Member Manager
Portal provides a UserRegistry implementation that can be installed in WAS to use WMM as the user registry for WAS. This is the WMMUR that is used for virtual portal realm support.
Member Manager is the Common User Repository Management instance for IBM WebSphere Portal.
WebSphere Portal uses J2EE authorization roles enforce the restriction that only one dedicated system user is granted access to the Member Manager EJB. The user name and password for this user is stored within the portal credential vault in the segment named...
DefaultAdminSegment...and a slot named... can specify the initial user name and password during installation. When security is disabled and enabled again, the user name and password will be re-extracted from the file.
Prior to calling Member Manager functionality, WebSphere Portal programmatically logs in as this system user and uses the corresponding IBM WAS Security context during all EJB method calls.
WebSphere Portal will use the WSSubject.doAs() functionality provided by WebSphere Application Server.
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