


This bean represents a machine on which servers may be booted. A server is bound to a machine by calling to ServerMBean.setMachine(). Although it is typical that one MachineMBean refers to one physical machine and vice versa, it is possible to have a multihomed machine represented by multiple MachineMBeans. The only restriction is that each MachineMBean be configured with non-overlapping addresses. A configuration may contain one or more of MachineMBeans which may be looked up by their logical names.




Addresses="list of Strings






Parent Elements


Child Elements





Range of Values and Default

Addresses Deprecated. Returns the addresses by which this machine is known. May be either host names of literal IP addresses. Admin Console field label: AddressRequired: no
Name The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration. Admin Console field label: NameRequired: no
Notes Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration. Admin Console field label: NotesRequired: no
Type Returns the type of the MBean. Admin Console field label: TypeRequired: no

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