Operate > IBM Management Center for WebSphere Commerce > Marketing tool > Work with remote widgets and feeds for e-Marketing Spots

Personalization in e-Marketing Spot remote widgets and feeds

E-Marketing Spot remote widgets and feeds can display Web activities that use targets to personalize the marketing information; however, the targets are supported only in certain scenarios. Before offering targeted information in a remote widget or feed, you should understand target behavior and limitations.

Consider the following example:

List of targets that are supported for remote widgets and feeds

When customers view an e-Marketing Spot remote widget or feed, they are doing so from a location other than the storefront. For this reason, certain marketing targets are not supported because the data required to match the customer to the target does not exist.

Targets that match customers based on their personalization ID are supported, but only in scenarios 2 and 3 from the previous table when the personalization ID stored in the remote widget or feed URL. These targets are:

The remaining targets are not supported. In most cases, this is because the targets depend on session or current page data that does not exist when a customer views a remote widget or feed. These targets include:

Best practices for personalization in remote widgets

Based on the information in this topic, here are some recommendations to help with planning remote widgets and feeds:

Related concepts

Remote widgets for e-Marketing Spots

Feeds for e-Marketing Spots

Comparison of e-Marketing Spot remote widgets and feeds

Content of e-Marketing Spot remote widgets and feeds

Related tasks

Create an e-Marketing Spot remote widget

Related reference

URL structure for Web service feeds


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