Administrative job types
Use wsadmin to submit administrative jobs to the job manager.
This page provides detailed information about...
- administrative jobs
- job parameters
- sample command syntax
The admin agent and job manager can submit jobs to multiple nodes or node groups. We can submit admin jobs to queue jobs across the managed environment.
Each admin job has a corresponding job type, which defines the required parameters to submit the job. Use the commands in the AdministrativeJobs command group to submit admin jobs to the job manager.
- Display parameters for all jobs
- Display supported jobs
- Display job statuses
- Submit a job that runs a wsadmin script
- Submit jobs to manage applications
- Submit jobs to manage servers
- Submit jobs to manage the server runtime
Display parameters for all jobs
Use the submitJob command to submit admin jobs. Job submissions consist of the following information:
- Job type
- The job type specifies the type of job to perform. Many jobs exist in the flexible management environment including application management, product maintenance, configuration, and appserver runtime control jobs.
- Job target
- The job target specifies the managed node where the job runs.
- Job specific parameters
- Most administrative jobs require configuration information in addition to the job type and target in order to run the job. Job parameters are specific to each job type.
- Optional generic parameters
- In addition to the job specific parameters, we can include any of the following optional parameters with the job submission:
Parameter Description Type username Username to use to submit the job when security is enabled. String password for the username to use to submit the job when security is enabled. String description Description for the job. String activationDateTime Date and time to activate the job in the format "2006-05-03T10:30:45-0000". The -0000 section of the activationDateTime parameter value represents RFC 822 format. We can specify Z as a shortcut for Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), such as "2006-05-03T10:30:45Z". If you do not specify the time zone, the system uses the time zone of the job manager. String expirationDateTime Specifies the expiration date for the job, in the format "2006-05-03T10:30:45-0000". The -0000 section of the activationDateTime parameter value represents RFC 822 format. We can specify "Z" as a shortcut for Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), such as "2006-05-03T10:30:45Z". If we do not specify the time zone, the system uses the time zone of the job manager. String executionWindow Recurring interval, if any, for the job. String executionWindowUnit Unit of measure for the recurring interval. Valid values include HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS, CONNECT, and ONCE. The default value is HOURS. String Email address where the system sends job notifications. String
Example usage
AdminTask.submitJob('-jobType installApplication -targetList [Node1,Node2,Node3] -jobParams "[applicationName myApplication]" -email')
Display supported jobs
The inventory admin job displays a list of administrative jobs on the job manager queue for the job target of interest.
Job parametersNone.
Example usage
AdminTask.submitJob('-jobType inventory -targetList [Node1,Node2,Node3]')
Display job statuses
The status admin job updates the managed node cache for each managed node that contains the status attribute. The status admin job returns job information for each of the following statuses:
- The DISTRIBUTED status specifies the number of incomplete jobs received by the agent for the node.
- The SUCCEEDED status specifies the number of jobs completed successfully.
- The PARTIALLY_SUCCEEDED status specifies the number of jobs partially completed. For example, partial success might occur when a node represents multiple servers, and only some of the servers on the node complete the job successfully.
- The FAILED status specifies the number of jobs that failed.
- The NOT_ATTEMPTED status specifies the number of jobs that the system did not attempt.
Job parametersNone.
Example usage
AdminTask.submitJob('-jobType status -targetList [Node1,Node2,Node3]')
Submit a job that runs a wsadmin script
We can submit a job to run a wsadmin script on a managed node of the job manager. The managed node can be a dmgr or an unfederated appserver. Before running a wsadmin script on a managed node, transfer the wsadmin script from the job manager to the managed node using the distributeFile job. Then use the following job to run the wsadmin script.
