Install WebSphere Portal on an unmanaged node


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In this scenario, you...

  1. Install WebSphere Portal to an unmanaged node
  2. federate the node to bring it under dmgr control.

Note that WebSphere Process Server can only be installed to a managed node.

  1. Install WebSphere Portal. (i5/OS)

  2. Ensure that the remote database server is installed and operational.

  3. Transfer the database from Cloudscape to another database.

    Note that for an i5/OS database transfer there are two possible JDBC drivers.

  4. Increase the value of ConnectionIOTimeOut for all servers...

    Servers | Application Servers | WebSphere_Portal | Web container settings | Web container transport chains

    ...and for each entry listed in the Web container transport chains section, click HTTP Inbound Channel, and set...

    Read timeout 180
    Write timeout 180

    For the ND timeout, log onto the administrative console for the network deployment dmgr, and go to...

    System Administration | Deployment Manager | Web container transport chains

    ...and increase the timeout values as you did above for the WebSphere Portal node.

    You might find that there are fewer entries listed on the ND dmgr than on the application server node. It is not necessary to add additional entries to the ND dmgr configuration; simply update those timeout values that are already listed.

  5. Change the timeout request period for the JMX connector.

    1. Log in to the administrative console for the ND dmgr.

    2. Click...

      System administration | Deployment Manager | Administration Services | JMX connectors | SOAPConnector | Custom Properties

    3. Select the requestTimeout property, and increase the value from 600 to 6000.

    4. Save the configuration changes.

  6. Restart the WebSphere_Portal application server and the ND dmgr.

  7. Change the timeout request period for the SOAP client. The default, in seconds, is 180. Edit... was_profile_root/properties/soap.client.props

    ...and change the line to...

  8. Update the security configuration on the ND dmgr machine before adding the WebSphere Portal node to the cell.

    If current security setup is an LDAP user registry without realm support, manually configure the ND dmgr machine with the same security settings as the WebSphere Portal node before adding the node to the cell.

    If current security setup is a database user registry with realm support (default security with installation) or an LDAP user registry with realm support...

    1. Copy required Member Manager files to the ND dmgr machine:

      1. Create the wasextarchive.jar file, which contains the Member Manager binaries.

        cd portal_server_root/config
        ./ archive-was-ext


        cd portal_server_root/config directory -profileName profile_root archive-was-ext

      2. Copy...



        ...on the deployment manager machine.

        On i5/OS, copy to...


      3. Stop the ND dmgr. Log on to the ND dmgr machine and run...

        cd app_server_root/bin


        cd app_server_root/bin
        stopManager -profileName dmgr_profile

      4. Extract the contents of the wasextarchive.jar file to the app_server_root directory on the ND dmgr machine.

        cd app_server_root
        ./java/bin/jar -xvf wasextarchive.jar


        cd app_server_root /QIBM/ProdData/Java400/jdk14/bin/jar -xvf wasextarchive.jar

      5. Verify that the directory...


        ...contains files that start with wmm.

      6. Restart the ND dmgr

        cd app_server_root/bin


        cd app_server_root/bin
        startManager -profileName dmgr_profile

    2. Configure the ND dmgr machine with the same security settings for the node...

      1. Edit the file.


      2. i5/OS:


      3. Ensure that the following properties are uncommented and specify appropriate values:

        DMgrHostName host name of the machine where the ND dmgr is running.
        DMgrSoapPort port number where the ND dmgr machine receives SOAP requests. The default port number is 8879.

      4. Enable security on the ND dmgr machine:

            cd portal_server_root/config 
            ./ enable-security-wmmur-dmgr \  
            -DPortalAdminPwd=password \  
            -DWasPassword=password \  

        On i5/OS:

            -profileName profile_root enable-security-wmmur-dmgr \  
            -DPortalAdminPwd=password \  
            -DWasPassword=password \  

      5. Restart the ND dmgr and WebSphere Portal.

      To log in to the ND dmgr administrative console using the WAS short ID, complete the following steps on the ND dmgr machine. These steps are only required if you have enabled database security that uses the user registry provided by Member Manager (WMMUR) as the authentication mechanism.

      1. Ensure that the database software required for the Member Manager domain is installed.

      2. Log in to the ND dmgr administrative console, and click...

        Resources | JDBC Providers

      3. Click on the JDBC provider that contains the Member Manager data source.

      4. In the Classpath field, note the name of the environment variable specified. For example,...


      5. Select...

        Environment | WebSphere Variables | ND dmgr node | New

      6. Enter the name of the variable previously specified by the JDBC provider...


      7. In the Value field, enter the directory and name of the ZIP or JAR file that contains the JDBC driver class. For example:


      8. Save the changes to the ND dmgr configuration.

    3. Linux only: If you have not done so already, use the ulimit command to increase the number of files that can be open concurrently. Enter the following command:

          ulimit -n 10240

    4. Validate whether this installation of WebSphere Portal supports federation into a managed cell. Run the pre-node-federation task.

      If the task succeeds, continue to the next step. However, if the task fails, this indicates that the portal was installed with the business process integration feature provided by WebSphere Process Server. This installed configuration does not support federation into a managed cell.

      • If you require business process support and need to federate the portal server, reinstall WebSphere Portal according to the instructions for installing into a managed node.

      • If we need to federate the portal server but do not require business process support, we can install WebSphere Portal on an unmanaged node and choose not to install business process support during installation. This installed configuration allows for subsequent federation into a managed cell.

    5. Add the node to the ND dmgr cell by entering the addNode command. Ensure that you include the -includeapps parameter. Refer to addNode command for command syntax and other information.

    6. Update the ND dmgr configuration for the new WebSphere Portal.

      The post-portal-node-federation-configuration task requires complete and accurate database information in the file. Before running the task, ensure that the database properties are correct and that password values are specified.

      1. Run the post-portal-node-federation-configuration task.

      2. Restart the node agent on the WebSphere Portal node.

        1. Open the administrative console, and click System Administration > Node Agents.

        2. Select the check box beside the node agent that you want to restart, and click Restart.

      3. Restart the ND dmgr.

        1. Stop the ND dmgr.

        2. Start the ND dmgr.

          • Windows and UNIX:

            startManager command

          • i5/OS:

            startManager -profileName dmgr_profile 
            where -profileName is the profile of the application server process in a multi-profile installation. The -profileName option is not required when running in a single profile environment. The default for this option is the default profile.

    7. Update the scheduler.ejb.reschedule property used by IWWCM ™.

      1. Stop the portal application server.

      2. Edit the file, according to the operating system.

      3. Set the value for the scheduler.ejb.reschedule property to true.

        If the scheduler.ejb.reschedule property is not present in the file, add the property:


      4. Save the changes.

      5. Restart the portal application server.

    8. Once complete, the federated servers are visible in the ND dmgr administrative console in the Servers > Application Servers view. Verify the operability of the WebSphere Portal instance.

    9. Disable the scheduler.ejb.reschedule property.

      1. Edit the file, according to the operating system.

      2. Set the value for the scheduler.ejb.reschedule property to false.

      3. Save the changes.

      4. Restart the portal application server.

    10. Ensure that we can use the Portal Scripting Interface with the cluster.

      1. Verify whether the wp.wire.jar file is present in the app_server_root/lib directory on the ND dmgr machine.

      2. If the file is not present, copy the file from the app_server_root/lib directory on any WebSphere Portal node to the app_server_root/lib directory on the ND dmgr machine.

      3. Restart the ND dmgr.


    Parent Topic

    Installing and federating the primary node