<Realm CachingRealm="CachingRealm name EnumerationAllowed=( "true" | "false" ) Name="String Notes="String ResultsBatchSize="number Type="String
Parent Elements
CachingRealm If a realm other than the File realm is used, the realm is specified by attaching the name of the realm to the CachingRealm MBean. The CachingRealm MBean then attaches to the Realm MBean. If the attribute has a value, an alternate security realm is used. If the attribute is null, only the File Realm can be used. Admin Console field label: Caching RealmRequired: no EnumerationAllowed Specifies ability to enumerate users, groups, and memberships to prevent possible Denial Of Service attacks (if there are many users or groups). Default: trueSecure value: false Name The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration. Admin Console field label: NameRequired: no Notes Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration. Admin Console field label: NotesRequired: no ResultsBatchSize Specifies the batch size (number of users, groups, and ACLs to return per rpc) for returning users, groups, and ACLs. The purpose is to avoid having either one rpc per user, group, or ACL or one very large rpc that causes an overfill of memory. Admin Console field label: Results Batch SizeDefault: 200Minimum: 0 Type Returns the type of the MBean. Admin Console field label: TypeRequired: no