Class CompositeMapper

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CompositeMapper
    extends ContainerMapper
    A ContainerMapper that unites the results of its constituent FileNameMappers into a single set of result filenames.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CompositeMapper

        public CompositeMapper()
    • Method Detail

      • mapFileName

        public java.lang.String[] mapFileName(java.lang.String sourceFileName)
        Returns an array containing the target filename(s) for the given source file.

        if the given rule doesn't apply to the source file, implementation must return null. SourceFileScanner will then omit the source file in question.

        sourceFileName - the name of the source file relative to some given basedirectory. Might be null for resources that don't provide a name.
        an array of strings if the rule applies to the source file, or null if it does not.