


A WebLogic Domain.

A WebLogic Domain is a special target, the "Domain" target.





AdministrationPortEnabled=( "true" | "false" )


ClusterConstraintsEnabled=( "true" | "false" )



ConsoleEnabled=( "true" | "false" )

DisconnectedManagedServers="list of Objects


Log="Log name



ProductionModeEnabled=( "true" | "false" )


Servers="list of Server names


WTCServers="list of WTCServer names



Child Elements





Range of Values and Default

AdministrationPort The common secure administration port for the domain. The administration port uses SSL so all the servers require to have SSL if the administration port is enabled in the domain. If administration port is enabled then each server in the same domain should setup a administration port either using the domain's administration port or overriding it by using the server's administration port The managed server will require to use to connect to the admin server Admin Console field label: Administration PortDefault: 9002Minimum: 1Maximum: 65534
AdministrationPortEnabled Indicates whether or not the administration port should be enabled for the domain. This will force all the servers in a domain to have the same view of setting up the server's administration port. Admin Console field label: Enable Administration PortDefault: falseSecure value: true
ArchiveConfigurationCount Gets the archiveConfigurationCount attribute of the DomainMBean object Admin Console field label: Archive Configuration CountDefault: 5
ClusterConstraintsEnabled Retrieves the attribute indicating whether strict cluster constraints are enforced or not for this domain. Admin Console field label: Enable Cluster ConstraintsDefault: false
ConfigurationVersion The release identifier for the configuration. This identifier will be used to indicate the version of the configuration. All server generated configurations will be established with the release identifier of the running server. The form of the version is major.minor.servicepack.rollingpatch. Not all parts of the version are required. i.e. "7" is acceptable. Required: no
ConsoleContextPath Specifies the context path for the WLS console. Admin Console field label: Console Context PathRequired: noDefault: console
ConsoleEnabled Indicates whether the WLS console should be auto-deployed for this domain. Admin Console field label: Console EnabledDefault: trueSecure value: false
Required: no
LastModificationTime Return the last time this domain was updated. This is guaranteed to be unique for a given transactional modification. Admin Console field label: Last Modified onDefault: 0
Log Return the domain logfile configuration for this domain. Required: no
Name The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration. Admin Console field label: NameRequired: no
Notes Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration. Admin Console field label: NotesRequired: no
ProductionModeEnabled Sets the ProductionModeEnabled attribute of the DomainMBean object. This value is used internally to determine whether or not the servers in the domain are running in production or development mode. The mode in which the domain runs impacts subsystem behaviors, such as whether or not the Application Poller is running (ie, only in Development Mode). It also influences what default attribute values will be established. Admin Console field label: Production ModeDefault: false
RootDirectory Return the root directory for the domain. In other words for a server process [ServerMBean.getRootDirectory] or [ServerMBean.getDomainDirectory] Required: no
Servers Returns the ServerMBeans representing the servers that have been configured to be part of this domain. Admin Console field label: ServersRequired: no
Type Returns the type of the MBean. Required: no
WTCServers Return the WTCServerMBeans for this Domain. Required: no

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