Operate > IBM Management Center for WebSphere Commerce > Marketing tool
Working with remote widgets and feeds for e-Marketing Spots
For e-Marketing Spots, remote widgets and feeds provide a means to syndicate marketing information for display on remote sites and in feed readers.
- Remote widgets for e-Marketing Spots
E-Marketing Spot remote widgets are Flash-based, portable versions of e-Marketing Spots. Remote widgets provide you with a way to syndicate marketing information on Web sites outside of WebSphere Commerce. You can create a remote widget for any e-Marketing Spot in Management Center.
- Feeds for e-Marketing Spots
You can offer the marketing information displayed in any e-Marketing Spot as a feed. This way, the customers can subscribe to a feed that interests them and automatically receive updates in a feed reader, without having to visit the store.
- Comparison of e-Marketing Spot remote widgets and feeds
To decide whether a remote widget or a feed makes more sense for a given e-Marketing Spot, consider where and how you want customers to view the marketing information.
- Content of e-Marketing Spot remote widgets and feeds
When you decide to offer an e-Marketing Spot as a remote widget or a feed, decide which data to display to customers in the widget or feed reader. The data can be images or text, or both.
- Create an e-Marketing Spot remote widget
You can create a Flash widget to make a portable version of an e-Marketing Spot. You and the customers can embed the e-Marketing Spot remote widget on Web sites external to WebSphere Commerce. On the external sites, the widget displays the Web activities or default content scheduled for the e-Marketing Spot.
- Personalization in e-Marketing Spot remote widgets and feeds
E-Marketing Spot remote widgets and feeds can display Web activities that use targets to personalize the marketing information; however, the targets are supported only in certain scenarios. Before offering targeted information in a remote widget or feed, you should understand target behavior and limitations.