This class describes the settings to receive mbean-attribute change trap.
<SNMPAttributeChange AttributeMBeanName="String AttributeMBeanType=( "Application" | "BridgeDestination" | "CachingRealm" | "Cluster" | "Domain" | "DomainLogFilter" | " EJBComponent" | "ExecuteQueue" | "JDBCConnectionPool" | "JDBCDataSource" | "JDBCMultiPool" | "JDBCTxDataSource" | "JMSConnectionConsumer" | "JMSConnectionFactory" | "JMSDestinationKey" | "JMSFileStore" | "JMSJDBCStore" | "JMSQueue" | "JMSServer" | "JMSSessionPool" | "JMSTopic" | "JTA" | "Log" | "MessagingBridge" | "RDBMSRealm" | "Server" | "StartupClass" | "VirtualHost" | "WebAppComponent" | "WebDeployment" | "WebServer" | "XMLEntityCache" | "XMLEntitySpecRegistry" | "XMLParserSelectRegistry" | "XMLRegistryEntry" | "Connector" | "EJBContainer" | "JMSDestCommon" | "Kernel" | "Machine" | "Security" | "ServerStart" | "COM" | "IIOP" | "JDBCDataSourceFactory" | "JMSBridgeDestination" | "JMSVirtualDestination" | "NetworkChannel" | "NetworkAccessPoint" | "WTCtBridgeGlobal" | "WTCExport" | "WTCImport" | "WTCLocalTuxDom" | "WTCRemoteTuxDom" | "WTCtBridgeRedirect" | "BridgeDestinationCommon" | "ForeignJMSConnectionFactory" | "ForeignJMSDestination" | "ForeignJMSServer" | "JMSDistributedDestination" | "JMSDistributedDestinationMember" | "JMSTemplate" | "RMCFactory" | "SNMPAgent" | "SSL" | "WSReliableDeliveryPolicy" | "WTCPassword" | "WTCResources" ) AttributeName="String EnabledServers="list of Server names Name="String Notes="String Type="String
Parent Elements
AttributeMBeanName Defines the name of the MBean to monitor. Admin Console field label: Attribute MBean NameRequired: no AttributeMBeanType Defines the type of the MBean to monitor. Admin Console field label: Attribute MBean TypeRequired: no AttributeName Defines the name of the attribute to monitor. Admin Console field label: Attribute NameRequired: no EnabledServers Defines a list of target servers for trap generation. If no server is specified, no trap will be generated. Admin Console field label: Enabled ServersRequired: no Name The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration. Admin Console field label: NameRequired: no Notes Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration. Required: no Type Returns the type of the MBean. Required: no