ifcli command

The ifcli command accepts a build definition XML file as input and invokes the IBM WebSphere Installation Factory processing engine. The processing engine interprets the XML file, locates the product source files and maintenance packages, and then creates a customized installation package (CIP) or integrated installation package (IIP). The command runs on any supported operating system.

The ifcli tool is also referred to as the command-line interface tool or the command-line invocation tool for the Installation Factory.

See the Readme for IBM WebSphere Installation Factory for details on supported platforms and other information.

class="topictitle2">Location of the command file

The command file is located in the /bin, where IF_root is the directory where you unpacked the Installation Factory. The command file...

  • [AIX]



    [Solaris] <p> ifcli.sh

  • [Windows] <p> ifcli.bat




[Solaris] <p>

class="topictitle2">Syntax for the ifcli.sh command

Display help for the command:
./ifcli.sh -help
Create an installation package:
./ifcli.sh -buildDef build_definition_file 
   -logLevel log_level
   -logFile fully_qualified_log_file_path_name 
   -traceLevel trace level
   -traceFile fully_qualified_trace_file_path_name
   -wasPath WAS_HOME
   -repositoryPath cim_repository_path
   -installationPackagePath installation_package_path

[Windows] <p>

class="topictitle2">Syntax for the ifcli.bat command

Display help for the command:
ifcli.bat -help

Creating an installation package:
ifcli.bat -buildDef build_definition_file 
   -logLevel log_level
   -logFile fully_qualified_log_file_path_name 
   -traceLevel trace level
   -traceFile fully_qualified_trace_file_path_name
   -wasPath WAS_HOME
   -repositoryPath cim_repository_path
   -installationPackagePath installation_package_path

If running Windows 2008, then the command might fail if the build definition file is saved in a directory that contains spaces. Save the build definition file to a directory without spaces and retry the command.


The ifcli command creates a build log file that shows whether the installation image is produced successfully. If it is not successfully built, then examine the trace file to determine the error.

The following files record installation package creation data:

  • The trace.xml file is a detailed trace log in XML format

  • The log.txt file is the log file

The tracing and logging output and level are configurable as described in the logLevel and traceLevel parameters.


Supported options include the following:

Table 1. ifcli command-line options
Option Description
-? or -help Specifies usage information.
-buildDef build_definition_file Build definition file that the Build Definition wizard creates.
-logFile log_file Log file. The default value is /logs/log.txt.
-logLevel log_level Level of logging. The default value is INFO. Valid values are:

  • ALL


  • INFO



  • OFF (Turns off logging)

-silent Specifies that the processing engine runs in silent mode, without displaying results to the console.
-traceFile fully_qualified_trace_file_path_name Trace file. The default value is /logs/trace.xml.
-traceLevel trace_level Sets the level of tracing. The default value is OFF. Valid values are:

  • ALL

  • FINE



  • OFF (Turns off logging)

If creating a repository for the centralized installation manager (CIM) using a CIP containing a V7.0 application server, then we can use the following additional options:

Table 2. CIM options
Option Description
-wasPath Installation directory of the appserver to configure with the CIM repository.
-repositoryPath cim_repository_path Directory of the CIM repository. If the repository will be shared with other installations, IBM recommends created the repository outside WAS installation directory.
-installationPackagePath installation_package_path Directory that contains the installation package to be added to the repository.
-overwrite Overwrites the existing installation package in the specified repository.

Use the installation package to install WAS ND

Use the IBM WebSphere Installation Factory to install an installation package for a WAS product. Each supported product has its own installer program. See the install command documentation for more information.

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Related reference

Related information

Last updated Nov 11, 2010 1:01:09 PM CST