Uninstall WebSphere Commerce feature packs interactively
You can uninstall your feature pack using an interactive method which uses a graphical wizard. After navigating through the wizard panels your feature pack will be uninstalled.
- Prerequisites
- Disable features
I5/OS|To uninstall a feature pack, refer to Uninstalling WebSphere Commerce feature packs silently.
To uninstall a WebSphere Commerce feature pack:
- If you have enabled any features that are included in the WebSphere Commerce feature pack, disable them before uninstalling the feature pack. To disable the features included in the feature pack refer to Disable features.
- If you uninstall the feature pack without disabling the features, the scripts that are used to disable the features are removed. Once these scripts are removed, reinstall the feature pack to disable the features.
- To determine which feature is enabled, refer to Troubleshoot: Checking that a WebSphere Commerce feature is enabled on your instance.
- Ensure that your user has the following privileges:
- AIX|Linux|Solaris|Log on as the root user.
- Windows: Ensure that your user has Windows administrative user rights.
- AIX|Linux|Solaris|You must export your display, and have access to your X server. For more information, refer to your operating system documentation.
- Navigate to the following directory:
- WC_installdir/uninstall.fepX
Where X is the feature pack number (1, 2, 3, 301) that you have installed.
- Launch the uninstaller by issuing the following command:
- AIX|Linux|Solaris|./uninstall
- Windows:
- On the Welcome page, review the information and click Next to continue.
- On the Uninstallation summary page, review the information, and click Next. The uninstaller launches the uninstallation actions.
- After the uninstallation is complete, a Summary page is displayed indicating success or failure. Review the information on this page, and click Finish.
- Review the feature pack uninstall logs:
- WC_installdir/logs/FEPX/uninstall/log.txt
Where X is the feature pack number (1, 2, 3, 301) that you have uninstalled.
If the installation failed, refer to Troubleshoot: WebSphere Commerce feature pack install or uninstall failed.
- Manually delete the following directories if they exist:
- WC_installdir/uninstall.fepX
- WC_installdir/license.fepX
- X is the feature pack number (1, 2, 3, 301) that you have uninstalled.
- Y is the feature pack number (301) that you have uninstalled.
Previous topic: Disable features
Next topic: Uninstall WebSphere Commerce feature packs silently
Related Concepts
WebSphere Commerce feature packs
Related tasks
Uninstall WebSphere Commerce feature packs silently
Install WebSphere Commerce feature packs
Related Reference
Troubleshoot: WebSphere Commerce feature pack issues
Troubleshoot: WebSphere Commerce feature enablement issues