Class ScriptRunnerBase

  • java.lang.Object
  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    JavaxScriptRunner, ScriptRunner

    public abstract class ScriptRunnerBase
    extends java.lang.Object
    This is a common abstract base case for script runners. These classes need to implement executeScript, evaluateScript and supportsLanguage.
    Ant 1.7.0
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      void addBean(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object bean)
      Add a single object into the script context.
      void addBeans(java.util.Map dictionary)
      Add a list of named objects to the list to be exported to the script
      void addText(java.lang.String text)
      Set the script text.
      void bindToComponent(ProjectComponent component)
      Bind the runner to a project component.
      void bindToComponentMinimum(ProjectComponent component)
      Bind the runner to a project component.
      protected void checkLanguage()
      Check if the language attribute is set.
      void clearScript()
      Clear the current script text content.
      abstract java.lang.Object evaluateScript(java.lang.String execName)
      Evaluate the script.
      abstract void executeScript(java.lang.String execName)
      Do the work.
      protected java.util.Map getBeans()
      Get the beans used for the script.
      boolean getKeepEngine()
      Get the keep engine attribute.
      java.lang.String getLanguage()
      Get the script language
      abstract java.lang.String getManagerName()
      Get the name of the manager prefix used for this scriptrunner.
      Project getProject()
      Get the project for this runner.
      java.lang.String getScript()
      Get the current script text content.
      protected java.lang.ClassLoader getScriptClassLoader()
      Get the classloader used to load the script engine.
      void loadResource(Resource sourceResource)
      Add a resource to the source list.
      void loadResources(ResourceCollection collection)
      Add all resources in a resource collection to the source list.
      protected java.lang.ClassLoader replaceContextLoader()
      Replace the current context classloader with the script context classloader.
      protected void restoreContextLoader(java.lang.ClassLoader origLoader)
      Restore the context loader with the original context classloader.
      void setKeepEngine(boolean keepEngine)
      Whether to keep the script engine between calls.
      void setLanguage(java.lang.String language)
      Defines the language (required).
      void setProject(Project project)
      Set the project for this runner.
      void setScriptClassLoader(java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
      Set the script classloader.
      void setSrc( file)
      Load the script from an external file; optional.
      abstract boolean supportsLanguage()
      Check if a script engine can be created for this language.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • ScriptRunnerBase

        public ScriptRunnerBase()
    • Method Detail

      • addBeans

        public void addBeans(java.util.Map dictionary)
        Add a list of named objects to the list to be exported to the script
        dictionary - a map of objects to be placed into the script context indexed by String names.
      • addBean

        public void addBean(java.lang.String key,
                            java.lang.Object bean)
        Add a single object into the script context.
        key - the name in the context this object is to stored under.
        bean - the object to be stored in the script context.
      • getBeans

        protected java.util.Map getBeans()
        Get the beans used for the script.
        the map of beans.
      • executeScript

        public abstract void executeScript(java.lang.String execName)
        Do the work.
        execName - the name that will be passed to BSF for this script execution.
      • evaluateScript

        public abstract java.lang.Object evaluateScript(java.lang.String execName)
        Evaluate the script.
        execName - the name that will be passed to the scripting engine for this script execution.
        the result of evaluating the script.
      • supportsLanguage

        public abstract boolean supportsLanguage()
        Check if a script engine can be created for this language.
        true if a script engine can be created, false otherwise.
      • getManagerName

        public abstract java.lang.String getManagerName()
        Get the name of the manager prefix used for this scriptrunner.
        the prefix string.
      • setLanguage

        public void setLanguage(java.lang.String language)
        Defines the language (required).
        language - the scripting language name for the script.
      • getLanguage

        public java.lang.String getLanguage()
        Get the script language
        the script language
      • setScriptClassLoader

        public void setScriptClassLoader(java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
        Set the script classloader.
        classLoader - the classloader to use.
      • getScriptClassLoader

        protected java.lang.ClassLoader getScriptClassLoader()
        Get the classloader used to load the script engine.
        the classloader.
      • setKeepEngine

        public void setKeepEngine(boolean keepEngine)
        Whether to keep the script engine between calls.
        keepEngine - if true, keep the engine.
      • getKeepEngine

        public boolean getKeepEngine()
        Get the keep engine attribute.
        the attribute.
      • setSrc

        public void setSrc( file)
        Load the script from an external file; optional.
        file - the file containing the script source.
      • loadResource

        public void loadResource(Resource sourceResource)
        Add a resource to the source list.
        sourceResource - the resource to load
        BuildException - if the resource cannot be read
        Ant 1.7.1
      • loadResources

        public void loadResources(ResourceCollection collection)
        Add all resources in a resource collection to the source list.
        collection - the resource to load
        BuildException - if a resource cannot be read
        Ant 1.7.1
      • addText

        public void addText(java.lang.String text)
        Set the script text. Properties in the text are not expanded!
        text - a component of the script text to be added.
      • getScript

        public java.lang.String getScript()
        Get the current script text content.
        the script text.
      • clearScript

        public void clearScript()
        Clear the current script text content.
      • setProject

        public void setProject(Project project)
        Set the project for this runner.
        project - the project.
      • getProject

        public Project getProject()
        Get the project for this runner.
        the project.
      • bindToComponent

        public void bindToComponent(ProjectComponent component)
        Bind the runner to a project component. Properties, targets and references are all added as beans; project is bound to project, and self to the component.
        component - to become self
      • bindToComponentMinimum

        public void bindToComponentMinimum(ProjectComponent component)
        Bind the runner to a project component. The project and self are the only beans set.
        component - to become self
      • checkLanguage

        protected void checkLanguage()
        Check if the language attribute is set.
        BuildException - if it is not.
      • replaceContextLoader

        protected java.lang.ClassLoader replaceContextLoader()
        Replace the current context classloader with the script context classloader.
        the current context classloader.
      • restoreContextLoader

        protected void restoreContextLoader(java.lang.ClassLoader origLoader)
        Restore the context loader with the original context classloader. script context loader.
        origLoader - the original context classloader.