Job parameters
Parameter Description Type scriptFileLocation Location of the script file to run on the managed node. The location is the destination that was given when the file was distributed to the node. String profileLocation Location of the profile file to run the wsadmin script. The location is the destination that was given when the file was distributed to the node. String scriptParameters Specifies parameters to give to the wsadmin script. String
Example usage
AdminTask.submitJob('[-jobType runWsadminScript -targetList [DmgrManagedNodeName] -jobParams [ [scriptFileLocation] [profileLocation profilePath] [scriptParameters parameterName] ]]')
Submit jobs to manage applications
Use the application management jobs to distribute, install, update, remove, and control applications on the appserver. For example, we can submit the distributeFile, installApplication, and startApplication jobs to deploy applications in the environment. To remove applications from the environment, submit the stopApplication, uninstallApplication, and removeFile jobs.Use the following application management jobs to administer the application configurations:
Collect a target ZIP file and transfers it to the job manager. If the source location is a directory instead of a file, the job recursively zips the directory contents and transfers the resulting ZIP file.Job parameters
Parameter Description Type source Source location of the ZIP file or directory of interest. The system determines the file location is relative to the $WP_PROFILE directory of the target node. String destination Destination location. The value is relative to... $PROFILE_ROOT/config/temp/JobManagerName/jobToken/nodeNameString distributionProvider Optionally specifies the name of the distribution provider. String
Example usage
The following example runs the collectFile job:
AdminTask.submitJob('[-jobType collectFile -targetList [Node1] -jobParams "[[source][destination targetLocationOfFile]]"]')
Transfer a file from the job manager to the target nodes for the job. The system stores the file at the target node in preparation for subsequent jobs that will use the file.
The installApplication and updateApplication administrative jobs reference the destination that you provide to the distributeFile job as the location of the application content on the target node. Additionally, we can use this job to distribute script files and properties-based configuration files.
The file to distribute from the job manager initially must be in...
job_manager_profile/config/temp/JobManagerThen, the system moves the file into the downloadedContent directory of the administrative agent or deployment manager profile. The destination parameter is relative to the downloadedContent directory.
Job parameters
Parameter Description Type source Source location of the content to distribute. String destination Destination location on the target node where the system saves the content. String distributionProvider Optionally specifies the name of the distribution provider. String
Example usage
AdminTask.submitJob('-jobType distributeFile -targetList [Node1,Node2,Node3] -jobParams "[[source file:/MyApp.ear][destination MyApp.ear]]"')
Removes each file system artifact for the content of interest from the target node. The location parameter is relative to the downloadedContent directory.
Job parameters
Parameter Description Type location Location of the file to remove from the target node. String distributionProvider Optionally specifies the name of the distribution provider. String
Example usage
AdminTask.submitJob('-jobType removeFile -targetList [Node1,Node2,Node3] -jobParams "[location applicationsToInstall]"')
Start a previously installed application on the target node. The system changes the application status to active, loads the application in the runtime, and opens the application to receive client requests. This is the last step in the application deployment process. The startApplication administrative job logs one of the following results when it completes:
- The DISTRIBUTED value specifies that the agent for the node received the job, but the job is not complete.
- The SUCCEEDED value specifies that the job completed successfully.
- The PARTIALLY_SUCCEEDED value specifies that the job was partially completed. For example, partial success might occur when a node represents multiple servers, and only some of the servers on the node complete the job successfully.
- The FAILED value specifies that the job failed.
- The NOT_ATTEMPTED value specifies that the system did not attempt to complete the job.
Job parameters
Parameter Description Type applicationName Name of the application to start. String
Example usage
AdminTask.submitJob('-jobType startApplication -targetList [Node1,Node2,Node3] -jobParams "[applicationName myApplication]"')
Stop the application on the target node. The system changes the application status to stopped and no longer receives client requests. Use the startApplication job to restart the application. This is the first step in the application removal process. The stopApplication admin job logs one of the following results when it completes:
- The DISTRIBUTED value specifies that the agent for the node received the job, but the job is not complete.
- The SUCCEEDED value specifies that the job completed successfully.
- The PARTIALLY_SUCCEEDED value specifies that the job was partially completed. For example, partial success might occur when a node represents multiple servers, and only some of the servers on the node complete the job successfully.
- The FAILED value specifies that the job failed.
