results of its
first constituent FileNameMapper s that matches.
FlatFileNameMapper |
Implementation of FileNameMapper that always returns the source
file name without any leading directory information.
GlobPatternMapper |
Implementation of FileNameMapper that does simple wildcard pattern
IdentityMapper |
Implementation of FileNameMapper that always returns the source file name.
IdentityStack<E> |
Identity Stack.
JavaEnvUtils |
A set of helper methods related to locating executables or checking
conditions of a given Java installation.
JAXPUtils |
Collection of helper methods that retrieve a ParserFactory or
Parsers and Readers.
KeepAliveInputStream |
Class that can be used to wrap
without getting anxious about any client closing the stream.
KeepAliveOutputStream |
Class that can be used to wrap System.out and System.err
without getting anxious about any client closing the stream.
LayoutPreservingProperties |
A Properties collection which preserves comments and whitespace
present in the input stream from which it was loaded.
LazyFileOutputStream |
Class that delays opening the output file until the first bytes
shall be written or the method open has been invoked
LazyHashtable |
Hashtable implementation that allows delayed construction
of expensive objects
All operations that need access to the full list of objects
will call initAll() first.
LeadPipeInputStream |
Special PipedInputStream that will not die
when the writing Thread is no longer alive.
LineOrientedOutputStream |
Invokes processLine whenever a full line has
been written to this stream.
LineOrientedOutputStreamRedirector |
Output stream which buffer and redirect a stream line by line.
LineTokenizer |
class to tokenize the input as lines separated
by \r (mac style), \r\n (dos/windows style) or \n (unix style)
LinkedHashtable<K,V> |
Subclass of Hashtable that wraps a LinkedHashMap to provide
predictable iteration order.
LoaderUtils |
ClassLoader utility methods
MergingMapper |
Implementation of FileNameMapper that always returns the same
target file name.
Native2AsciiUtils |
Contains helper methods for Ant's built-in implementation of native2ascii.
OutputStreamFunneler |
Manages a set of OutputStream s to
write to a single underlying stream, which is
closed only when the last "funnel"
has been closed.
PackageNameMapper |
Maps directory name matches into a dotted package name.
ProcessUtil |
Process Utilities
PropertyOutputStream |
Exception thrown when an attempt is made to get an OutputStream
from an immutable Resource.
ProxySetup |
Code to do proxy setup.
ReaderInputStream |
Adapts a Reader as an InputStream .
ReflectUtil |
Utility class to handle reflection on java objects.
ReflectWrapper |
Utility class to handle reflection on java objects.
RegexpPatternMapper |
Implementation of FileNameMapper that does regular expression
ResourceUtils |
This class provides utility methods to process Resources.
RetryHandler |
A simple utility class to take a piece of code (that implements
Retryable interface) and executes that with possibility to
retry the execution in case of IOException.
ScriptFixBSFPath |
A class to modify a classloader to
support BSF language support.
ScriptRunner |
ScriptRunnerBase |
This is a common abstract base case for script runners.
ScriptRunnerCreator |
This is a helper class used by ScriptRunnerHelper to
create a ScriptRunner based on a classloader and on a language.
ScriptRunnerHelper |
A class to help in creating, setting and getting script runners.
SourceFileScanner |
Utility class that collects the functionality of the various
scanDir methods that have been scattered in several tasks before.
SplitClassLoader |
Specialized classloader for tasks that need finer grained control
over which classes are to be loaded via Ant's classloader and which
should not even if they are available.
StringTokenizer |
Class to tokenize the input as areas separated
by white space, or by a specified list of
delim characters.
StringUtils |
A set of helper methods related to string manipulation.
SymbolicLinkUtils |
Contains methods related to symbolic links - or what Ant thinks is
a symbolic link based on the absent support for them in Java.
TaskLogger |
A facade that makes logging nicer to use.
TeeOutputStream |
A simple T-piece to replicate an output stream into two separate streams
UnicodeUtil |
Contains one helper method to create a backslash u escape
UnPackageNameMapper |
Maps dotted package name matches to a directory name.
UUEncoder |
UUEncoding of an input stream placed into an outputstream.
VectorSet<E> |
Subclass of Vector that won't store duplicate entries and shows
HashSet's constant time performance characteristics for the
contains method.
Watchdog |
Generalization of ExecuteWatchdog
WeakishReference |
WeakishReference.HardReference |
WorkerAnt |
A worker ant executes a single task in a background thread.
XmlConstants |
XML Parser constants, all kept in one place for ease of reuse
XMLFragment |
Use this class as a nested element if you want to get a literal DOM
fragment of something nested into your task/type.