Create appservers



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During the installation process, WAS creates a default appserver, named server1. Use the command-line tool or the admin console to create additional appservers.

If the appserver is going to be part of a cluster, use the Create a new cluster wizard instead of the Create a new appserver.

To create a new appserver not part of a cluster, we can use...

If migrating from a previous version of WAS ND, we can upgrade a portion of the nodes in a cell, while leaving others at the previous product level. This means that, for a period of time, we might be managing servers that are running at two different release levels in the same cell. However, when creating a new server definition, use a server configuration template, and that template must be created from a server instance that matches the version of the node for which we are creating the server.

There are no restrictions on what we can do with the servers running on the more current release level.

Complete the following steps to use the admin console to create a new appserver not part of a cluster.

  1. In the admin console, click...

    Servers | Server Types | WebSphere application servers | New

    The Create a new appserver wizard starts.

  2. Select a node for the appserver.

  3. Enter a name for the appserver. The name must be unique within the node.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Select a server template for the new server.

    We can use a default appserver template for the new server, or we can use the template that is optimized for development uses. The new appserver inherits all of the settings of the template server.

  6. Click Next.

    By default, this option is enabled.

    If we select this option, then we might need to update the alias list for the virtual host that you plan to use with this server to contain these new port values. If we deselect this option, then verify the default port values do not conflict with other servers on the same physical machine.

  7. Select Generate unique HTTP ports if we want the wizard to generate unique ports for the appserver.

  8. Click Next. Review the settings for the new server.

  9. To change any of the settings, click Previous until you return to a page where we can change that setting.

  10. Click Finish when you do not want to make any additional changes.

  11. Click Review, select Synchronize changes with nodes, and then click Save to save the changes.



The new appserver is in the list of servers on the admin console Application servers page.


What to do next

This newly created appserver is configured with default settings that are not displayed when you run the Create New Application Server wizard.

We can:

Create server templates
Delete server templates


Related tasks

Set appservers for UCS Transformation Format
Add members to a cluster
Create a server using scripting Getting started with scripting
Add members to a cluster



Server collection
Application server settings