- The NOT_ATTEMPTED value specifies that the system did not attempt to complete the job.
Parameter Description Type applicationName Name of the application to stop. String
Example usage
AdminTask.submitJob('-jobType stopApplication -targetList [Node1,Node2,Node3] -jobParams "[applicationName myApplication]"')
Install and bind an application or application element into the target environment. You must distribute the deployable content to the targets before we can install the application.
Job parameters
Parameter Description Type applicationName Specifies an application name to use to identify the application to install. String appLocation Optionally specifies the location of the application file to install. By default, the submitJob command appends the .ear file format notation to the application name, and searches for the application in the default destination location. String serverName Optionally specifies the name of the server where the system installs the application. String nodeName Optionally specifies the node of interest, which identifies the server in an ND cell. String
Example usage
AdminTask.submitJob('-jobType installApplication -targetList [Node1,Node2,Node3] -jobParams "[[applicationName myApplication][appLocation applicationsToInstall]]"')
Update an application or application element in the target environment. You must distribute the deployable content to the targets before we can update the application.
Job parameters
Parameter Description Type applicationName Specifies an application name to use to identify the application to update. String appLocation Optionally specifies the location of the application file to install. By default, the submitJob command appends the .ear file format notation to the application name, and searches for the application in the default destination location. String serverName Optionally specifies the name of the server where the system updates the application. String nodeName Optionally specifies the node of interest, which identifies the server in an ND cell. String
Example usage
AdminTask.submitJob('-jobType updateApplication -targetList [Node1,Node2,Node3] -jobParams "[[applicationName myApplication][appLocation applicationsToUpdate]]"')
Remove the application from the application server after you stop the application. Use the application removeFile job to remove all file system artifacts for the application of interest from the target node.
Job parameters
Parameter Description Type applicationName Name of the application to remove. String
Example usage
AdminTask.submitJob('-jobType uninstallApplication -targetList [Node1,Node2,Node3] -jobParams "[applicationName myApplication]"')
Submit jobs to manage servers
The system administrator can use the application server configuration jobs to modify the configuration for remote and local appservers.
Create an appserver in the target environment.
Job parameters
Parameter Description Type serverName Name of the appserver to create. String nodeName Optionally specifies the node of interest, which identifies the server in an ND cell. String
Example usage
AdminTask.submitJob('-jobType createApplicationServer -targetList [Node1,Node2,Node3] -jobParams "[serverName AppServer01]"')
Remove an appserver from the target environment.
Job parameters
Parameter Description Type serverName Name of the appserver to delete. String nodeName Optionally specifies the node of interest, which identifies the server in an ND cell. String
Example usage
AdminTask.submitJob('-jobType deleteApplicationServer -targetList [Node1,Node2,Node3] -jobParams "[serverName AppServer01]"')
Create a proxy server in a cell of a dmgr that is a managed node of a job manager.
Job parameters
Parameter Description Type serverName Name of the proxy server to create. String nodeName Optionally specifies the node in which the proxy server will reside. String
Example usage
AdminTask.submitJob('[-jobType createProxyServer -jobParams "[[serverName testServer1][nodeName testNode1]]" ]')
Delete a proxy server from a cell of a deployment manager that is a managed node of a job manager.
Job parameters
Parameter Description Type serverName Name of the proxy server to delete. String nodeName Optionally specifies the node in which the proxy server resides. String
Example usage
AdminTask.submitJob('[-jobType deleteProxyServer -jobParams "[[serverName testServer1][nodeName testNode1]]" ]')
Create a cluster. To create the cluster in a cell, register the dmgr of the cell with a job manager.
