Create customized CIP profiles from the command line
Customizing a CIP profile refers to creating a customized installation package (CIP) with the IBM WebSphere Installation Factory that bundles an installation image and maintenance packages, but can also contain previously exported standalone appserver configuration archives (CARs), enterprise apps, user files, and scripts. After a CIP is installed we can create a new profile using the customized template for a repeatable, tailored profile solution. Customizing a CIP profiles differs from the custom profile type, which is an empty node designed to be federated into a cell.
The installer can use the Profile Management Tool to create CIP profiles and automatically restore the profile customizations that are included in the CIP. Or, the installer can use the manageprofiles command to perform the same tasks manually from the command line.
If we cannot use the enhanced Profile Management Tool in the CIP to create and configure profiles, use the manageprofiles command to perform the task, as described in this topic.
The installer can use the manageprofiles command to manually create profiles and restore the profile customizations that are included in the CIP.
See for a description of using the enhanced Profile Management Tool, which is a GUI.
You must have previously installed a CIP to create CIP profiles and restore customizations that are included in the CIP.
If we are restoring a customized profile that uses messaging, also include a script to configure the service integration bus (SIB). The original SIB configuration is not portable and, therefore, is not included in the CIP.
The QEJBSVR user profile must have proper authority to the files and directories involved to run any customized scripts which read or write from the file system.
If you include any customized shell scripts for the HP-UX operating system, add #!/bin/sh as the first line of the script or the script will fail to run.
A configuration archive is available for an appserver CIP profile only. A special profile template enables the importation of a configuration archive file into the application server profile. We cannot create a feature pack CIP with a configuration archive. Use the Profile Management Tool to create CIP profiles that accept configuration actions that are included in the CIP. Use the appserver CIP profile when we are restoring a configuration archive file or other customizations. The Profile Management Tool can also create normal profiles that do not accept customizations.
- When you run the Profile Management Tool with CIP customized profiles installed, the Environment Selection panel will show environments with -- at the end. These are the customized profiles, and each of them will create a regular profile and then apply the customizations through a profile augmentation. If the customized profile that you select contains a configuration archive, then it will be imported.
- The environments listed on the Environment Selection panel, which do not have a -- at the end, are the regular profile types. If you want a regular profile without customizations, select one of these.
The following example creates a customized cell profile.
- Create the dmgr portion of the customized cell profile.
\bin\manageprofiles.bat(sh) -create -profileName cell_dmgr_name -templatePath \cip\cip_uidcip\<cip_uid>\if_augmentingTemplates\cell\dmgr -nodeProfilePath \profiles\cell_appserver_name -cellName cell_name -nodeName node_name -appServerNodeName federated_node_name- Create the appserver portion of the customized cell profile.
\bin\manageprofiles.bat(sh) -create -profileName cell_appserver_name -templatePath \cip\cip_uidcip\<cip_uid>\if_augmentingTemplates\cell\default -dmgrProfilePath \profiles\cell_dmgr_name -portsFile \profiles\cell_dmgr_name\properties\portdef.props -nodePortsFile \profiles\cell_dmgr_name\properties\nodeportdef.props -cellName cell_name -nodeName node_name -appServerNodeName federated_node_name
- Augment an appserver profile that includes a CAR file.
- Create the profile from the minimal default template.
/bin/manageprofiles -create -profileName my_profile -profilePath "/profiles/my_profile" -templatePath/cip/profileTemplates/minimal
/bin/ -create -profileName my_profile -profilePath "/profiles/my_profile" -templatePath/cip/profileTemplates/minimal
\bin\manageprofiles.bat -create -profileName my_profile -profilePath "\profiles\my_profile" -templatePath\cip\profileTemplates\minimal
- Augment the profile using the customizations for the default profile.
/profiles/my_profile/bin/manageprofiles -augment -profileName my_profile -templatePath cip/<cip_uid>/if_augmentingTemplates/default
/profiles/my_profile/bin/ -augment -profileName my_profile -templatePath cip/<cip_uid>/if_augmentingTemplates/default
\profiles\my_profile\bin\manageprofiles.bat -augment -profileName my_profile -templatePath cip\<cip_uid>\if_augmentingTemplates/default- Augment an appserver profile that does not include a CAR file.
Use the regular default template in this two-step procedure:
- Create the profile from the default template.
/bin/manageprofiles -create -profileName my_profile -profilePath "/profiles/my_profile" -templatePath/profileTemplates/default
/bin/ -create -profileName my_profile -profilePath "/profiles/my_profile" -templatePath/profileTemplates/default
\bin\manageprofiles.bat -create -profileName my_profile -profilePath "\profiles\my_profile" -templatePath\profileTemplates\default
- Augment the profile using the customizations (that do not include a CAR) for the default profile.
/profiles/my_profile/bin/manageprofiles -augment -profileName my_profile -templatePath cip/<cip_uid>/if_augmentingTemplates/default
/profiles/my_profile/bin/ -augment -profileName my_profile -templatePath cip/<cip_uid>/if_augmentingTemplates/default
\profiles\my_profile\bin\manageprofiles.bat -augment -profileName my_profile -templatePath cip\<cip_uid>\if_augmentingTemplates\default
After creating a profile and applying the customizations, the target installation should have a profile that is fully configured in the manner as designed by the CIP creator. If a configuration archive was imported, then the target profile should be a fully configured clone of the source profile where the configuration archive was exported. To create a profile without the exact same customizations, in other words, a normal profile, use the normal profile templates in the /profileTemplates directory and do not augment the profiles.
Next steps
After installing the customized system, install a Web server and plug-ins, if necessary, and start the appserver to test the applications.
Last updated Nov 11, 2010 1:01:09 PM CST