Class ResourceUtils

  • java.lang.Object

  • public class ResourceUtils
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class provides utility methods to process Resources.
    Ant 1.5.2
    • Field Detail

      • ISO_8859_1

        public static final java.lang.String ISO_8859_1
        Name of charset "ISO Latin Alphabet No. 1, a.k.a. ISO-LATIN-1".
        Ant 1.8.1
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • ResourceUtils

        public ResourceUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • selectOutOfDateSources

        public static Resource[] selectOutOfDateSources(ProjectComponent logTo,
                                                        Resource[] source,
                                                        FileNameMapper mapper,
                                                        ResourceFactory targets)
        Tells which source files should be reprocessed based on the last modification date of target files.
        logTo - where to send (more or less) interesting output.
        source - array of resources bearing relative path and last modification date.
        mapper - filename mapper indicating how to find the target files.
        targets - object able to map as a resource a relative path at destination.
        array containing the source files which need to be copied or processed, because the targets are out of date or do not exist.
      • selectOutOfDateSources

        public static Resource[] selectOutOfDateSources(ProjectComponent logTo,
                                                        Resource[] source,
                                                        FileNameMapper mapper,
                                                        ResourceFactory targets,
                                                        long granularity)
        Tells which source files should be reprocessed based on the last modification date of target files.
        logTo - where to send (more or less) interesting output.
        source - array of resources bearing relative path and last modification date.
        mapper - filename mapper indicating how to find the target files.
        targets - object able to map as a resource a relative path at destination.
        granularity - The number of milliseconds leeway to give before deciding a target is out of date.
        array containing the source files which need to be copied or processed, because the targets are out of date or do not exist.
        Ant 1.6.2
      • selectOutOfDateSources

        public static ResourceCollection selectOutOfDateSources(ProjectComponent logTo,
                                                                ResourceCollection source,
                                                                FileNameMapper mapper,
                                                                ResourceFactory targets,
                                                                long granularity)
        Tells which sources should be reprocessed based on the last modification date of targets.
        logTo - where to send (more or less) interesting output.
        source - ResourceCollection.
        mapper - filename mapper indicating how to find the target Resources.
        targets - object able to map a relative path as a Resource.
        granularity - The number of milliseconds leeway to give before deciding a target is out of date.
        Ant 1.7
      • selectSources

        public static ResourceCollection selectSources(ProjectComponent logTo,
                                                       ResourceCollection source,
                                                       FileNameMapper mapper,
                                                       ResourceFactory targets,
                                                       ResourceUtils.ResourceSelectorProvider selector)
        Tells which sources should be reprocessed because the given selector selects at least one target.
        logTo - where to send (more or less) interesting output.
        source - ResourceCollection.
        mapper - filename mapper indicating how to find the target Resources.
        targets - object able to map a relative path as a Resource.
        selector - returns a selector that is applied to target files. If it selects at least one target the source will be added to the returned collection.
        Ant 1.8.0
      • copyResource

        public static void copyResource(Resource source,
                                        Resource dest)
        Convenience method to copy content from one Resource to another. No filtering is performed.
        source - the Resource to copy from. Must not be null.
        dest - the Resource to copy to. Must not be null.
        Throws: - if the copying fails.
        Ant 1.7
      • copyResource

        public static void copyResource(Resource source,
                                        Resource dest,
                                        Project project)
        Convenience method to copy content from one Resource to another. No filtering is performed.
        source - the Resource to copy from. Must not be null.
        dest - the Resource to copy to. Must not be null.
        project - the project instance.
        Throws: - if the copying fails.
        Ant 1.7
      • copyResource

        public static void copyResource(Resource source,
                                        Resource dest,
                                        FilterSetCollection filters,
                                        java.util.Vector filterChains,
                                        boolean overwrite,
                                        boolean preserveLastModified,
                                        java.lang.String inputEncoding,
                                        java.lang.String outputEncoding,
                                        Project project)
        Convenience method to copy content from one Resource to another specifying whether token filtering must be used, whether filter chains must be used, whether newer destination files may be overwritten and whether the last modified time of dest file should be made equal to the last modified time of source.
        source - the Resource to copy from. Must not be null.
        dest - the Resource to copy to. Must not be null.
        filters - the collection of filters to apply to this copy.
        filterChains - filterChains to apply during the copy.
        overwrite - Whether or not the destination Resource should be overwritten if it already exists.
        preserveLastModified - Whether or not the last modified time of the destination Resource should be set to that of the source.
        inputEncoding - the encoding used to read the files.
        outputEncoding - the encoding used to write the files.
        project - the project instance.
        Throws: - if the copying fails.
        Ant 1.7
      • copyResource