Job parameters
Parameter Description Type clusterConfig.clusterName Name of the server cluster. String clusterConfig.preferLocal Optionally enables node-scoped routing optimization for the cluster. String clusterConfig.clusterType Optionally specifies the type of server cluster. String replicationDomain.createDomain Optionally creates a replication domain with a name set to the name of the new cluster. String convertServer.serverNode Optionally specifies the name of the node of the existing server to convert to the first member of the cluster. String convertServer.serverName Optionally specifies the name of the existing server to convert to the first member of the cluster. String convertServer.memberWeight Optionally specifies the weight value of the new cluster member. String convertServer.nodeGroup Optionally specifies the name of the node group to which all cluster member nodes must belong. String convertServer.replicatorEntry Optionally specifies that a replicator entry for this member is created in the cluster replication domain. The replicator entry is used for HTTP session data replication. String
Example usage
AdminTask.submitJob('[-jobType createCluster -targetList [DmgrManagedNodeName] -jobParams "[clusterConfig.clusterName newCluster1]"]')If we specify additional parameters on the createCluster command, use the format of [stepName.parameterName parameterValue] in the -jobParams list of parameters.
AdminTask.submitJob('[-jobType createCluster -targetList [DmgrManagedNodeName] -jobParams "[ [clusterConfig.clusterName newCluster1] [clusterConfig.clusterType PROXY_SERVER] ]"]')
Delete a cluster. To delete the cluster in a cell, register the dmgr of the cell with a job manager.
Job parameters
Parameter Description Type clusterName if we specify a single job parameter, and clusterConfig.clusterName if we specify multiple job parameters. Name of the server cluster to delete. String replicationDomain.deleteRepDomain Optionally specifies to delete the cluster replication domain when the cluster is deleted. String
Example usage
AdminTask.submitJob('[-jobType deleteCluster -targetList [DmgrManagedNodeName] -jobParams "[clusterName newCluster1]"]')If we specify additional parameters in the deleteCluster command, use the format of [stepName.parameterName parameterValue] in the -jobParams list of parameters.
AdminTask.submitJob('[-jobType createCluster -targetList [DmgrManagedNodeName] -jobParams "[ [clusterConfig.clusterName newCluster1] [replicationDomain.deleteRepDomain true] ]"]')
Create a cluster member on a cluster, which is in a cell. Register the dmgr of the cell with a job manager.
Job parameters
parameter descriptions
Parameter Description Type clusterName Name of the server cluster to which the new cluster member belongs. String memberConfig.memberNode Name of node where the new cluster member is to reside. String memberConfig.memberName Name of the new cluster member. String memberConfig.memberWeight Optionally specifies the weight of the new cluster member. String memberConfig.memberUUID Optionally specifies the universal unique identifier (UUID) of the new cluster member. String memberConfig.genUniquePorts Optionally specifies to generate unique port numbers for HTTP transports defined in the server. String memberConfig.replicatorEntry Optionally specifies that a replicator entry for this member is created in the cluster replication domain. The replicator entry is used for HTTP session data replication. String firstMember.templateName Optionally specifies the name of the application server template to use as the model for new cluster members. String firstMember.templateServerNode Optionally specifies the name of the node of an existing server to use as a template for new cluster members. String firstMember.templateServerName Optionally specifies the name of the server to use as model for new cluster members. String firstMember.nodeGroup Optionally specifies the name of the node group to which all cluster member nodes must belong. String firstMember.coreGroup Optionally specifies the name of the core group to which all cluster members must belong. String
Example usage
AdminTask.submitJob('[-jobType createClusterMember -targetList [DmgrManagedNodeName] -jobParams "[ [memberConfig.memberName newCluster1mem1] [memberConfig.memberNode FederatedNode] [clusterName newCluster1] ]"]')
Delete a cluster member from a cluster, which is in a cell. Register the dmgr of the cell with a job manager. The cluster must have at least one cluster member on a federated node.
Job parameters
parameter descriptions
Parameter Description Type clusterName Name of a server cluster to which the cluster member to be deleted belongs. String memberNode Name of the node where the cluster member resides. String memberName Server name of the cluster member to be deleted. String replicatorEntry.deleteEntry Optionally specifies to delete the replicator entry having the server name of this cluster member from the replication domain of the cluster. String
Example usage
AdminTask.submitJob('[-jobType deleteClusterMember -targetList [DmgrManagedNodeName] -jobParams "[ [memberName newCluster1mem1] [memberNode FederatedNode] [clusterName newCluster1] ]"]')
Apply a properties file to the application server configuration. This job uses the commands in the PropertiesBasedConfiguration command group for AdminTask to configure the properties for the target node.
