Target: Shopping Cart

Use this target in web and dialog activities, and in search rules, to target customers whose current shopping cart contents meets certain criteria. We can specify more criteria related to the quantity and value of the catalog entries, and the time frame during which they were placed in the cart.

By using this target, we can build targeted web and dialog activities to communicate relevant marketing messages to customers who have shopping cart contents that match your scenarios.

Example 1

Here is an example of a web activity that uses a shopping cart scenario to display a relevant promotion:

When a customer views the e-Marketing Spot in the catalog banner, if the customer's current shopping cart contains catalog entries from either the Mattresses category or the Bedroom Furniture category, display an ad for the Bedding Sale promotion.

Example 2

Here is another example; this time, the shopping cart scenario focuses on the total value of the shopping cart, regardless of what the cart contains:

When a customer views the e-Marketing Spot in the catalog banner, if the customer's current shopping cart contains catalog entries that total less than $200, display an ad for the Spend $200, Get Free Shipping promotion.

Prerequisite for using this target

Make sure the site is configured to support the Management Center marketing features.

Guidelines for using this target

This target considers the contents of the current shopping cart only. Any catalog entries that the customer already purchased or removed from the shopping cart are not considered.

When you set up this target, we must specify what the customer has in the shopping cart. Options are:

We can also specify:

Alternatively, we can use this target to target customers whose current shopping cart does not contain the criteria that you specify.

Related concepts
Target: Customer Segment
Target: Purchase History
Target: Catalog Browsing Behavior
Target: Online Behavior
Target: External Site Referral
Target: Social Commerce Participation
Target: Day and Time
Target: Search Criteria and Result