Watch a virtual user during a test run
The Browser page in the Protocol Data view displays browser results in real-time during an individual HTTP test run.To verify that real-time support is enabled go to...
Window | Preferences | Test | HTTP Protocol Data View
...and select...
Enable real-time protocol data support
You can select which page you want the Protocol Data view to display by default.
The Browser page renders the visual data, and the Event Log page displays a table of...
- page titles
- response times
- verification point failures
- unexpected response codes
You can switch between the pages when you watch the user.
Watch a virtual user in real time
- In the Test Navigator, browse to an HTTP test and double-click it.
- Click...
Run | Run As | Test
- In the Protocol Data view, click the Browser tab.
The HTTP pages are displayed. Because the protocol data is used, the Browser page might not render the contents exactly as a Web browser would render the contents.
If an HTTP page does not display correctly, you can still use the pages...
- Request
- Response Headers
- Response Content
- Event Log help debug the test.
- Use the playback buttons in the Protocol Data view to control the real-time browser display.
The playback buttons control only the Protocol Data view. They do not pause or stop test execution. If you pause the real-time browser display and then click Play, the page displayed in the Browser window is the next page loaded by the playback engine.
Use the Back and Forward buttons to control the display of pages that have already been loaded. If a problem occurs during playback, pause the test and use the Back and Forward buttons to move to the page where the problem occurred.
The request and response headers, and the response content page, show primary request information.
The information on each page is updated in real time as you run the test. The Event Log page shows...
- response time
- verification point failures
- unexpected response codes
- messages for each request
While tests are running, pages in the Protocol Data view display an Event Log summary bar for the current page request that shows...
- Number of verification point failures
- Unexpected response codes
- Messages
An unexpected response code is defined as a response code not in the 200 or 300 range. Response codes outside the 200 and 300 range that were recorded or that are represented in a response code verification point are not considered unexpected.
For example, a response code of 404, "Not Found," is an unexpected response code, unless there is an associated response code verification point. If a 404 response code occurred while recording and then during playback the response code is also 404, this is not considered unexpected. Messages include data correlation failures and custom code messages.
Pages in the Protocol Data view are active and updated while a test is running.
After a test runs, you can also use the test log for futher debugging.
- HTTP debugging overview
- Watch a virtual user during a schedule run
- Replay a virtual user after a run completes
- View the playback summary of a virtual user
- Inspect HTTP test logs in the Protocol Data view
- Manage HTTP information in the Protocol Data view
- HTTP protocol data view preferences