Install a CIP

Install a customized installation package (CIP) created with the IBM WebSphere Installation Factory.

Before you use the installation tools, read this topic to prepare for installation and to learn about installation options. Also read the hardware and software requirements on the Supported hardware and software Web site to get started.

[AIX Solaris HP-UX Linux Windows] The installer ID can be a non-root user ID. However, some installation procedures might require the installer ID to be the root user.

This page describes how to install a feature pack using a CIP. A CIP installation runs the installation wizard in graphical interface mode or in silent mode.

Image spanning

New feature: You can split, or span, a customized installation package image into multiple smaller images if the installation image contained in the CIP is also spannable. For example, if we are creating a CIP that contains WAS V7.0, we can split the resulting CIP into several images because the application server product image itself is spannable. When you generate a spanned CIP, the images are created in directories named DISC1, DISC2, and so on

Different installation images might have different minimum sizes for spanned images. The minimum size will be the larger of the contribution's minimum specified image size and the largest pak file in the CIP image. If you select a size which is too small we are alerted with an error message that indicates the minimum spanned size of that image. During the installation of a spanned CIP, some core files are copied to the temporary directory before the installer is launched. There can be a case where we might not have enough space in the temporary directory for this operation. If installing with the GUI, a dialog box will come up prompting you for an alternate temp location. In silent mode we can use the tempSpace parameter to provide another temporary directory location. For example:

./install -is:tempdir /temp1

Installing fixes included with the CIP If we have included any fixes in the CIP whose prerequisites are not satisfied, then the CIP installer will not install those fixes and will continue to run instead of failing. The result of the installation will be a partial success, which allows you to attempt to resolve fix problems individually. If you want the CIP installation to fail if any of the included fixes fail, add the following option to the command line when invoking the installer:

-W installIfixesAsListOfMaintenances.skipPrereqFailure=false


  1. Plan the installation.

    [AIX Solaris HP-UX Linux Windows] See "Planning the installation" topics in the WebSphere Application Server Information Center.

  2. Prepare the operating platform for installation.

    Read the "Preparing the operating system for installation" topics in the WAS Information Center.

  3. [AIX Solaris HP-UX Linux Windows] Review the roadmaps for installing WAS products as described in the WAS Information Center.

  4. Install WAS using the CIP. Choose an installation scenario to continue the installation:

    Restriction: The installer program does not support the ISMP-console installation method at this time.

    If you encounter a problem such as needing more disk space or temporary space or missing prerequisite packages on the system, cancel the installation, make the required changes, and restart the installation.

    If we are installing a feature pack CIP and the existing application server is not at the required version, the feature pack installer will apply fix packs to bring the appserver up to the required version if the following conditions are met: the feature pack CIP retains the appserver fixpacks. During feature pack CIP creation, choose the option to keep or retain these fixpacks.



We can install a CIP by following this procedure.


Next steps

See the migration documentation for information about migrating from a previous version of WebSphere Application Server.

See the "Fast Paths for WebSphere Application Server" for information about getting started deploying applications.



Related information


Last updated Nov 11, 2010 1:01:09 PM CST