Job parameters
Parameter Description Type propertiesFileLocation Location of the properties file to apply to the targeted appserver. String variableMapLocation Optionally specifies the location of a variable map to include with the properties file. String
Example usage
AdminTask.submitJob('-jobType configureProperties -targetList [Node1,Node2,Node3] -jobParams "[propertiesFileLocation properties\myProperties.props]"')
Submit jobs to manage the server runtime
The system administrator can use the application server runtime control jobs to remotely and locally start and stop appservers.
Launche and initialize the appserver of interest. If a second identical job begins for the same runtime environment and target before the first job finishes, the system merges the subsequent job with the first. The status of the second job reflects the status of the first job that is in progress.
Job parameters
Parameter Description Type serverName Application Server to start. String nodeName If the target of the job is a dmgr node, specify the name of the node of interest. String
Example usage
AdminTask.submitJob('-jobType startServer -targetList [Node1,Node2,Node3] -jobParams "[serverName AppServer01]"')
Stop the appserver of interest.
Use the startServer job to restart the appserver.
Job parameters
Parameter Description Type serverName Application Server to stop. String nodeName If the target of the job is a dmgr node, specify the name of the node of interest. String
Example usage
AdminTask.submitJob('-jobType stopServer -targetList [Node1,Node2,Node3] -jobParams "[serverName AppServer01]"')
Start a cluster. To start a cluster in a cell, register the dmgr of the cell with a job manager. The startCluster admin job logs one of the following results when it completes:
- The DISTRIBUTED value specifies that the agent for the node received the job, but the job is not complete.
- The SUCCEEDED value specifies that the job completed successfully.
- The PARTIALLY_SUCCEEDED value specifies that the job was partially completed. For example, partial success might occur when a node represents multiple servers, and only some of the servers on the node complete the job successfully.
- The FAILED value specifies that the job failed.
- The NOT_ATTEMPTED value specifies that the system did not attempt to complete the job.
Job parameters
Parameter Description Type clusterName Name of the cluster to start. String rippleStart Optionally specifies whether the cluster is started in a ripple start. The default value is false. String
Example usage
The following example starts a cluster:
AdminTask.submitJob('[-jobType startCluster -targetList [DmgrManagedNodeName] -jobParams "[clusterName newCluster1]"]')The following example ripple starts a cluster.
AdminTask.submitJob('[-jobType createCluster -targetList [DmgrManagedNodeName] -jobParams "[ [clusterName newCluster1] [rippleStart true] ]"]')
Stop a cluster. To stop a cluster in a cell, register the dmgr of the cell with a job manager.
The stopCluster admin job logs one of the following results when it completes:
- The DISTRIBUTED value specifies that the agent for the node received the job, but the job is not complete.
- The SUCCEEDED value specifies that the job completed successfully.
- The PARTIALLY_SUCCEEDED value specifies that the job was partially completed. For example, partial success might occur when a node represents multiple servers, and only some of the servers on the node complete the job successfully.
- The FAILED value specifies that the job failed.
- The NOT_ATTEMPTED value specifies that the system did not attempt to complete the job.
Job parameters
Parameter Description Type clusterName Name of the cluster to stop. String
Example usage
AdminTask.submitJob('[-jobType stopCluster -targetList [DmgrManagedNodeName] -jobParams "[clusterName newCluster1]"]')
Related tasks
Administer jobs in a flexible management environment using scripting
Registering nodes with the job manager using scripting
Grouping nodes in a flexible management environment using scripting
Running admin jobs using scripting
Running admin jobs across multiple nodes using scripting
Scheduling future admin jobs using scripting
Manage admin jobs using scripting