        public static void copyResource(Resource source,
                                        Resource dest,
                                        FilterSetCollection filters,
                                        java.util.Vector filterChains,
                                        boolean overwrite,
                                        boolean preserveLastModified,
                                        boolean append,
                                        java.lang.String inputEncoding,
                                        java.lang.String outputEncoding,
                                        Project project)
        Convenience method to copy content from one Resource to another specifying whether token filtering must be used, whether filter chains must be used, whether newer destination files may be overwritten and whether the last modified time of dest file should be made equal to the last modified time of source.
        source - the Resource to copy from. Must not be null.
        dest - the Resource to copy to. Must not be null.
        filters - the collection of filters to apply to this copy.
        filterChains - filterChains to apply during the copy.
        overwrite - Whether or not the destination Resource should be overwritten if it already exists.
        preserveLastModified - Whether or not the last modified time of the destination Resource should be set to that of the source.
        append - Whether to append to an Appendable Resource.
        inputEncoding - the encoding used to read the files.
        outputEncoding - the encoding used to write the files.
        project - the project instance.
        Throws: - if the copying fails.
        Ant 1.8
      • copyResource

        public static void copyResource(Resource source,
                                        Resource dest,
                                        FilterSetCollection filters,
                                        java.util.Vector filterChains,
                                        boolean overwrite,
                                        boolean preserveLastModified,
                                        boolean append,
                                        java.lang.String inputEncoding,
                                        java.lang.String outputEncoding,
                                        Project project,
                                        boolean force)
        Convenience method to copy content from one Resource to another specifying whether token filtering must be used, whether filter chains must be used, whether newer destination files may be overwritten and whether the last modified time of dest file should be made equal to the last modified time of source.
        source - the Resource to copy from. Must not be null.
        dest - the Resource to copy to. Must not be null.
        filters - the collection of filters to apply to this copy.
        filterChains - filterChains to apply during the copy.
        overwrite - Whether or not the destination Resource should be overwritten if it already exists.
        preserveLastModified - Whether or not the last modified time of the destination Resource should be set to that of the source.
        append - Whether to append to an Appendable Resource.
        inputEncoding - the encoding used to read the files.
        outputEncoding - the encoding used to write the files.
        project - the project instance.
        force - whether read-only target files will be overwritten
        Throws: - if the copying fails.
        Ant 1.8.2
      • setLastModified

        public static void setLastModified(Touchable t,
                                           long time)
        Set the last modified time of an object implementing .
        t - the Touchable whose modified time is to be set.
        time - the time to which the last modified time is to be set. if this is -1, the current time is used.
        Ant 1.7
      • contentEquals

        public static boolean contentEquals(Resource r1,
                                            Resource r2,
                                            boolean text)
        Compares the contents of two Resources.
        r1 - the Resource whose content is to be compared.
        r2 - the other Resource whose content is to be compared.
        text - true if the content is to be treated as text and differences in kind of line break are to be ignored.
        true if the content of the Resources is the same.
        Throws: - if the Resources cannot be read.
        Ant 1.7
      • compareContent

        public static int compareContent(Resource r1,
                                         Resource r2,
                                         boolean text)
        Compare the content of two Resources. A nonexistent Resource's content is "less than" that of an existing Resource; a directory-type Resource's content is "less than" that of a file-type Resource.
        r1 - the Resource whose content is to be compared.
        r2 - the other Resource whose content is to be compared.
        text - true if the content is to be treated as text and differences in kind of line break are to be ignored.
        a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
        Throws: - if the Resources cannot be read.
        Ant 1.7
      • asFileResource

        public static FileResource asFileResource(FileProvider fileProvider)
        Convenience method to turn any fileProvider into a basic FileResource with the file's immediate parent as the basedir, for tasks that need one.
        fileProvider - input
        fileProvider if it is a FileResource instance, or a new FileResource with fileProvider's file.
        Ant 1.8