This MBean represents the object used to create DataSources that applications use to access application-scoped JDBC connection pools.
<JDBCDataSourceFactory DriverClassName="String FactoryName="String Name="String Notes="String Password="String Properties="java.util.Map" Type="String URL="String UserName="String
Parent Elements
DriverClassName The name of the driver. This may be overridden by driver-name in the descriptor. Admin Console field label: Driver Class NameRequired: no FactoryName The name of this data source factory. This is referenced from the connection-factory element in weblogic-application.xml Admin Console field label: Factory NameRequired: no Name The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration. Admin Console field label: NameRequired: no Notes Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration. Required: no Password The database user password. This may be overridden by password in the descriptor. Admin Console field label: PasswordRequired: noEncrypted: yes Properties default connection properties Admin Console field label: PropertiesRequired: no Type Returns the type of the MBean. Required: no URL The connection URL. This may be overridden by url in the descriptor Admin Console field label: URLRequired: no UserName The database user name. This may be overridden by user-name in the descriptor. Admin Console field label: User NameRequired: no